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Do You Road Bike?

Just to give you an idea of what my riding ability is.

In my previous posts I was talking average spped. I can do a 40 - 50 mile ride of mostly flats and when I'm done my computer usually tells me that I have averaged about 17 mph. (give or take) When I do my 49 mile loop with a decent amount of climbing (Happy Valley Rd., 2 out of 3 Bears, San Pablo Dam Road from El Cerito to Moraga, Pine Hurst to Skyline, then Skyline to Redwood and then back to Lafayette) my computer usually tells me that I went just over 15 mph.
I did my fastest ride ever last week. I did the metric century, (67 miles with 3000 ft vertical) in an organized ride, "Tour of Napa Valley" and had an average speed at the end of 17.2 mph. I had to push VERY hard to make that speed. All this is riding alone with no pace-line. I don't do enough riding in a pace-line to have any idea what that average would be.
cheezy said:
You my friend, are officially a badass.
Guess that's better than a Stupid Ass, .... which is usually the word that proceeds "Ass" (if any) when used to reference me. :laughing :laughing :laughing
Harpo said:
Just to give you an idea of what my riding ability is.

In my previous posts I was talking average spped. I can do a 40 - 50 mile ride of mostly flats and when I'm done my computer usually tells me that I have averaged about 17 mph. (give or take) When I do my 49 mile loop with a decent amount of climbing (Happy Valley Rd., 2 out of 3 Bears, San Pablo Dam Road from El Cerito to Moraga, Pine Hurst to Skyline, then Skyline to Redwood and then back to Lafayette) my computer usually tells me that I went just over 15 mph.
I did my fastest ride ever last week. I did the metric century, (67 miles with 3000 ft vertical) in an organized ride, "Tour of Napa Valley" and had an average speed at the end of 17.2 mph. I had to push VERY hard to make that speed. All this is riding alone with no pace-line. I don't do enough riding in a pace-line to have any idea what that average would be.

WHOA!!!! :shocked You are out of my or our league.
If I can ride like that, then I'll be competing with Floyd Landis. :) of course he have to be clean though. No funny staff like too much TESTASTORONE(sp).:teeth

BTW, you are right.
Probably wouldn't be fun for either of us.
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Hey Joe,

Where's the mention of you hammering it out with "The Peloton" at 30 mph on the flats before you crushed them on the climb?


For shits and giggles, we should do Time Trials like they do on roadbikereview.com. Diablo from the gate to the summit. Or Tunnel Road in Berkeley, from the memorial guardrail to the near side of where it intersects with Grizzly!
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MrCrash907 said:
Hey Joe,

Where's the mention of you hammering it out with "The Peloton" at 30 mph on the flats before you crushed them on the climb?


For shits and giggles, we should do Time Trials like they do on roadbikereview.com. Diablo from the gate to the summit. Or Tunnel Road in Berkeley, from the memorial guardrail to the near side of where it intersects with Grizzly!
Only to the ranger station. Northgate all the way to summit just represents too much pain at this point.
Northgat to Junction times

45min= Decent for an average athlete.
40min= respectable for a experienced cyclist.
35min+/- 1 or 2min= Very fast.
Re: Northgat to Junction times

bicyclemech1 said:
45min= Decent for an average athlete.
40min= respectable for a experienced cyclist.
35min+/- 1 or 2min= Very fast.

Where is Junction times?
Re: Re: Northgat to Junction times

Frodog said:
Where is Junction times?

Which junction?

I've done one timed run on Tunnel Road - 17:04. Supposedly a CAT-3 racer should be able to do it in 14:00. If I paced it out a little better (I bonked after going flat out for the first 12 minutes), I'm confident I could do it in under 16 minutes.

Here are some other roadbikereview.com hillclimbs:

Like to give that Mt Hamilton a try. Looks like an all day ride for me though. :)
Dude your motorcycle is slooooooow. Harpo's goes at least 17 on the hills.:teeth
Anyone in for a one-lap "Tour de Infineon" fundraiser for the airfence fund? I'd like to get a list of names to submit a proposal.
So, this thread was started by bicyclemech1, anyone know if he/she is still around. I need some help w/ my bike. It keeps jumping out of gear under hard acceleration or steep uphills.
giusepi said:
So, this thread was started by bicyclemech1, anyone know if he/she is still around. I need some help w/ my bike. It keeps jumping out of gear under hard acceleration or steep uphills.
He lives!! And if you have yourself and a mt. bike at the trailhead of Tamorancho (Boy Scout Camp) tomorrow morning at approx 8:30 you can not only talk to him, ... but ride with him as well. :teeth
Good news that he lives. However I don't have a mountain bike yet, im not conditioned enough yet to try mountain biking. Can you ask him if he still uses BARF? And if so, may I PM him. I would appreciate it Harpo. Thanks
giusepi said:
Good news that he lives. However I don't have a mountain bike yet, im not conditioned enough yet to try mountain biking. Can you ask him if he still uses BARF? And if so, may I PM him. I would appreciate it Harpo. Thanks
Still uses barf. Check the Mountain Bike Thread