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Do You Road Bike?

Motion Based stuff is next, once I get the hang of the basic functions! All the crap after 1:20 corrupts my data, and I don't know a way I can edit it out yet.

I think I got a great deal on it through eBay, at $250 + $15 shipping
Killroy1999 said:
When is the next ride?

Yep, summer is just about over and dammit, no barf ride. C'mon Harpo, let's get something together!

Hey, the other day I did Mt. Hammy from my house in Union City, 93 miles! Not too shabby for an ex-smoker if I do say so myself. :teeth

For the love of god, someone put together a barf ride!
Still got plenty of time for a planned ride.
Too into the mt. bike at this point.
Pretty soon.
Lemme see when Crash is free, however we are in the midst of some absolutely epic mt. bike rides with several more in the very near future.

Congrats on the 93. I did 68 last Sunday and that's the longest I've gone in years.
Cool, looking forward to it. Congrats on your 68 as well. Feels good doesn't it?

I looked through some of the pics from your last mountain biking ride, noice. Except for the crashing part that is.
I just got into roadbiking. Im a fat dude, and can only do about 20miles :)
So if anyone wants to do a newb paced ride, let me know.
cheezy said:
Yep, summer is just about over and dammit, no barf ride. C'mon Harpo, let's get something together!

Hey, the other day I did Mt. Hammy from my house in Union City, 93 miles! Not too shabby for an ex-smoker if I do say so myself. :teeth

For the love of god, someone put together a barf ride!

Thinking of putting a ride together. A loop ride from Fairfield to Vacaville to Solano Lake to corner of 128 and 121 and back to Fairfield. It's about 57 miles with some climbing. Prefer about 4 hours of riding with a couple of stop. Are you up for it? Anyone? Let me know. We can do it this Saturday morning.
cheezy said:
Yep, summer is just about over and dammit, no barf ride. C'mon Harpo, let's get something together!

Hey, the other day I did Mt. Hammy from my house in Union City, 93 miles! Not too shabby for an ex-smoker if I do say so myself. :teeth

For the love of god, someone put together a barf ride!

Thinking of putting a ride together. A loop ride from Fairfield to Vacaville to Solano Lake to corner of 128 and 121 and back to Fairfield. It's about 57 miles with some climbing. Prefer about 4 hours of riding with a couple of stop. Are you up for it? Anyone? Let me know. We can do it this Saturday morning.
Frodog said:
Thinking of putting a ride together. A loop ride from Fairfield to Vacaville to Solano Lake to corner of 128 and 121 and back to Fairfield. It's about 57 miles with some climbing. Prefer about 4 hours of riding with a couple of stop. Are you up for it? Anyone? Let me know. We can do it this Saturday morning.
Approx. what is your pace. (mph??)
Frodog does 20's all day long.

I'm supposed to take a couple of my friends (chicks :teeth ) bike shopping on Saturday but well, i'm tempted, but Fairfield?!

So, in other words my only excuse for not being able to make it would be the chicks. Well that and you being in the sticks. :p
Harpo said:
Approx. what is your pace. (mph??)

On a flat road we do about 22-25 mph as long as we work together. On climbing, well it depends on how steep.:teeth
Frodog said:
On a flat road we do about 22-25 mph as long as we work together. On climbing, well it depends on how steep.:teeth
Outta my league. I can run about 17 with not much climbing. Add some solid climbs and descents and I'm under 16. Probably wouldn't be fun for either of us. Think I'll just stick with the mt. bike at Tamorancho and a road bike ride with the gf this weekend.

Maybe if you get the flu or break a leg :wow sometime I'll be able to stay with you. Until then, have fun! :teeth :thumbup
Harpo said:
Outta my league. I can run about 17 with not much climbing. Add some solid climbs and descents and I'm under 16. Probably wouldn't be fun for either of us. Think I'll just stick with the mt. bike at Tamorancho and a road bike ride with the gf this weekend.

Maybe if you get the flu or break a leg :wow sometime I'll be able to stay with you. Until then, have fun! :teeth :thumbup

I'm 47 years old and I am in no shape whatsoever. You'll be suprise how long you can keep a nice pace when you work together with another riders. We take turns to break the wind. The more riders you get the longer you rest behind someone. I go about the same 15-20mph when I am by myself.
I know it's a bit early but I just ran across this information in this week's SF Weekly:

Big Swingin' Cycles is having a grand opening party for their new, larger, location. Here are the details:

Location: 2260 Van Ness Ave @ Vallejo (1 block North of Broadway)
When: Friday September 8th starting at 4:30pm
What: Free Women's bicycle maintenance instruction & demo rides. Learn to change flats & fix broken chains. Guest pro cyclist Tonya Bray. Free hors d'oeuvres.
This is part of Cannondale's Just for Women summer promotion

If you know any girls who might be interested, or if you want to hang out in a bicycle shop among a bunch of :boobies and :tails, please forward the info on! :thumbup
Frodog said:
On a flat road we do about 22-25 mph as long as we work together. On climbing, well it depends on how steep.:teeth

I think Harpo is asking more of your overall average for the whole ride. Over 15 or under 15?

Harpo, based on the amount of riding you do and the distances, you should be able to hold your own no problem. I'm guessing. 22-25 as an OVERALL average is pretty damn fast.
Heres a link to the route i took yesterday morning. Did it in 1.5 hours, so its about 5mph. :(

In my defense, most of those straight lines are trails, and the distance is probably closer to 19-20 miles total, and this was only my 3rd ride. :)
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cheezy said:
I think Harpo is asking more of your overall average for the whole ride. Over 15 or under 15?

Well, if you're asking about the overall average for the whole ride, then I'll say under 15mph. :(

cheezy said:
Harpo, based on the amount of riding you do and the distances, you should be able to hold your own no problem.

I have to agree. I'd seen you ride on China Camp and we couldn't even keep up with you.:shhh
Frodog said:
Well, if you're asking about the overall average for the whole ride, then I'll say under 15mph. :(

I have to agree. I'd seen you ride on China Camp and we couldn't even keep up with you.:shhh

Ah, it's just my way of gauging. I only asked because I think Harpo misinterpreted.

22-25 in a paceline is hammer'n. It's a kick-ass pace for sure and man it feels good. Nice work.