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Do You Mountain Bike?

Try looking on http://www.mtbr.com/ for reviews. A lot of the time the frame is the same over a few different models but the components are different. In other words, on the more expensive bike your paying for better components but the frame is the same. It sounds like your buddy is selling it to you for the shop cost not retail. Also, ride it. Make sure it feels comfortable and you like the way it feels and handles. For me it is very difficult to like a bike that doesn't feel right or handle the way I like. Just like motorcycles, get the suspension set up for you. Same with the seating position and handlebars.
Downieville/or DH Shuttles

Hey all,
Next round of surgeries starts this Friday. Going to be off bikes for quite a long time.

Figured I'd see if anyone wants to do a day trip to D-ville or, ...
find out if anyone has any DH shuttle runs planned that I can get in on sometime before Friday mourning.

sounds like good advice. What kind of bike do you have? and where do you ride at?

I haven't ridden in a few years. I have an older Cannondale Freeride with full suspension. I used to ride up around Lexington reservoir, Saratoga gap trail, out at the end of Stevens Creek canyon and Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz. Also, a few trips to Northstar and Bear Valley.
Ironhorse is bankrupt, so your friend should be able to get you a great deal on a bike that has no aftermarket support whatsoever.

IH also had another major problem, a huge drop-off in quality and performance between their top end DW-Link bikes, and the basic crappy single pivot machines.

Ultimately, it comes back to how much you plan on riding and how much maintenance you plan on doing.

For example, I knew a teenager who rebuilt his Trek Session every month. That is what I consider great maintenance.

I ride my FS bike, a Specialized Enduro about 5 times a month, but because I usually go out 15-25 miles per ride with a lot of water crossings, it requires semi-yearly rebuilds.

Actually, I don't have to do a thing if I don't mind creaking.

For you, the question comes back to how much are you going to ride it. If it is once-a-month, then an IH should be fine. If you think you are going to wear it down, then you should consider something else.
ONE of the things you're not going to know is HOW MUCH you will actually ride - you don't want to spend a lot at first IMHO until you can answer that question -

It's like buying one of those workout gizmos on TV that turn you into He-Man "in only two weeks!!!" and then after blowing a bunch of $ on it you put it in a closet somewhere...
ok i got you. thanks for all the help. i will think about it and see what i can come up with. i think i will ride it a lot but nothing to hard on it for a while.
Do you know some good trails up there?

here's a map:

but srsly....upper UC trails are technically a no-no....sick..sick trails...but illegal...tix are around $350+.

you'll need a guide for the first few times out ;)
here's a map:

but srsly....upper UC trails are technically a no-no....sick..sick trails...but illegal...tix are around $350+.

you'll need a guide for the first few times out ;)

It's is always the way with the best trails that they are illegal, I would love to check that place out let me know if you are heading there again
why a full suspension?

you can get a pretty decent hardtail for $1000....it'll make you a better rider....won't require as much maintenance....and pretty much every trail in the Bay Area is hardtail 'friendly'....

my .02 ;)
but srsly....upper UC trails are technically a no-no....sick..sick trails...but illegal...tix are around $350+.

you'll need a guide for the first few times out ;)


I've ridden there quite a few times and never seen any issues, or postings.
Top ten riding area...
Guys I am starting to get better after shoulder surgery, when are you guys heading out there again?

I am a little out of shape but I decent very well, by nature I work better flowing with gravity than against it

I've ridden there quite a few times and never seen any issues, or postings.
Top ten riding area...

yup....just pop out onto 9 on a weekend enough and WHAMMO....the khaki fuzz might get ya....

there was notice a crackdown a few months back...it was posted in the Rincon lot.

and yes...i agree..it is PRIMO riding.
Haven't been to UC in a while - last few times we went, we did a nice loop and the other times we shuttled the fun stuff:thumbup
i hit you seeeeeeee every weekend

start coming out nick

what bike did you build up after selling the racer x?
i hit you seeeeeeee every weekend

start coming out nick

what bike did you build up after selling the racer x?

i roll santa cruz about once a month...lil' kid eats a lot of time ;)

rebuilt my '04 s-works enduro...got her down to a svelte 26.5 lbs :teeth

proceeds from my RX are going towards a custom build...yay...