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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Dang! If I would've known back in February, I totally would've gone. :(

We're running the SF Marathon in August!! Anyone else?

I'm saving myself for next year. I'm in more well rounded strength and endurance building mode this year and am focusing on triathlons. Goal is 2-3 marathons next year and an ironman tri before the end of the decade.
Marathon hopeful, 101-year-old , training hard



LONDON - Already Britain’s oldest employee, 101-year-old Buster Martin now aims to become the world’s oldest marathon runner by completing the London Marathon and celebrating with a pint of beer and a cigarette.

Sprightly and bearded, he completed a half marathon at the weekend in five hours 13 minutes. The former Army physical training instructor works three days a week for a London plumbing firm and says he has trained for the April 13th race in his spare time.

“I’ve said I’ll attempt it,” he told Reuters by telephone from his workplace at Pimlico Plumbers. “I haven’t said I’ll complete it. If I do make it, all the better. I hadn’t thought of doing it before but someone asked me and the money goes to charity so why not?”

His sponsorship money will go to the Rhys Daniels Trust, which provides temporary accommodation for families of patients in specialist children’s hospitals.

Martin, who had 17 children and returned to work at the age of 99 saying he was bored after two years of retirement, would beat the previous record for world’s oldest marathon runner by eight years.

“If I finish, I’ll do what I always do and have a pint and a fag,” he said. “People ask what is my secret but I haven’t got one. They say fags and booze are bad for you—but I’m still here, aren’t I?”


You should start training for a half marathon first. I ran my first one in April, the Santa Cruz half marathon. I trained for a couple months prior, but had a foot injury 2 weeks before the run and never ran more than 8 miles until the day of the half marathon. It's amazing what adrenaline can do for you. I finished in better shape than I thought I'd be. To train I ran one long run a week, 5+ miles or so, and shorter runs every other day (3 miles). You should also start trying out runners goo, various brands and flavors, to find one that you like. It really helped throughout the race to eat that and drink the water with electrolytes.

San Jose has the Rock and Roll half marathon coming up in Oct. You might want to consider running in that one.

Good luck to you!
I am running the SF marathon again in 2009, anyone else up for the challenge?
I am running the SF marathon again in 2009, anyone else up for the challenge?

If you have not run the Sacramento International you should try it sometime. Very fast rolling slight down hill for the first 10 miles and then mostly flat. It's the only place I was able to break three hours but that was 1996 and 25 lbs ago. :teeth
been running 3-5 times a week. just putting in miles. Thinking of signing up for the Pismo Beach half marathon on Feb 1st. Just to help a friend out who is running for her first time. Otherwise, I'm interested in some local events. Bap, I might see ya at the SF marathon. :)
hhhmmm... I'd like to try for the SF Marathon. Hopefully By then I will be ready..

I can let you know when I do some of the trail runs I've been doing. I'm still working on my speed. But I'm happy considering where I was a couple years ago...:)
If you have not run the Sacramento International you should try it sometime. Very fast rolling slight down hill for the first 10 miles and then mostly flat. It's the only place I was able to break three hours but that was 1996 and 25 lbs ago. :teeth

Holy crap!!!! I think I'd be ecstatic breaking 4 hours at this point :laughing

been running 3-5 times a week. just putting in miles. Thinking of signing up for the Pismo Beach half marathon on Feb 1st. Just to help a friend out who is running for her first time. Otherwise, I'm interested in some local events. Bap, I might see ya at the SF marathon. :)

That would be awesome Rick. Let me know. Registration fees increase after December 31, so you might want to sign up if you need the added incentive.

hhhmmm... I'd like to try for the SF Marathon. Hopefully By then I will be ready..

I can let you know when I do some of the trail runs I've been doing. I'm still working on my speed. But I'm happy considering where I was a couple years ago...:)

Oz, I'm in Pinole now, so if you need a running partner, I'd be happy to hook up for a few runs.
hhhmmm... I'd like to try for the SF Marathon. Hopefully By then I will be ready..

I can let you know when I do some of the trail runs I've been doing. I'm still working on my speed. But I'm happy considering where I was a couple years ago...:)

Oz, yeah that sounds cool. no worries on the speed. just hit me up, you got my number. I'll run the trails with you.

Bap, yep, I might need to just go ahead and sign up for better incentive. I'm not following a strict training regime, but I'm putting in miles per week. so far 10 - 14 miles per week, and will increase. just got some new asics 2130's and they feel so much better than my worn out shoes.

going for a 4.5 miler in a bit.
Holy crap!!!! I think I'd be ecstatic breaking 4 hours at this point :laughing

Running and mountain biking was my life in the 90's. I was running 70 miles a week before that marathon.

23 / 99 / 99 Stephen Humphreys M 38 - 2:53:28 06:37 pace per mile

Twelve years later I can't even run one mile at 6:37 pace...:laughing
That same marathon a 72 year old man ran 3:05, now thats a real stud...:thumbup
Oz, I'm in Pinole now, so if you need a running partner, I'd be happy to hook up for a few runs.

Thanks Bap! Will have to take you up on that..:thumbup

Did a 20k this past weekend at Rodeo Beach. Awesome trail and got lucky with the weather. I did about the pace I wanted. Just need to work on being able to do more distance. Might do a 30k next time out and hopefully can hold the same pace.

Thanks Bap! Will have to take you up on that..:thumbup

Did a 20k this past weekend at Rodeo Beach. Awesome trail and got lucky with the weather. I did about the pace I wanted. Just need to work on being able to do more distance. Might do a 30k next time out and hopefully can hold the same pace.


That looks like a fun run. Let me know for sure when you plan another run, I'd love to join you, and pick your brain in photography :)

How did you feel after the run? Pretty strong? That's almost a half marathon right there. Why not run the SF with us this year?
I felt Ok. If I would have kept going I could have done another few miles with out stopping. The hills in the middle of the run is what got me. I pushed a little harder than usual and I could feel it by the end.

I will post up when I do the next one.
I thinking 20k or 30k at Redwood Park in Oakland on Feb 28 for my next trail run. http://www.pctrailruns.com/Sequoia_Wntr.htm

If my plans fall through, I might do a Pacifica TR on Jan 17 21k.

I'm thinking about doing the SF Marathon this year. Just want to make sure I've trained enough to finish all with out stopping. Just one of my goals.


That looks like a fun run. Let me know for sure when you plan another run, I'd love to join you, and pick your brain in photography :)

How did you feel after the run? Pretty strong? That's almost a half marathon right there. Why not run the SF with us this year?
Early bird registration ends on January 1, Ozzy, so that might be an added incentive to do it :)
Anyone know of a half marathon in the mid to late February time frame? I was going to do the Pismo Beach half marathon, but I just found out that it was cancelled in 2009.
Anyone know of a half marathon in the mid to late February time frame? I was going to do the Pismo Beach half marathon, but I just found out that it was cancelled in 2009.

WTF!? seriously? cause I was about to sign up for that. I think my friend is already signed up for it too. gonna have to give her a shout. Is that the one on the 1st of Feb.?
Oooph! I forgot to post that I ran my first half! In September. 2:30 finish time. Yay! :D
WTF!? seriously? cause I was about to sign up for that. I think my friend is already signed up for it too. gonna have to give her a shout. Is that the one on the 1st of Feb.?

The Kaiser Half is that weekend too:


As much as I want to give a half (or full) marathon a go, I've got to watch my spending til I'm done with school. I'll continue keeping an eye on this thread though :)