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Do You Road Bike?

my ass is getting fat and heavy, i need to do some peddaling,
when is your next ride guys?
Dante said:
my ass is getting fat and heavy, i need to do some peddaling.


CityBikeMike invited me on this ride. Would have love to go but unfortunately I have not log a single mile on my bike. I need to get back on the pedals. Especially we're going on a trip to Downieville in less than a month.
CityBikeMike is in training mode and is planning another ride for this upcoming weekend. I split my time between motos and bicycles, so I won't be joining him this time--got a trackday on Sunday. I'd say in the next couple of weeks I'll be out there again and can probably talk Mike into making an appearance. Not sure if he'll be on a taper down or what. I'm sure some of these other nuts are out there all the time.

What kind of ride are you looking for? I just starting riding several months ago. Most of my saddle time is in a dark room with a sadistic ex Navy Seal on a stationary cycle. I like to do climbs though--cuz then you get to go downhill. :teeth This weekend's ride with Harpo, the Columbian, and CityBikeMike was my first time on a mostly flat ride. I need to do more of those. I have one speed going uphill or on a flat, apparently. :|
DH was bringin' the pain last weekend. I don't know if I've ever heard Harpo say "That chick's an ANIMAL" before :)
CityBikeMike said:
DH was bringin' the pain last weekend. I don't know if I've ever heard Harpo say "That chick's an ANIMAL" before :)

I get that a lot...and not just on a bicycle. :devil

...but back onto cycling, let's get another ride going. Soon. :)
DucatiHoney said:
CityBikeMike is in training mode and is planning another ride for this upcoming weekend. I split my time between motos and bicycles, so I won't be joining him this time--got a trackday on Sunday. I'd say in the next couple of weeks I'll be out there again and can probably talk Mike into making an appearance. Not sure if he'll be on a taper down or what. I'm sure some of these other nuts are out there all the time.

What kind of ride are you looking for? I just starting riding several months ago. Most of my saddle time is in a dark room with a sadistic ex Navy Seal on a stationary cycle. I like to do climbs though--cuz then you get to go downhill. :teeth This weekend's ride with Harpo, the Columbian, and CityBikeMike was my first time on a mostly flat ride. I need to do more of those. I have one speed going uphill or on a flat, apparently. :|

Mostly do 30 to 35 miles flat ride. I am going to start riding today and hopefully will continue riding. I'll let you guys know when I am ready a half century ride:teeth
Frodog said:
Mostly do 30 to 35 miles flat ride. I am going to start riding today and hopefully will continue riding. I'll let you guys know when I am ready a half century ride:teeth

I'd never ridden beyond 25 miles until Sunday...and then I did three times that much. I think you can do it, but I'm no fitness expert. :dunno
DucatiHoney said:
I'd never ridden beyond 25 miles until Sunday...and then I did three times that much. I think you can do it, but I'm no fitness expert. :dunno

I do need to grow first, because I think I am too short for my weight:teeth
Anyone here looking for a nice Roadbike?
It is a 2005 Colnago C50
(57cm with traditional 55.6 top tube)
2006 Campy Carbon Record
Reynolds Composite Wheelsets.
Less than 500 miles

A little too big for me. You need to be 5"11 or taller to fit on this bike.
Are you racing that day? I want to do that one since it's one of the last few races before the season ends but I really don't want to deal with the Labor Day traffic. Bummer, we could of raced together in the 4/5's.

Best of luck Pelikan!

I've made quite a few upgrades since last year. Most recently, ceramic bearing bb and ceramic pulleys. Oh so smooth.:cool

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