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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

"Retrophin and their executives will pay for their treachorous and greedy behavior."

Pot, kettle. You get it.
Martin just can't keep his mouth shut. lol

Martin Shkreli
21 hrs ·

I'm delighted with the outcome of the insane witch hunt against me. The government concocted a fantasy world of eight criminal counts connecting nonexistent dots into an elaborate conspiracy encompassing a dozen people. The jury soundly rejected this idiocy, leaving only 3 vacuous charges which 'stuck'.

I am proud of my legal team for all of the hard work which resulted in an acquittal on the serious, 'loss-carrying' charges. A simple reading of the USSG suggests a sentence of "0 to 6 months":


As important, I am continuing my wrongful termination litigation against Retrophin. I am seeking more than $50,000,000 in damages and the jury clearly rejected Retrophin and the government's counter-theory . Retrophin and their executives will pay for their treachorous and greedy behavior.

When the government points every resource they have at you and you walk away unscathed, I call that a huge victory. I'm not happy that three charges did prevail against me, but I am confident they will be vacated post-trial. I'm throwing a party tonight to celebrate--hit me up if you are NYC to come.

Finally, I appreciate all of the support from my fans. However, even more than that, I appreciate the foolish hatred from the uninformed. This propels me to succeed--my net worth is at an all-time high, and my new software startup is the most exciting thing I've ever done. Facing little to no jail time and having stood up to the government face-to-face with no fear, I feel like I can do anything.

Thank you,
Martin Shkreli

Heard the party was lit
Just another example of activists Judges going after hard working job creators. Reported by fake news. :( #MAGA
So do the investors get the money? The prosecution admitted the investors came out ahead (read: made loads of money) now they get another $10 mil. This guy was a dick but behind the scenes the rich get richer. He's just taking the fall as the face man for the dirty deeds.

Would the amount he paid for the album even cover the costs of writing, producing and recording it?

Also legally can they stop him from releasing it? I mean can you sell someone something in a private sale and have restrictions on its use ?

Like "I'll see you this care but you're not allowed to drive it for 10 years".

"I'll see you this kitchen knife if you promise not to use it to cut food for 10 years"
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So do the investors get the money? The prosecution admitted the investors came out ahead (read: made loads of money) now they get another $10 mil. This guy was a dick but behind the scenes the rich get richer. He's just taking the fall as the face man for the dirty deeds.

The point is, the ends don't justify the means. Just because his investors allegedly came out ahead doesn't mean hedge fund managers can do whatever they fucking want. This country gives way too much slack to people like that as it is.
Bet you that if he wasn't such a high profile mega-prick, he'd have gotten away with it. Perception counts for a lot.

I know of one high profile mega-prick who's getting away with "it".:nchantr