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Do You Road Bike?

Tripples can be a little harder to deal with on a road bike. You can bring it buy my garage and I will fix it. Bring it clean and oiled. Im in Campbell.

TriPles (one p) aren't that hard. the derailler itself should sit 1 mm above the top chainring when in top gear, and be parallel to the chainrings themselves when looking from above. Out of the box, they're never as straight as they should be or at the right height. Also keep in mind that there is a "half-click" on your way from 3 to 2 to 2 to 1. The half-click is to compensate for being in the middle ring while either on the highest or lowest cogs on the rear.
The FuuuuLaLaLa...

Just some pics of the new rig. My ribs feel good enough for a quick a road ride later tonight...


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Sweet ride.

I saw a Fuji Team bike at Bender's the other night... parked next to a Ridley. God damn... now I want a real road bike.

Thanks guys.
Anyone doing the MS 150 wave to wine this weekend? My buddy is doing the first day and I'm going to see him off at pacbell tomorrow morning. I'll be great to meet some Barf bike roadies tomorrow morning.
Selle SMP Strike Evolution

I'm probably not going to be riding for a few months (due to some nerve issues in the "Junk" area) but if I ever make it back out there, does anyone have a Selle SMP Strike Evolution saddle that I might try, to see if it's a little better on the "Junk" then my current saddle. If not that exact model, at least another Selle SMP seat.



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I'm probably not going to be riding for a few months (due to some nerve issues in the "Junk" area) but if I ever make it back out there, does anyone have a Selle SMP Strike Evolution saddle that I might try, to see if it's a little better on the "Junk" then my current saddle. If not that exact model, at least another Selle SMP seat.


Overshare, dude. :green :twofinger
No-no, please do tell us more Harpo. Btw, how's that rash on yer butt?:p
you gotta love the craigslist

Brave Little Spinergy Rev-X front wheel - $50 (mission district)

Reply to: sale-850237724@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-09-22, 1:13AM PDT

I have in my possession a 4-spoke, carbon 700 Spinergy front wheel, stripped of it's "Spinergy" decals [read: dignity].

Here's the deal: I'm tight on money, and it's been sitting in my closet for the past 5 months or so, left to converse with other bike parts not being put to use. (Think Brave Little Toaster status).

Questions you probably have: Why is this puppy being neglected? Why is it only 50 bucks when the same wheel is found on here for $200?

First of all, $200 new is even pushing it. Secondly, the one I have is broken.

I purchased this sucker at my own risk. The carbon wall popped out of the rim on one side and the previous owner tried to epoxy it. There's really no chance of fixing it and riding on it safely.

So I, of course, decided to chance it anyway. I rode on it for a month or so, with the make-shift repair, avoiding all potholes, cracks, and bumps as if they were spiked MUNI tracks on fire sprinkled with broken glass.
Several bike mechanics told me it could blow out at any minute, but luckily no such thing happened while occupying my fork.

Since I STRONGLY suggest that no one ever rides on this wheel, I have compiled a list of possible uses:

1. Put a slab of glass on top and some legs under it, and you have a neat coffee table. Don't forget to place your Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintenance book and Urban Velo magazine on it.
2. Stick some colored light gels in between the 4 spokes and place it in front of a light. Spin the wheel. Disco party wheel!
3a. Stick it on that bike frame you have hanging on your wall, which is also broken from mashing too hard. You can tell people the wheel was part of the casualty. I won't tell anyone.
3b. If you don't have a broken bike frame to put it on, hang it up as a trophy of its own.
4. Put it on your current bike, take a picture of it and post it on SFfixed or Fixed Gear Gallery. Again, I won't tell anyone.
5. Roll it and hit it with a stick and see how long you can keep it rolling. (More fun if dressed as page boy with a Cockney accent.)
6. Extra large frisbee!
7. Bean bag toss!
8. Hang from ceiling and use as tie rack.
9. Strap it on your bag and ride around the city pretending you have important carbon wheel business you have to attend to.
10. Ride it with a death wish. (I REPEAT, I advise VERY STRONGLY against riding on it. I will take absolutely no liability if you decide to use it as such.)

Depending on my schedule, in-city delivery is possible.

$50 or best offer.

Anyone doing the MS 150 wave to wine this weekend? My buddy is doing the first day and I'm going to see him off at pacbell tomorrow morning. I'll be great to meet some Barf bike roadies tomorrow morning.
I did that ride. Both days. The climbs to Stinson beach were the killers. The rest was a breeze. Here is a picture of me about 50 miles into the 2nd day. And I would be interested in some road rides. I don't care about Milage. I have a Cannodale Carbon 1.


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I did that ride. Both days. The climbs to Stinson beach were the killers. The rest was a breeze. Here is a picture of me about 50 miles into the 2nd day. And I would be interested in some road rides. I don't care about Milage. I have a Cannodale Carbon 1.

Was that ride/race/event going on today? We got stopped at the top of Pantoll or something like that waiting for a bunch of cyclists to pass. The folks doing the traffic control were very friendly and warned us to take it easy around the pedal-people. We did. :) There were a bunch of us Monsters goofing around with a buddy of ours and his new motard. I got beat up pretty good on that ride today--bumpy, nasty, goat trails with dust and cyclist all over them. Good stuff. :thumbup:laughing I might do it again next weekend on the road bike.
Was that ride/race/event going on today? We got stopped at the top of Pantoll or something like that waiting for a bunch of cyclists to pass. The folks doing the traffic control were very friendly and warned us to take it easy around the pedal-people. We did. :) There were a bunch of us Monsters goofing around with a buddy of ours and his new motard. I got beat up pretty good on that ride today--bumpy, nasty, goat trails with dust and cyclist all over them. Good stuff. :thumbup:laughing I might do it again next weekend on the road bike.
That ride was Sept 13th and 14th. My next ride is for the Diabetes Association in May. And of course I am up for any rides.
Sucks about the license. Kinda a waste of time to enforce it when there's more pressing matters happening in Oakland. You know, like shootings, murders, people launching mortars by the recycling plant. You know, shit like that.

In other news, saw the sun pop out all of a sudden over here in the sunset, so went for a brisk 25 miler. Circled the city along great hwy, over to the presidio, down the embarcadero and home by way of Benders. :teeth

great ride.

That's a sexy fixed