Erik Buell is back

Ozmandias, I should have probably been more clear when I was talking about mechanical issues and pointed out that the stator issue is actually only affecting some bikes and is discussed a lot because, well, that's what happens on brand-specific forums.

I don't think that makes your point invalid, just thought I should make sure I was being clear.

XB12s are easily available, all day long.....just look on BadWeb or CL or eBay

once you actually purchase one, local Buell veterans will happily assist you

RE: the 12 vs 9 debate - consult with Terry or Jim at JT&S, up at Infineon:
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No sweat. I'm know I'm being a little hyper sensitive to the whole Buell thing to a degree. Partly because, I know this sounds stupid, but I felt a little let down by Erik when he sold out to HD in the first place. The machines he had been building prior that were pure works of art. Then they became HD-ized to a degree. :dunno

Again, I'm not saying I would never own one but it would take a lot for the company to prove to me that I'm a valued customer and he wouldn't potentially screw me by selling out again (particularly to a company I abhor which is another story) or simply closing down for whatever reason. You know what I mean? There's a level of trust I need before I personally will spend my hard earned $ on something regardless of looks, design and/or expected capabilities. And honestly, I think I can safely say that is true for the average consumer when talking about something that has more than a $1000 price tag.

Ozmandias, I should have probably been more clear when I was talking about mechanical issues and pointed out that the stator issue is actually only affecting some bikes and is discussed a lot because, well, that's what happens on brand-specific forums.

I don't think that makes your point invalid, just thought I should make sure I was being clear.
Damn, 2009 1125CR with 6000 miles for $4500 for sale on BadWeb. Include exhaust and tune ECM along with the stator fix and R/R replacement. If it weren't in Alabama, I'd pick up another one.
Ozy sez,
"..... I felt a little let down by Erik when he sold out to HD in the first place. The machines he had been building prior that were pure works of art.


I've really tried to resist commenting on your recent posts - I just can't......

RE: your opinion that, ".....The machines he had been building prior that were pure works of art....", may well be true, tho' I never liked em, as those models addressed neither my riding style nor an acceptable ownership experience - when I first started looking at Buells in early '90s, they were about $15k - in 1990 dollars!

I didn't buy my bike because of Erik [tho' I knew & respected him from his late-'70s AMA Superbike days astride a Ducati SS] - I bought the M2 because it was affordable & not an I4 or a 'spensive Euro-twin; plus, a big, long-established company [H-D, which wasn't such a plus] was standing behind it

The carbed '99 M2 [1st year of 'mass production' ] sold new for $8k - now we're talkin' - it's suffered all the usual tuber issues & I just didn't care - my dealer [long gone] was super; the techs were well-informed; I had an extended warranty; & all was/is good with my Buell - 60k miles so far & lovin' it

any one of my bikes is a tool, not a personality or an image - I won't hold a grudge if its very bright designer wanted to leave the poverty of boutique building behind and become a successful businessman - worldwide distribution, EPA certification, DOT recalls, new product development, etc. will drain anyone's pocketbook

anyone believing that the literal handful of existing Buell owners were "screwed" by Erik partnering his fledgling, 12-person, already bankrupted-once, barn-housed company with bucks-up H-D may be naive, even incorrect

under H-D's financial, legal, & mechanical umbrella, Erik & crew were able to design, build & sell 2 additional, completely new product lines, at acceptable prices, before H-D scuttled his dreams [grrrrr - don't get me started] of a dirtbike, superbike, etc.

finally[!], you also say, ".....they became HD-ized to a degree...." - well, yes, & no - other than the Sportster engine and a few bits, most components originally H-D-sourced were soon obsolete, because Buell Motor Co. now had the design staff & purchasing power for higher-spec parts at the same prices he'd been paying on his own - WIN !! - the bikes got faster, weighed less, and enjoyed much wider distribution, all at a 25-40% discount!

M/Cs can be an aesthetic or moral exercise, or we may simply choose to ride & enjoy them - my Buell's a consumer product of an industrial transportation concern whose design [not marketing] hit my mechanical sweet spot



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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have an unpopular opinion and have to explain it and defend myself. I'll try not to do that again. :twofinger
well, Ozy,

I'm clumsy while revealing a perspective based on personal experience - sorry if the tone was off - I've read your posts over time, especially since your recent notoriety, and generally enjoy both you & them

I erred in favor of simply 'riding the machine' - any machine under discussion

Kari @ CalMoto simply couldn't get my hands off his trade-in Buell demo, once I'd ridden it - his techs were eating lunch, rather than prepping the rippin' Speed Triple which both he & I were certain I'd soon be buying, particularly since I'd ridden & nixed both his GS & R boxers - so he tossed the vibe ride's keys at me as a hopeful joke, like THAT sale would ever happen......

you live in a blue-collar, Buell-riding area, & Sears Point's JT&S Performance is close by - should be EZ to check out a used XB [nicer in so many ways over my tuber] - you may well find it an interesting complement to your GS & FZ experiences......

hey - we cool?
Of course we're cool. I rarely take much to offense. That's why I used the :twofinger :thumbup Sorry if I seemed like I was offended or anything.

I know T and S quite personally. I've ridden with S on several occasions with him on his XB and worked with T (sorta, I was the computer consultant) at Harley Vallejo before they started JT&S. When Vallejo HD changed hands they ended up doing something else for that role but I digress. Last I knew, T has the speed record on a blast as well. :ride
That isn't trolling. However, what you are doing is. Your goal here is nothing other than the annoying everyone taking part in this discussion.

yeah right..:rolleyes if I was trollin I would probably try to incorporate this into some king of baiting:

but I not going to jump on the buell train until they actually put up some numbers, podiums, and stats in a respectable class. AMA has lost my support just like they lost factory support. that bike is growing on me but it doesn't mean anything until they can put up something that will actually out perform bikes in the same class...
but I not going to jump on the buell train until they actually put up some numbers, podiums, and stats in a respectable class. AMA has lost my support just like they lost factory support. that bike is growing on me but it doesn't mean anything until they can put up something that will actually out perform bikes in the same class...

Or at least perform respectably. I would consider it if the Buell was showing at least a top 10 with at least SOME consistency. Well, and didn't have a $40k price tag. Sure I bagged on the "Erik Buell Racing" name which c'mon, that's not really a good name for any manufacturer. Do you think that Ford would be where it is if the company was called Henry Ford Racing or if there was a Karl Benz Racing? That's the name you use for company that takes an existing product and converts to a racing product not one that builds from scratch. Dislike that thinking and call it petty, fine. But if you think about it you may see that it makes sense. If you don't want to be a boutique builder, you have to not act and think like a boutique builder. I'm not saying there isn't a chance for him just that it's an uphill battle even more so now that he's had ties to HD.

I hate to say it but it's true and you all know it, that image has a lot to do with Joe the average consumer when it comes to big ticket item purchases such as motorcycles. Like it or hate it, it's the way it is. Take the SUV buying craze for example. Most people buying them didn't need something that big... but why did they buy them? Hell, my girlfriend has a Honda Pilot. I use it's interior space and hauling abilities more than she does.

But seriously, at this point I think I'm :deadhorse Either you agree with my opinion, disagree, maybe even see it's merit or think I'm just hating. :dunno I'm kind of done trying to explain it at this point. :laughing I really do hope Erik can do well, honestly. I would love to have an American sportbike option. I just honestly don't see it happening any time in the near future.
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Or at least perform respectably. I would consider it if the Buell was showing at least a top 10 with at least SOME consistency. Well, and didn't have a $40k price tag. Sure I bagged on the "Erik Buell Racing" name which c'mon, that's not really a good name for any manufacturer. Do you think that Ford would be where it is if the company was called Henry Ford Racing or if there was a Karl Benz Racing? That's the name you use for company that takes an existing product and converts to a racing product not one that builds from scratch. Dislike that thinking and call it petty, fine. But if you think about it you may see that it makes sense. If you don't want to be a boutique builder, you have to not act and think like a boutique builder. I'm not saying there isn't a chance for him just that it's an uphill battle even more so now that he's had ties to HD.

I hate to say it but it's true and you all know it, that image has a lot to do with Joe the average consumer when it comes to big ticket item purchases such as motorcycles. Like it or hate it, it's the way it is. Take the SUV buying craze for example. Most people buying them didn't need something that big... but why did they buy them? Hell, my girlfriend has a Honda Pilot. I use it's interior space and hauling abilities more than she does.

But seriously, at this point I think I'm :deadhorse Either you agree with my opinion, disagree, maybe even see it's merit or think I'm just hating. :dunno I'm kind of done trying to explain it at this point. :laughing I really do hope Erik can do well, honestly. I would love to have an American sportbike option. I just honestly don't see it happening any time in the near future.
This :thumbup