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Do You Road Bike?

At a slow enough pace and/or training you won't need to eat. I do multi hour runs and rides with no food intake. At a slow pace your body will just burn fat for energy. You have, for all intents and purposes, an unlimited supply there.

Since I'm going fast enough, but not too fast, I eat a peanutbutter sandwich during endurance races. High protein, high fat.

Yeah I actually eat more during slow rides because I have a chance. But I just do my normal longer paced stuff stuff on the trainer these days. During the hard/fast group rides I just down fruit snacks or gummy worms when I get a chance and I'm ok. Maybe a granola bar. I just make sure to eat right before and after and it works ok for me.
At a slow enough pace and/or training you won't need to eat. I do multi hour runs and rides with no food intake. At a slow pace your body will just burn fat for energy. You have, for all intents and purposes, an unlimited supply there.

Since I'm going fast enough, but not too fast, I eat a peanutbutter sandwich during endurance races. High protein, high fat.

Yeah I actually eat more during slow rides because I have a chance. But I just do my normal longer paced stuff stuff on the trainer these days. During the hard/fast group rides I just down fruit snacks or gummy worms when I get a chance and I'm ok. Maybe a granola bar. I just make sure to eat right before and after and it works ok for me.

I'm not much of an endurance guy though.
What will 711W, average, 20s sprint get you in CAT4? going from 3rd to 10th in last 50 ft. :|
I'm assuming everyone who passed you was pushing similar wattage, but in a train?:)
Nope all out Sprint. I'll post video once it is uploaded and stabilized.
Did a 50+ ride Saturday after only doing a few 15 mile rides the past 3 months. Around the 35 mile mark things got tough. I've been very lethargic the past 2 days since, it totally drained me. At around mile 45 I had to pull into a gas station and slam half a bottle of poweraide. Nearly ran out of water too with my 2 bottles. Might look into a double behind the seat mount.
Did a 50+ ride Saturday after only doing a few 15 mile rides the past 3 months. Around the 35 mile mark things got tough. I've been very lethargic the past 2 days since, it totally drained me. At around mile 45 I had to pull into a gas station and slam half a bottle of poweraide. Nearly ran out of water too with my 2 bottles. Might look into a double behind the seat mount.
Good job:thumbup
Scout places to get water before you do it again. Ask people if need be. I/Most of us do 100+ mile rides with only 2 bottles.. Just gotta know where to refill.
Take food too.. it helps alot. I use Cliff bars and Honey Stingers most of the time. You can get either with caffeine which also helps but too much(caffeine ) will dehydrate you more. Real, simple foods like a small bagel with some meat and cheese (no condiments) are better and easier to digest but I'm lazy and the Cliff Turds don't bother me guts.
And screw the Gator/Power aids.. If you need to buy something, get coconut water..
Have Fun!:thumbup
i just bring water - no powarade or gatorade for me... i dont normally bring food either unless it's over 50 mile ride. if we do go over 50 miles, we do stop by a donut shop or a burger joint to eat...
with that said. i need to get some saddle time - havent ridden for 3 weeks.. 2 weeks of that coz i sold my frame and got a new frame and i just finished my build this week and yet to ride it... my test ride was only for 5 miles lol... hopefully i get at least 30 miles this weekend.
I still love taking a hydration pack. It works better for me to sip continually, and the 2L is plenty for long rides (the 1L is good for shorter rides).

I add a little electrolyte mix, but little enough that it stays watery. Pack gels and chews in the shoulder strap pockets.

Howdya do?

I did my first p1/2/3 track race and all the fast guys showed up and I was mostly happy to just finish. The 70 lap points race had like 5-6 of the field left.

I hope I will get to do like half 3/4 fields and half 1/2/3 fields so sometimes I can podium and sometimes I can just hang on and hope to finish. It just depends on who shows up how they do the fields.
Howdya do?

I did my first p1/2/3 track race and all the fast guys showed up and I was mostly happy to just finish. The 70 lap points race had like 5-6 of the field left.

I hope I will get to do like half 3/4 fields and half 1/2/3 fields so sometimes I can podium and sometimes I can just hang on and hope to finish. It just depends on who shows up how they do the fields.

That's bawler. You sure you don't want to do crits you will lay waste to the field. :laughing

Third. :teeth Two points to go, fingers crossed for this or next weekend.
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That's bawler. You sure you don't want to do crits you will lay waste to the field. :laughing

Third. :teeth Two points to go, fingers crossed for this or next weekend.


Sweeeet! Nice job. Were there cash payouts? Sounds like it shouldn't be a problem to get a few more points.

I'm going to keep my elite CAT5 road status for a while. Too lazy to travel far. :laughing Just been doing the group rides for fun on the road.
Sweeeet! Nice job. Were there cash payouts? Sounds like it shouldn't be a problem to get a few more points.

I'm going to keep my elite CAT5 road status for a while. Too lazy to travel far. :laughing Just been doing the group rides for fun on the road.
$25 and bottle of wine. :laughing

You would think... Fields are extremely competitive. Went today from first to sixth in final ten seconds, and almost had my front wheel taken out by some dingus. There was contact with his rear wheel. This is after I volunteered one of the teammates to lead me out by shouting go go, Sprint! Lol :laughing
Cool bike. Looking forward to more pics during your stay. Loved the photos from your previous trip(s) to Japan.
Boom. I am so grateful for a teammate, who got first, for pulling my ass to the finish line. It was intense. Almost blew it when I got stuck between gears on final sprint. I would have been very disappointed if that happened.
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