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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

I am training for the Carlsbad full right now. I am avoiding any Rock n Roll events as long as they are going to continue operating the way they do.

Been hard keeping training up this week. It has been triple digits on the roof all week so far.

when's carlsbad? isnt it in January? and where do you usually run?
im trying to do the triple crown next year but i havent started training for the carlsbad one yet...
when's carlsbad? isnt it in January? and where do you usually run?
im trying to do the triple crown next year but i havent started training for the carlsbad one yet...

Yep, January. I asked and found out that you can run the Carlsbad full and still qualify for the Triple Crown, which is what I am going to try and do.

I normally train local to my house. Lots of hills around here, good for training in. Some of my runs will be down around the Balboa 24 Hour Fitness if I had to do some sort of work related training and run, so I have a place to shower between work/running/training.
rock n roll in two days. not sure im ready but im going to try

Finishing a half marathon is all mental. Finishing fast requires training, but just trying to cross the line is mental. If you are only going to "try", then don't expect much.
I have been running 8 miles a few times a week. I think I should be fine.

Any advice?
the whole carb loading thing true? hydrate the day before, eat bannas to prevent cramps..........
also if i have been running for the last 4 months. doing up to 8 miles a few times a week do you think I should be good?
the whole carb loading thing true? hydrate the day before, eat bannas to prevent cramps..........

Don't eat anything unusual. Something with extra carbs is good, only if it is something that isn't unusual for you. You don't want to find out the day before or day of a long run that what you ate doesn't agree with you. Same goes for breakfast.

Hydrating is good, but there will also be lots of fluids at the event. Don't over do it.

also if i have been running for the last 4 months. doing up to 8 miles a few times a week do you think I should be good?

Finishing a half marathon is all mental. Finishing fast requires training, but just trying to cross the line is mental.
You'll be okay. Don't get caught up in all the excitement and run like a "bat out of hell" the first mile, then spend the remaining twelve trying to recover.

Start out at a moderate pace, and as your body warms up, you'll eventually settle into a comfortable pace - not too fast, not too slow.

Be sure to keep hydrated, fluids at least every 20 minutes. (Aid stations may be about every 2 miles). And GU/Gel every 40-45 minutes, if your body can take it.

It's okay to walk (I walk while hydrating at the aid stations), but remember to keep moving forward. You can also interval the last few miles, too. But do make it your goal to cross the finish line running. :)teeth for the cameras)

Lastly, enjoy the music :party, and give thanks to the volunteers :thumbup

Good luck!!
not the best finish time but i did it! Was awesome until mile 12 when I watched a guy go into cardiac arrest. just found out he is O.K.
going to try to get another 1/2 in this year. going for a full in 2012. was told Big sur is a good one and gives me time to train.
Morgan Hill Marathon+Half is Oct 23 if your body is up to doing another half so soon.

Unless you're running for a charity, Big Sur is already sold out. :(
damn the big sur 1/2 is sold out too. need to start looking again.

Today I feel fine. Only my nipples hurt LOL. A half on the 23rd would be no problem.
If you weren't so far away I would recommend the Carlsbad full down here. The weather in San Diego is usually awesome, and my training run yesterday was supposed to be 13 miles.
I was told by others the Carlsbad is a great race. just think its too soon.

My plan is to do another 1/2 this year.

Next year im going to start of with a 5k, Then a 10k, Bay to Breakers, maybe two 1/2's and finish of with a full. Beating all my PR's along the way.

So really looking for a full around the end of 2012, LOL
Well, that's your call.


My longest run ever up until 2010 was a 5k. I did a 5k in November in 35 minutes (slow) at about 200 pounds. 7 months later I ran a marathon. I skipped the half, 10k, everything and went straight into a marathon.

So if you want to wait, go ahead. But I am not so patient.
wow. 5k to a full. nice work!

The half was not to bad. Im just not in good enough shape for a full.

I started at 265. just now down to 220.

looking for a long term goal so I keep it up.