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Do You Road Bike?

my pleasure, Alex

it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity & I/we took it!
Yo! Roadies! What do you know about the Amgen Tour de Ca on Monday? It ends at Metcalf, and apparantly there is gonna be thousands, yes thousands, of folks there. Including the fake news.
im in the first stages of planning a bikepacking trip from venice to valencia along the mediterranean coast in the summer of 2018. whos coming with me?
That actually sounds fun... When in the summer were you thinking?
Honeymoon phase is over, but still love my new bike.
If only my ability matched 1/100 of this bikes capability. :laughing
Big Thanks to FirstBuell for helping with the build.
Unshaven legs? What's wrong with you?
im in the first stages of planning a bikepacking trip from venice to valencia along the mediterranean coast in the summer of 2018. whos coming with me?

tempting.....as Tuono Joice & I sit in Paris eating b'fast right now [this after Barcelona & Montpelier], it's oh-so-EZ to imagine your solo journey with us inside it!

the 1st thought I had RE: yer l-o-n-g pedaling trip was, "that's so cool!"

the 2nd was RE: wind direction - IIRC, there are many distinct Mediterranean winds that truly blow thru that coast [compared to Pacific, where folks generally ride Seattle to LA rather than the other way most any time of year]

did you select your direction & seasonal timing with winds in mind?


Unshaven legs? What's wrong with you?

there's nothing wrong with me!

since Tuono Joice won't let me shave my beard,
it seems more balanced to remain, um, manly :teeth

however, I do shave my neck - izzat better :laughing
tempting.....as Tuono Joice & I sit in Paris eating b'fast right now [this after Barcelona & Montpelier], it's oh-so-EZ to imagine your solo journey with us inside it!

the 1st thought I had RE: yer l-o-n-g pedaling trip was, "that's so cool!"

the 2nd was RE: wind direction - IIRC, there are many distinct Mediterranean winds that truly blow thru that coast [compared to Pacific, where folks generally ride Seattle to LA rather than the other way most any time of year]

did you select your direction & seasonal timing with winds in mind?

yeah i looked into it and during the may/june season the winds along the southern french coast blow SW and characteristically during this time of year they are pretty calm, so it should be alright. its about 900 miles all together and i figure if i do a minimum of 50 mile days, 3 days a week that i should get to valencia in about 5-6 weeks, and that should leave enough time to explore or stay in one spot for a few days if i find a cool village i want to hang out in or something

truth be told, Joice & I're all jelly -
[send fotos, or it won't count]
Took a few overexposed and poorly composed photos at the Tour of California in Sacramento last Sunday. Watched the men roll across Tower Bridge at the start of Stage One. Then caught the 20 lap circuit of Women's Stage 4 which was really fun before seeing the Men return to town and do four laps of the Capitol. Moved to a few different vantage points. Crowd was enthusiastic but smaller than what I remember from past years.

Most impressive was watching the Mens' peloton on the last lap of Capitol Park blasting down the four block long section of N street at full speed from just a foot or two away as they hugged the curb. The amount of air they moved was impressive. Tree branches were really swaying and it was almost enough to push me off my feet.





Great photos.

I feel kind of guilty.
I should be supporting TOC, but super busy and don't have cable. So can't come out or watch it on TV.
Great photos.

I feel kind of guilty.
I should be supporting TOC, but super busy and don't have cable. So can't come out or watch it on TV.

Same here. No TV and busy. Full time job, training, and I have a double header race this weekend (8 hour endurance and enduro).
Looks like I need to stop by the post office.

The enduro Sunday is only for fun. I entered just because the trails there are pretty epic and it gives me the chance to camp and enjoy it. I entered the pro class so there's no chance of me effecting the series results :D
Good thing I asked, otherwise I would be very confused when parts show up at my door.

Good luck.
I am doing masters 1/2/3 my first old people race. :laughing
So weird riding a 1985 steel bike with modern group! Cool!

please post some detailed pix - very interested in yer 'new' steed


Tuono Joice & I were yakking this a.m. with our new houseguest, an experienced world traveler who rides rented/brought with/locally purchased & re-sold bikes everywhere he goes [Cuba, Thailand, France, etc.]

discussion wandered to single-speeds & I mentioned my moment-in-time observation about why early-adopter South Bay single-speeders were often forced to buy new or shop CL/eBay for old iron - this in stark contrast to SF/East Bay riders' more ample supply of 10-speeds to mod

one big reason for San Jose's early dearth of bikes to strip of shifters/derailleurs was the stunning late '70s/early '80s influx of Vietnamese refugees into the area - I remember repeated public calls for donations of bikes & parts for these newly-arrived folks, with collection points at churches, schools & such - for quite a while, there was much garage scouring, donations, etc.

note that this immigrant support activity wasn't just for these soon-to-be US citizens [although they scored bikes for themselves to ride to new jobs, SJCC, etc] - rather, most of the complete & partial steel bikes were being jammed into oceangoing containers sprinkled about town for shipment to Vietnam & the newcomers' families back home

it was a localized phenomenon with a 10-15yr delayed impact.....


back to builds - Alex, howz about some revealing fotos of yer own new 'dream racer'?
while I do appreciate yer kudos here for any assistance offered -

pix or it didn't happen!
im in the market for a beater bike that i can chain up downtown and not be too bummed if it gets stolen. i was looking at aluminum jamis bikes, but i really want a caad10 but i think ending up spending more than 1k will make me anxious leaving the bike out front of my school. any other suggestions?
im in the market for a beater bike that i can chain up downtown and not be too bummed if it gets stolen. i was looking at aluminum jamis bikes, but i really want a caad10 but i think ending up spending more than 1k will make me anxious leaving the bike out front of my school. any other suggestions?

me feelz ya, so looked on fleaBay for CAAD10:

frames [2 @ $500] + complete bikes [$650, $725, $825, etc.]

next, while not 10, SF CL haz CAAD9 Ultegra $745 + Lemond Ultegra $660