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Do You Road Bike?

Freaken kool kids and their fancy shmancy computers and strava. :x

I think there a bunch of BARFers in SF. I live in SouthBay, and usually ride early in the morning, or long rides on the weekends. Now that it's winter, usually hill repeats on Saturday and long ride on Sunday.
There's usually a bunch of group rides local to you. I can think of at least seven weekly ones in Santa Cruz.
So bummed. Get in a nice little swim and run, and biked 112 miles at Lake Havasu, and my Garmin lost all the data :(
new kit day!!!

please excuse my moose knuckle
hahaha i had to look that term up. is 31 years old considered middle aged? damn now i feel old
is anyone going to SF Bike Expo this weekend?
I went last year and got a pair of DZR's for $35 and jakroos jersey for 10.
I like it. I also wear regular sunglasses when I ride/race instead of these goofy oakley type ones hah.

I was issued some WileyX when I was active duty. Finally replaced them recently with new frames and auto tint lenses. The auto tint isn't all that great, but they have a removable foam gasket that seals up to your face and you can add a strap that basically turns them into goggles. Lenses are also shatter resistant, designed for bomb blasts and such. Pricey, but I love them.


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2014 A Felt AR5. It's $500 off up there. Thing is they don't do 'net sales on that brand. I'd have to make a road trip. :x
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