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Do You Road Bike?

Anybody else do the Palo Alto Gran Fondo today? Great weather, brutal climbing with King's Mtn first and Tunitas Creek at the end. Ugly.

What about cycling forums? Who uses what?

There is bikeforums.net, they even have a somewhat active NorCal sub forum, and their version of KS. :laughing
Folsom circuit race, what a fun course. :teeth Last race of season for me too. Next year should be fun. :party

Wish I could have ridden it...I was signed up for the P1-2s but wifey crashed her brains out in the Women's Cat4/35+ race...broken shoulder....kids raced at Winters crit, very cool downtown course.

Oh! Melissa Paris was in my wife's race too, finished on the box...

Wish I could have ridden it...I was signed up for the P1-2s but wifey crashed her brains out in the Women's Cat4/35+ race...broken shoulder....kids raced at Winters crit, very cool downtown course.

Oh! Melissa Paris was in my wife's race too, finished on the box...


Sorry to hear that. I hope the shoulder heals fast and without any complications.
:teeth:teeth = Got new blingy bike!


:cry:cry:cry:cry = I'll probaly still be slow!
Suggestion on an entry level road/cyclocross bike?

I'm borrowing a Trek Navigator from a friend currently but it's not the most comfy thing for trying to go faster and be a little bit more serious.

Buying used is more than OK. Preferred, really. The less I can spend the better, cause for now it's mostly about fitness.

I would kinda feel like a dick going into the local shop to test out what size bikes fit me and then buy elsewhere. Is there any other good way to figure out what fits?
Rgal and I did SLO Gran Fondo on Sat. Weather sucked bad. Cold, fog, wind, rain. Route was terrible too with majority of 100 mile course on Hwy 46 and Hwy 1. Way too much car traffic. I wouldn't do that ride again...
I posed at peets, tea was good. :cool

Also ran in to a couple of barfers at STP, talked about trackdays next year. :teeth
Marin Muirwoods, anybody have experience with one?
Mike , whats ur budget? Go to endless cycles in castro valley. Theres a few of us barfers that go there. They have a nice selection and a superfriendly staff.
Any experience with adjustable road stems?


I have a trek 1600 in 54. I'm 5'6 but have a long 30" inseam, short torso and long arms. I can't ride in the drops at all and pretty much ride cupping the rubber boots on top of the lever. I have a 95mm stem now and was thinking about getting the Zoom 85mm adjustable stem above OR getting a NO setback seatpost.

Any experience with adjustable road stems?


I have a trek 1600 in 54. I'm 5'6 but have a long 30" inseam, short torso and long arms. I can't ride in the drops at all and pretty much ride cupping the rubber boots on top of the lever. I have a 95mm stem now and was thinking about getting the Zoom 85mm adjustable stem above OR getting a NO setback seatpost.


Well usually the fit starts with saddle position, then stem is whatever a rider can tolerate. Changing seatpost to no setback affects the position of your hip and knee. If you think you are just reaching too much try getting a shorter stem. It will affect the handling.

Is not being able to ride in the drops the only issue? If it is, I would just leave it a alone. Personally only time I am in the drops is on descents or in races.