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Do You Road Bike?

Thanks I might try that if I go again. No one attacked big time the whole race. :(

It was kind of scary at certain points, had 2-3 people make contact which seems nuts since in 8 or so track races I'd never had anything even close to that. Some guys would just swing over for no reason or do really nuts stuff in the corners.

Get used to contact. Specially from Juniors, they are insane. Like freaken jack rabbits on speed, and meth. :laughing

Anyone near daly city can help me tuneup my focus bike. I bought it a couple years back and its been hanging for the last 2 years. Wanted to cycle more again and don't have as much knowledge on geared bicycles.

I know how to fix my singlespeed as that was simple but not sure how to do stuff with brakes running all over the place and all the extra gearing.

What issues are you experiencing with it?

just signed up for sac state cycling team! wish me luck!

Don't you need to be going to sac state?
Ah. I didn't realize Sac state had a cycling team actually. Although I have been out of that loop for a while now. lol. If you can do collegiate races. It's quite an experience.
i fully expect to get my ass handed to me every race, but i just wanna go out, have fun and have a goal to strive towards. i need some type of goal to motivate me and competition has historically been a great motivator for me.
Get used to contact. Specially from Juniors, they are insane. Like freaken jack rabbits on speed, and meth.

These were 30-40s. :( the juniors I've raced with IMHO were better. I didn't mind the contact, the wild moves were scary though.

i fully expect to get my ass handed to me every race, but i just wanna go out, have fun and have a goal to strive towards. i need some type of goal to motivate me and competition has historically been a great motivator for me.

You sound like you have the right attitude for it and it should be fun. Riding with fast people made me way faster (but still slow unfortunately).
These were 30-40s. :( the juniors I've raced with IMHO were better. I didn't mind the contact, the wild moves were scary though.

I usually joke that 4's are faster version of 5s asshattery, but honestly it is better. Also regular 5s, later in racing season, are better to. Early birds tend to draw complete novices who don't normally show up to regular races. Don't get me wrong there is still plenty of asshattery in 5's, but less so. Every time I race combined 4/5 field I am reminded of it. :laughing

Thankfully most 4/5 crits I do are technical/challenging so most get shelled within few laps. I think starting field for Giro Di SF last year was 60-70, something like 35 finished.
So after a very long January, I got in some serious mileage. I already bike a decent enough with my commute. But, with the USAT NCC (off season competition between all the Tri clubs) I went all out. I was basically either working, eating, sleeping, or pedaling. Every work break, pedal. Lunch, pedal. Long way home, well yes I will. That includes working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day.

8th place in the country isn't bad :D


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Nice congrats! :thumbup

In other news someone I race against upgraded to 3s. Highly annoying since I know I am better racer as him, and looking at his results doesn't look like he has enough points.
Recently did a 47.5 mile ride helping my friend tri train. Damn! I had a cold but sucked it up, geared up and went out. Longest ride I ever been on. The rest of the day I was beat. Did get numb toes around the 35 miles mark or so. Think my shoes are 1/2 size too small.

Ended up riding nearly 70 miles last week. Going out on the 28th for another 45+ mile ride.

Anyone have size 42 shoes wanna sell?? :) Mine are 41 and I think are just a tad too small. My main rides have been 15 mile sprints, so never an issue.
that fender tho.... like a duck billed platypus.

speaking of fenders, it rained here the other week so i busted out the crud road racer fenders and i havent taken them off yet. they worked really well. i would recommend them even tho they are kinda pricey

super late reply but UDRider I just wanted help adjusting stem and making sure my Focus actually fits me right. I'm recovering from double knee meniscus tears and want to bike a little for lower impact training.

Also, to replace and maybe update drive train to 105 or something of that sort.
i fully expect to get my ass handed to me every race, but i just wanna go out, have fun and have a goal to strive towards. i need some type of goal to motivate me and competition has historically been a great motivator for me.

GL, bro. Don't crash. I know it sounds like a doughy advice, but honestly one of the best advices I got when I started racing. :laughing

that fender tho.... like a duck billed platypus.

speaking of fenders, it rained here the other week so i busted out the crud road racer fenders and i havent taken them off yet. they worked really well. i would recommend them even tho they are kinda pricey


I haven't taken mine off all winter. :laughing It doesn't hurt anything and I am lazy.

super late reply but UDRider I just wanted help adjusting stem and making sure my Focus actually fits me right. I'm recovering from double knee meniscus tears and want to bike a little for lower impact training.

Also, to replace and maybe update drive train to 105 or something of that sort.

For fit I would recommend going to see a professional. Specially ones to whom you can go back for follow up for free/reduced price. I use wholeathlete for my fitting. Dario is an awesome guy.

The 105 is minimum I would go with. Depending on what your timeline is you can score awesome deals on probikekit, or just look through ebay. Let me know if you need help swapping stuff.
Also if you are replacing shifters also you can look in to SRAM. From functionality point of view they are all the same, despite what fanboys from either side claim, but SRAM has smaller hoods which fit some hands better.
Then is my bike which is Frankensteined from SRAM and Shimano parts. :laughing

Ugly but functional. :) It comes on and off easily, and has an integrated light for more visibility. And it keeps the dirt stripe off of my butt, of course.

This reminds me I need new rear light for my road bike. Stupid thing fell of. :laughing
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