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Do You Road Bike?

Just curious - anyone planning on doing any century rides this year?
I want to do at least one but I have to learn how to shift the gears on my bike first!:laughing
I keep popping out pins on the chain and scraping up the crankshaft.
It's a good thing I have an 07 Shimano 105 set. :thumbup
Anyone feel like teaching me how to ride my bike?? :rofl
I want to do at least one but I have to learn how to shift the gears on my bike first!:laughing
I keep popping out pins on the chain and scraping up the crankshaft.
It's a good thing I have an 07 Shimano 105 set. :thumbup
Anyone feel like teaching me how to ride my bike?? :rofl

Pins are popping out of your chain? So the chain actually falls off the bike, or does it just fall off of the chain ring?

Are you shifting before you start to climb? Bikes generally shift well when you're spinning lightly on flat terrain - it starts to get tricky when you try to shift while climbing.
Marin Century

I did it last year and really liked it. Very well supported and great scenery.
It was my first century ride and I wasn't prepared for the hills. But still a great ride.

The ride is two weeks after Vineman so I'm undecided.
The chain falls off of the chain ring.

You can adjust the limiter screw on the front derailleur to prevent the chain from falling off. Any shop and most experienced cyclists who do their own adjustments can help you with this. Here's a little tutorial if you're up for trying it yourself:


I shift while I'm climbing.:dunno

Ah - try shifting into a lower gear before you actually start to climb, and see if that works a little better for ya. I think it's almost like a motorcycle in some ways - a moto will not want to shift with the throttle on, and a bicycle will not want to shift when you're applying climbing power to the pedals.
Marin Century

I did it last year and really liked it. Very well supported and great scenery.
It was my first century ride and I wasn't prepared for the hills. But still a great ride.

The ride is two weeks after Vineman so I'm undecided.

How was the food? My girlfriend just got back from the Solvang Century (she only did the 50 miler), and was a little disappointed in the snacks they provided at the rest stops. "They gave us these crappy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with that 'Goober' sandwich spread - wtf?"

I looked at the routes for the Marin Century and the Mt Tam century, and I'm leaning towards Mt Tam.

Are you riding this weekend? I'm thinking of doing Marshall Wall this Saturday.
Thank you for the help.
I will try it out. If it doesn't work I will hit you up by 'pm'.
As usual,

My head was WAY bigger than my legs. Just Morgan Territory was 55mi. and kicked me pretty good.
How was the food? My girlfriend just got back from the Solvang Century (she only did the 50 miler), and was a little disappointed in the snacks they provided at the rest stops. "They gave us these crappy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with that 'Goober' sandwich spread -
A friend of mine that did Solvang last year had the same sentiment (the food sucked). She also did the Marin century and said they set the bar for food and support.
I thought the Marin century had a pretty good food spread and aid stations. Fresh fruit, pasta, sodas, Gatorade, Hammer gels/supplements, antacids, V8 juices. If I kept eating I'd never would have finished.

Are you riding this weekend? I'm thinking of doing Marshall Wall this Saturday.
I just dropped off my bike at the shop to get it tuned. I'm supposed to get it back Friday, but the shop is pretty busy so we'll see.

Haven't done those Tuesday night rides in a looooong time. But I vividly remember every occasion, getting my legs ripped off completely by Jimbei and the likes when the game wasn't even completely ON yet. :laughing

Those days, the rides were laps around Lake Merritt. For countless reasons, the course at the POO is infinitely better, and the scene has really evolved.

Maybe I'll start the humbling routine up again myself in a few weeks. Imma scurred. :|
Haven't done those Tuesday night rides in a looooong time. But I vividly remember every occasion, getting my legs ripped off completely by Jimbei and the likes when the game wasn't even completely ON yet. :laughing

Those days, the rides were laps around Lake Merritt. For countless reasons, the course at the POO is infinitely better, and the scene has really evolved.

Maybe I'll start the humbling routine up again myself in a few weeks. Imma scurred. :|

wow .... you were out there in the old days :laughing . I think its been almost 3 years since the lake laps . Im sure Ill remember you if you were ever at the lake laps days .

Come on out ! ...... its really one of the most fun rides of the week for me , & as you know always a great workout :thumbup

hope t'see you tue night !

I have yet to get out to the POO ride. I've done Spectrum, House of Pain, Turkey Day Ride (that was fun!) and Tuesday Night Sprints with none other than Larry Nolan but the Port of Oakland ride scurs me:cry

Bah, i'll get out there someday. It looks like a blast!
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