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Do You Road Bike?

Mt. Diablo road ride.

Sat. 9am from my place in Concord. Last minute call out for the ride. Forcast says dry for the morning. We can look like the guys in the pictures above:) except mabe a little fatter... and non shaved legs... skinnier non shaved legs...
It don't look so good outside my window--dry but ominous. I'm also reading something about gale force winds brewin' up here on the weather report. I think I'm going to wuss out on this one and wait for a less scary day. :p
I've gotta be back at my place by 10, but I'll get what i can in. Looks like Marin / Grizzly / Shasta / South Park and back for me. Hope the the skies hold up til then!
I got 25 miles in on my track bike, just before the rain kicked in. So to you wind and rain I say HAH!:p
I got 25 miles in on my track bike, just before the rain kicked in. So to you wind and rain I say HAH!:p

I got 20 in myself, with 2100 feet of elevation and one "death climb" in the form of South Park Drive. Woulda gone for more, but I had stuff to do early on - I was happy to make the most of what I had though!

The skies held out for longer than I thought they would - I wonder how Joe and Gregory's luck over at Diablo held out?
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Bikemech and myself did North-Gate to the ranger station on Diablo with 20+ mph gusts in our faces a good portion of the way. All the while wreathing in pain yet yelling at the top of my lungs to Mom-Nature, "Bring it on Biatch! ! Is this all you got ! ? You Got N O T H I N G ! !" :wow

Of course we were too spent to go any further up and too chicken shit to go down South-Gate for fear of a recently antagonized and now completely enraged Mother Nature blowing us off the road and down the side of the mountain while snickering and quietly grumbling to herself, "Now who ain't got nothing, ... Biatch?" :shocker :twofinger

All in all, a good workout before the rain. :teeth

With Wildflower about 2 months away, I'm all about road mileage right now. I'm curious to see the effect it'll have on my mountain biking too!
In one of the other activity threads, Bap was asking if anyone would be interested in cycling jerseys. At our last MTB race, several of us put BARF Racing as a sponsor.

Would anyone here be interested in purchasing a BARF cycling jersey if one became available? I think it would be kinda cool :)

Price? (I could care less what they look like.) My hobbies are a budget venture however.
Me too. I'd be interested in a BARF jersey depending on price because i'm cheap like that.
Anyone riding on the 8th or 9th?
Calling all roadies who like to go fast in a pack !

Invite to any roadies who like to go fast & can handle a large pack action crit training ride . This takes place every tue. night . Meeting spot is at lake Merritt across from Golds gym by the white pillars , 7pm . Yes this is a night ride , the course takes about 10 min to ride to & has stadium lights all the way around the 2.5 mi course . We usually have around 45-75 riders ranging from no cat , cat 5 - P1,2 . So you will get a work out :teeth

Come on down & join the fun :thumbup
I'd be in for a ride on the 9th. Anyone else?
I think I'm going to head out and do a Merced/Presidio loop today?. Weather seems nice enough.... any SF'ers with the day off?

It feels damn good to finally get back on the bike!!!

Invite to any roadies who like to go fast & can handle a large pack action crit training ride . This takes place every tue. night . Meeting spot is at lake Merritt across from Golds gym by the white pillars , 7pm . Yes this is a night ride , the course takes about 10 min to ride to & has stadium lights all the way around the 2.5 mi course . We usually have around 45-75 riders ranging from no cat , cat 5 - P1,2 . So you will get a work out :teeth

Come on down & join the fun :thumbup

I was out there tonight! Don't tell me I know you already... I was on the only GT road bike.
I might know you .... there an awful lot of riders out there ( 55 ) tonight . Im on team oakland /Kaiser . I had a yellow helmet & was at or near the front most of the night chasing breaks or trying to get one going :teeth

Did you see the cal team take each-other out at the end ? ..... I missed the whole incident :rolleyes

Glad you made it out , was this your first time ?