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Do You Road Bike?

I meant it can happen after few rides.

Check out probikekit.com they run sales. Might have one now for father's day...
Saturdays race from third perspective. I am moving up at 2:21
Do we have a barf cycling kit? Would anyone be interested if I designed one?
so, there are little white fibers sticking out of the hole where the nail was but the hole isnt that pronounced. you guys think i should replace the tire?

Put a patch on the inside of the tire.
Used to MTB with Fritz pretty much every Saturday... When he used to do that..:laughing

Clearly road cycling is better. :twofinger :laughing

Heh if I didn't live in suburbian hell I would take up MTB also.

Do we have a barf cycling kit? Would anyone be interested if I designed one?

Hmm... Maybe. If MTB folks will be on it, there is a bunch of them. :laughing
Some of the BARFers heads will explode if they see a cycling kit at Alice. :laughing
Few years ago there was an AFM order that went OK.
Clearly road cycling is better. :twofinger :laughing

I'm enjoying MTB more...

Clearly road cycling is better. :twofinger :laughing

Heh if I didn't live in suburbian hell I would take up MTB also.

Hmm... Maybe. If MTB folks will be on it, there is a bunch of them. :laughing
Some of the BARFers heads will explode if they see a cycling kit at Alice. :laughing
Few years ago there was an AFM order that went OK.
Hey now, I road ride as well:p
No racing for me though.
Fritz tried to get me to do a road race this past winter but racing sucks all the joy out of things for me.
Sends my OCD into overdrive:laughing

I'm enjoying MTB more..
I enjoy both fairly equally:thumbup
in4 barf kit. my college team goes through champion systems for the kits and they are quality. maybe look into them.
When I have free time I'll make a design and run it by Dennis before I start getting quotes.

Thinking of a unicorn hurling a rainbow kinda like the halters cycle jersey but with my own artwork for the back with the barf font and the barf salute icon on the front with a barf crest in the upper right.
Maybe some slogan like "I ride faster when I pedal" or "my other bike has it's own motor"

Open to suggestions.
The BARF salute should be on the back, tramp-stamp location, for optimal visibility on a roadbike.

Like over the pockets would be cool. Like one part over each pocket