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Do You Road Bike?

Ummm....so you you sent me there to try out some tri women?
That location actually had lotsa good bike stuff and lots of it on super sale a few years back. Its all kinda junky stuff now with a sprinkling of over priced crap.
And WTF?!? Fanny packs are cool again?
Trisexual women are wacky, like a mobius strip.

Sports Basement is generally overpriced and hipster, but I've gotten some deals there.
:laughing:laughing You have no idea how many awesome bags, tools, pumps, tubes, A WORKING GARMIN, etc. I've gotten just by keeping a close eye for glass and sharp rocks. All the stuff is like new with just one or two scratches.
Forget wasting money at the bike store. Just ride on Canada at 2pm on a sunny Sunday. Fancy ass top shelf junk too. Well to do newbs here always get the best stuff!

This almost makes me want to ride Canada. :laughing Also find a forum where all rich noobs hang out and offer golden nuggets of knowledge like "carry a torque wrench at all times in jersey pocket or partially unzipped saddle bag". :laughing
Two days of racing, with disappointing results, but at least I won girl scout cookies to give to GF. :laughing
Well I did, what I consider my first real bike ride. Parked at Chrissy Field on the SF side rode over the golden gate and over to fairfax. Roughly about 37miles. I will say I was physcially and mentally beat the F up on this ride. The last leg, coming up Alexander from Sausalito was a mental nightmare. Thank god I saw the light at the end of the tunnel (MY BF standing at the top of the hill waiting for me) cause I just had nothing left in my legs. I stopped a few times on the way up cause there was just no way I could make it. Now when I mean I got physically beat up I mean it.

On the very beginning of my ride this wire was sticking out and rubbed up my leg and scrapped it up. Not a big deal. Bent it away and rode on.

Then It finally happened, at an intersection. I came to a stop unclipped my shoe and like and idiot leaned over to the wrong side and came crashing down on my already fucked up knee. Sat on the side walk for a tince washed it up and rode on. THEN on that hill from fucking HELL. I stopped to rest and when I was gearing up to clip in and take off my leg slipped and I cut the shit out of my calf on the sprockets. I didnt even realize how bad it was til I got to the top of the hilla nd showed my BF. We got home washed all my wounds and rested.

Yesterday and today. My ass is sore and my cuts hurt for watever odd reason. Guess its just tender. But my legs feel good. It took a LONG time for me to cover. I spent most of the day yesterday feeling like I had the flu. Drained of energy. Irritatable and tired. But I felt like it was a HUGE accomplishment and I cant wait to tackle that ride again to see my progress.


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You'll come back stronger, faster, wiser... :thumbup

As a cyclist, pre/post-ride nutrition is key to performance & recovery.

Enjoy the journey...
Those sprockets are called chain rings. Congratulations on sacrificing yourself to protect the bike. There is nothing more important than protecting the bike.
:laughing I had a feeling they were called something else. My knee went done first then hands. Good thing I had my gloves on.

I admit I did not eat prior to the ride. My stomach was already upset and if I ate I would have for sure thrown up. We did stop to eat once we hit fairfax.

Im looking up cycling shoes righht now. I spent WAAAAAY too much time trying to clip my damn shoes in. So much else going on around me I cant be looking down at my feet trying to get started.
Yeah clipping and unclipping will (well hopefully) be a non issue. Something you don't even think about....like opening your mouth before you stick the fork in. Just happens drama and pain free.
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Yeah... The road pedals won't slip as easily as the metal cleats... most of the time that is

Those are some nice pictures, I think I still have a faint scar on my right calf too.

And becareful about food consumption and riding. I bonked a couple times and god damn that shit sucks ass! it'll take you a couple hours to start feeling better, and if you're a couple hours from your destination you might cry... (Longest 40 miles I've ever done)

Keep with it and good luck healing up!
I bought pedals and the cleats last night. Still looking around for shoes. Cant seem to find a decent pair of Sidi's that are around $150-ish and in my size. They are usually too small or $250+:wow which in all honesty, I cant drop that kinda dough right now
Yeah - honestly, that's why I waited and stuck with the SPDs for a year and change. They did the job, and I could wait and see how much I was going to get into it before dropping the moola on 'real' pedals and shoes.

And got a great deal on my shoes by waiting, too... $60 for closeout Sidi.

Something you don't even think about....like opening your mouth before you stick the fork in.

The less I think about it, the better it is. (And no, those are not fork tine scars on my lip.)
Excuse my language but fuck sidi! They make good shoes, but are very overpriced.

If you can find some specialized on sale so for it. They are well designed and are really comfortable. Specialized put a lot of work into the ergonomics of their products, and if you wear something from them it's really noticeable.
The ones I found that were on sale for a good price, were not my size. They were too small.
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I wear only Sidi - I have narrow feet & love the feel to them. Same with my motorcycle boots...

I use Sidi Dominators (MTB shoes) - very slim/low profile & easy to walk like a human being on. Also, I use Crank Bros Eggbeaters on all my bike... MTB & road. Easy 4-way entry, cheap, rebuildable & reliable... :)
Excuse my language but fuck sidi! They make good shoes, but are very overpriced.

If you can find some specialized on sale so for it. They are well designed and are really comfortable. Specialized put a lot of work into the ergonomics of their products, and if you wear something from them it's really noticeable.

I would put Specialized in to the same category of over priced. Maybe not as much, but still...

If I am brutally honest with myself my chipie sidi were just as comfortable as much more expensive Specialized with carbon sole. Granted sidi didn't last as long. So far my Specialized are going strong five years, 50k+ miles later. Knock on wood. lol I had to replace a buckle and clasp mechanism thought. Although the latter might be from one too many crashes. :laughing