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Do You Mountain Bike?

SquidHunter - what's up with UCSC?

Still avail to show people around the trails there?
Yeah, if I can find some time:(
Maybe next weekend.
I haven't ridden for a VERY long time. Actually, I think the last time was @China with you. My fat ass desperatly needs to get back on the bike.:laughing
squidhunter said:
Yeah, if I can find some time:(
Maybe next weekend.
I haven't ridden for a VERY long time. Actually, I think the last time was @China with you. My fat ass desperatly needs to get back on the bike.:laughing

Same here...

Post if you're up to lead around UCSC.
ECDM has lifted their seasonal closures. Upside: more downhill singletrack to ride. Downside: loooooonger climb out. Sunday ride anyone?
I am going to try and read up on this thread, get some background, but...

How hard are these rides normally? I just got back home from a 6 month patrol (you may have seen me on the news :D), and looking into trying to ride a little, see if I like it. Right now I just have an old beat up GT (no suspension) that I need to piece back together. If I like it enough, I will buy a better bike.
Sidewalk said:
I am going to try and read up on this thread, get some background, but...

How hard are these rides normally? I just got back home from a 6 month patrol (you may have seen me on the news :D), and looking into trying to ride a little, see if I like it. Right now I just have an old beat up GT (no suspension) that I need to piece back together. If I like it enough, I will buy a better bike.

These rides mainly consist of people that haven't been riding in months and use the BARF rides as motivation to get back on the bike again. You should fit in just fine :)

That being said, the riding can get technical but I haven't encountered anyone that has a problem with actually enjoying the ride and maintaining a pace that everyone can manage. My rule of thumb is 'no one left behind' and it appears that everyone else follows that, whether they realize it or not.

Hope to see you out on the trails sometime :burnout
Rider1Deep said:
It it true you need disc brakes on your bicycle to moutain ride?

You don't NEED disk brakes at all. They are nice though. I found they help when the going gets steep, technical and fast. It really depends on the trails you ride. If it's mainly cross country stuff, disks really dont have much of an advantage.
Just remember, guys were bombing black-diamond runs well before disks and suspension came around, the new tech stuff just makes it easier/more controlable.
If I were to pick between two otherwise identical bikes, one with disks, the other without, I'd go for the disks.
I tried to ride a bike with discs once...

...I landed on my ass in 2 seconds :D That was fucking cool!

Anyway, I will try to get to a trail. I need to fix my truck so I can get it there.
Okay so please don't flame, I'm in the process of reading through the 81 preceeding pages, but is there a scheduled day when everyone rides each week or month? Or do people post whenver they want to set up a group ride? I, like most others, haven't ridden in a while and would love to get back into it.


haha, I wouldn't read through all 80 pages just to find something out.

You can usually work out a ride on the weekends but there is nothing regularly scheduled. I'm hoping to make it out quite a bit but for the moment it looks like I have to finally become a morning person in order to get any time in on the trails. The whole summer is starting to get booked :(
Okay so I lied, I didn't actually read all 80 pages, more like the most recent 5-6 :teeth Anyway, sounds good, this weekend is booked but if anyone's riding next weekend, I'll make sure I have my bike in the Bay Area. Thanks for the info

squidhunter said:
You don't NEED disk brakes at all. They are nice though. I found they help when the going gets steep, technical and fast. It really depends on the trails you ride. If it's mainly cross country stuff, disks really dont have much of an advantage.
Just remember, guys were bombing black-diamond runs well before disks and suspension came around, the new tech stuff just makes it easier/more controlable.
If I were to pick between two otherwise identical bikes, one with disks, the other without, I'd go for the disks.

SquidHunter-- still waiting on the tour through UCSC.
Yeah....me too.
All that weight I lost last year caught up to me again:cry
Gotta get back on the bike. Shoulda never got off in the first place, CA is year-round riding right?
I have finals to deal with now, I haven't forgotten, just crazy busy right now...:rolleyes
Northstar opens on June 25th. Let's do this!
squidhunter said:
Yeah....me too.
All that weight I lost last year caught up to me again:cry
Gotta get back on the bike. Shoulda never got off in the first place, CA is year-round riding right?
I have finals to deal with now, I haven't forgotten, just crazy busy right now...:rolleyes

coolio - just post it up when you're ready to roll again.

MrCrash907 said:
Northstar opens on June 25th. Let's do this!

I'm in for NS or Downy....

*Tical's got a pad up there :X