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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

He uses his face to smirk at the world. Green light punchable.

+2 on the smirk making his face a desirable target of a punch. Interesting that many/most(?) people react with thoughts of violence instead of dismissiveness when they see a facial expression that implies likely unfounded pride at others expense.
I agree, this particular guy smirks too much, but let's be honest, he is also kind of small and scrawny, and doesn't have the classical Hollywood alpha-male face.

If he was Aaron Hernandez or Jason Statham, you guys wouldn't be saying the same things even if he smirked just as often.

I've seen how people dislike others just because of their facial appearance. Or they ascribe personality attributes to them, without even knowing them. For example, corners of the mouth point down, coupled with frown lines --- oh he/she is unapproachable or too critical. Guy has a strong jaw and squinty eyes, oh he looks like a take-charge kind of guy. Guy is overweight with a pudgy face, oh he's a funny guy. Ears stick out a bit, oh I can't really take him seriously.
I agree, this particular guy smirks too much, but let's be honest, he is also kind of small and scrawny, and doesn't have the classical Hollywood alpha-male face.

If he was Aaron Hernandez or Jason Statham, you guys wouldn't be saying the same things even if he smirked just as often.

I've seen how people dislike others just because of their facial appearance. Or they ascribe personality attributes to them, without even knowing them. For example, corners of the mouth point down, coupled with frown lines --- oh he/she is unapproachable or too critical. Guy has a strong jaw and squinty eyes, oh he looks like a take-charge kind of guy. Guy is overweight with a pudgy face, oh he's a funny guy. Ears stick out a bit, oh I can't really take him seriously.

Are you sure you aren't over-analyzing this?
I agree, this particular guy smirks too much, but let's be honest, he is also kind of small and scrawny, and doesn't have the classical Hollywood alpha-male face.

If he was Aaron Hernandez or Jason Statham, you guys wouldn't be saying the same things even if he smirked just as often.

I've seen how people dislike others just because of their facial appearance. Or they ascribe personality attributes to them, without even knowing them. For example, corners of the mouth point down, coupled with frown lines --- oh he/she is unapproachable or too critical. Guy has a strong jaw and squinty eyes, oh he looks like a take-charge kind of guy. Guy is overweight with a pudgy face, oh he's a funny guy. Ears stick out a bit, oh I can't really take him seriously.

Yeah, we've talked about this before Mr. Longface. You fall into the first example, right? I remember this, because so do I, to some extent, and I can relate to what you're saying. Yeah, there is something to this.

But Pharma-Bro is still super punchable though. :laughing
Martin just can't keep his mouth shut. lol

Martin Shkreli
21 hrs ·

I'm delighted with the outcome of the insane witch hunt against me. The government concocted a fantasy world of eight criminal counts connecting nonexistent dots into an elaborate conspiracy encompassing a dozen people. The jury soundly rejected this idiocy, leaving only 3 vacuous charges which 'stuck'.

I am proud of my legal team for all of the hard work which resulted in an acquittal on the serious, 'loss-carrying' charges. A simple reading of the USSG suggests a sentence of "0 to 6 months":


As important, I am continuing my wrongful termination litigation against Retrophin. I am seeking more than $50,000,000 in damages and the jury clearly rejected Retrophin and the government's counter-theory . Retrophin and their executives will pay for their treachorous and greedy behavior.

When the government points every resource they have at you and you walk away unscathed, I call that a huge victory. I'm not happy that three charges did prevail against me, but I am confident they will be vacated post-trial. I'm throwing a party tonight to celebrate--hit me up if you are NYC to come.

Finally, I appreciate all of the support from my fans. However, even more than that, I appreciate the foolish hatred from the uninformed. This propels me to succeed--my net worth is at an all-time high, and my new software startup is the most exciting thing I've ever done. Facing little to no jail time and having stood up to the government face-to-face with no fear, I feel like I can do anything.

Thank you,
Martin Shkreli
Martin just can't keep his mouth shut. lol

Martin Shkreli
21 hrs ·

I'm delighted with the outcome of the insane witch hunt against me. The government concocted a fantasy world of eight criminal counts connecting nonexistent dots into an elaborate conspiracy encompassing a dozen people. The jury soundly rejected this idiocy, leaving only 3 vacuous charges which 'stuck'.

I am proud of my legal team for all of the hard work which resulted in an acquittal on the serious, 'loss-carrying' charges. A simple reading of the USSG suggests a sentence of "0 to 6 months":


As important, I am continuing my wrongful termination litigation against Retrophin. I am seeking more than $50,000,000 in damages and the jury clearly rejected Retrophin and the government's counter-theory . Retrophin and their executives will pay for their treachorous and greedy behavior.

When the government points every resource they have at you and you walk away unscathed, I call that a huge victory. I'm not happy that three charges did prevail against me, but I am confident they will be vacated post-trial. I'm throwing a party tonight to celebrate--hit me up if you are NYC to come.

Finally, I appreciate all of the support from my fans. However, even more than that, I appreciate the foolish hatred from the uninformed. This propels me to succeed--my net worth is at an all-time high, and my new software startup is the most exciting thing I've ever done. Facing little to no jail time and having stood up to the government face-to-face with no fear, I feel like I can do anything.

Thank you,
Martin Shkreli

Sounds like some Fat Boy from NK wrote. :laughing
He represents his age group very well. People with few real-life friends become really crafty at constructing online worlds where they convince themselves they actually have meaningful relationships.

Yeah, we've talked about this before Mr. Longface. You fall into the first example, right? I remember this, because so do I, to some extent, and I can relate to what you're saying. Yeah, there is something to this.

But Pharma-Bro is still super punchable though. :laughing
Very much so. Even I think so. But it's because I'm a primitive mammal who judges people by their appearance, despite my best attempts not to.
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He's been convicted of 3 counts of fraud. Could land in jail as long for 20 yrs but could get a lot less because the investors did not lose any money.

"While the convictions carry maximum penalties of years in prison, Brafman said that the lack of financial harm meant that Shkreli could get no jail time when he is sentenced. A sentencing date has yet to be set."


He's only 34 yrs old. If karma doesn't take a bite out of him for the deceptive and heartless things he's done thus far, it'll catch up to him eventually
Has anyone mentioned that they hope that he gets stripped of all of his money, goes to prison, gets raped and infected with aids, and released back into the wild?
It amazes me that some think that rape is an acceptable punishment for any crime. Adding onto that the prospect of contracting a lethal, contagious disease and then be "released back into the wild" is stunning.