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Do You Road Bike?

Anyone doing the early bird crit stuff this year? It's close and I hope not too crazy. Can I use the races for upgrade points?

I was thinking of doing the one on the 5th.
I was thinking about it, but then I found out you don't get upgrade points, and it's at 8:30am. So I was like:

I was thinking about it, but then I found out you don't get upgrade points, and it's at 8:30am. So I was like:



I just need 9 more races to upgrade out of the 5s, do you know if they would count for that? Plus the old man races are in the afternoon. :teeth
So it was 36° when I got on the bike to go to work this morning. Might snow this week.

I just need 9 more races to upgrade out of the 5s, do you know if they would count for that? Plus the old man races are in the afternoon. :teeth

They used to... Best to email the usa cycling rep and ask.
yea im over this cold. i just move to sac and i want to explore all the bike trails, wake up and its 38º out, i just crawled back in bed with my dog and said forget it.
yea im over this cold. i just move to sac and i want to explore all the bike trails, wake up and its 38º out, i just crawled back in bed with my dog and said forget it.

Let me know if you ever want to ride road or mountain. There's great off road stuff around an hour away. I road ride from Davis a lot as well. It's pretty flat, but it gets sweet if you head from Winters towards Napa.
Let me know if you ever want to ride road or mountain. There's great off road stuff around an hour away. I road ride from Davis a lot as well. It's pretty flat, but it gets sweet if you head from Winters towards Napa.

i was actually going to wait until the spring/summer to find a mountain bike to take up to tahoe. my small apartment cant handle many more bicycles haha. ive only ridden the american river bike trail so far but from what ive seen, this area is awesome for cycling. like you said, not too many climbs around here but i still have a lot of area i want to explore
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Yep. And snow level is dropping to 1000' (I'm at 1600) :wow

I used to live in Irvine (Got I hated that place), Didn't realize elevation changed that much east of Riverside.

yea im over this cold. i just move to sac and i want to explore all the bike trails, wake up and its 38º out, i just crawled back in bed with my dog and said forget it.

I rode in that on Sunday before going to Prairy city for some dirty fun. :twofinger I couldn't feel my fingers for first hour. Didn't bring enough warm gear and put on wrong gloves. :facepalm

The damn trail runs from folsom all the way to Folsom, and looked like beyond. I bet it gets super crowded thought during nicer days.
i was actually going to wait until the spring/summer to find a mountain bike to take up to tahoe. my small apartment cant handle many more bicycles haha. ive only ridden the american river bike trail so far but from what ive seen, this area is awesome for cycling. like you said, not too many climbs around here but i still have a lot of area i want to explore

Well, if you can fit an XL 29er I have an extra hardtail if you want to give mountain biking a try. Auburn is pretty nice and is rideable year round.
Well, if you can fit an XL 29er I have an extra hardtail if you want to give mountain biking a try. Auburn is pretty nice and is rideable year round.

yea im down whenever. id like to wait for the weather to warm up a little bit tho. i dont have much cold weather gear. bought my first pair of full fingered cycling gloves today haha. now all i need are some leg warmers and a beanie with earflaps and im good for the season.
Probikekit has sale going on now...
Also cycling winter gloves suck. I had better luck with alpine ski gloves from REI.
yea im down whenever. id like to wait for the weather to warm up a little bit tho. i dont have much cold weather gear. bought my first pair of full fingered cycling gloves today haha. now all i need are some leg warmers and a beanie with earflaps and im good for the season.

Yea, you don't need as much as you think... I'll ride bibs then a knee or leg warmer on the bottom, and a base layer and some sort of light termo upper. That's normally good to about 40 degrees. I've found the Giro Ambient gloves to be nice in that range as well. I agree with UD that most heaver winter gloves suck. Also, little things like toe warmers go a long way to keeping your whole body feeling warm.
Well I did the early bird training crit with the CAT5 old people this week. I think I get 2 points towards CAT4 upgrade because of the training clinic, so that's cool.

It was interesting after doing the track mass start events. I usually am close to collapse after a track race since there is so much more jumping and sprinting but this particular race was really mellow. I thought I'd see a bunch of attempted breaks but there was nothing but half-hearted attempts the whole time. I just sat in never saw the wind tried to stay between 2-6th position, sometimes as far back as 10-12th though.

Into the last 2 laps I was watching and waiting for something to happen... nothing. Found myself about 10th spot coming out of the 1st turn of last lap and still so mellow. Said to myself my best shot is to just go off hard now since a group sprint and I could see myself getting boxed in for sprint. Went off when the group was meandering and got a really good gap with no chasers on the group and kept them at least 2-300 feet back most of the lap but coming into the final sprint I didn't have enough and about 5-6 guys came past me. :( So much for the hero move but it still seemed worth it. Don't think I would have done any better in the group sprint. Just a training deal so fun to see how the races went.

Thought it felt at least twice as dangerous as the track though so don't know if I'd want to do a bunch more.
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Early birds are a bit of a mess. Try going with half a lap next time, and/or attacking right after someone else attacks big time.
Early birds are a bit of a mess. Try going with half a lap next time, and/or attacking right after someone else attacks big time.

Thanks I might try that if I go again. No one attacked big time the whole race. :(

It was kind of scary at certain points, had 2-3 people make contact which seems nuts since in 8 or so track races I'd never had anything even close to that. Some guys would just swing over for no reason or do really nuts stuff in the corners.
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Anyone near daly city can help me tuneup my focus bike. I bought it a couple years back and its been hanging for the last 2 years. Wanted to cycle more again and don't have as much knowledge on geared bicycles.

I know how to fix my singlespeed as that was simple but not sure how to do stuff with brakes running all over the place and all the extra gearing.