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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

I went from running nothing to a full. Btw, I'm not a runner. Oh and I didn't train for a single mile for the marathon....I finished taking up almost the full 6 hours. But I was aching for the next couple of days.

Lol i didn't choose not to train, but school was more important =P
Morgan Hill Marathon+Half is Oct 23 if your body is up to doing another half so soon.

Unless you're running for a charity, Big Sur is already sold out. :(

looking into the Morgan Hill half. Not looking like a good one for a PR. anyone ever done it?
MH Full or Half probably not ideal if you're looking to PR, unless you've done hill training runs, or have strong legs. The run up Willows Springs is a challenge.

My wife and son did it, while I did the full. This year, son will do the half, wife and I will do the full.
MH Full or Half probably not ideal if you're looking to PR, unless you've done hill training runs, or have strong legs. The run up Willows Springs is a challenge.

I was thinking Willow Springs Raceway :laughing

I did a few laps of the track on the bicycle a month ago. Going up into T4a is a good climb :D

In my quest to check mark all things I need to do before dying, I have "run a marathon" on the very top of my priority right now.

About 2 years ago, I was physically a complete mess! I could not run on the treadmill for 2 minutes straight! I have slowly built up my endurance and strength, but I have not formally attempted at training for a marathon.

I know there are lot's of documentation like this online, but I would rather hear from real-world folks. Currently, I can jog for about 5-miles, at a 10minute/mile pace.

What type of regimen would I need to focus on?

Also, how should my diet change / if at all? I eat pretty healthy (sandwich/salads for lunch, and chicken breast for dinner)

I know it's going to take lots of time and commitment, but I know I can do it and when i'm determined to do something, nothing stops me.

Thanks for any tips and advice.

you are actually doing great already. just remember to be always consistent and never over do yourself with too much. consistency is better than tiring yourself with too much exercise.
My plan is to do another 1/2 this year.

Next year im going to start of with a 5k, Then a 10k, Bay to Breakers, maybe two 1/2's and finish of with a full. Beating all my PR's along the way.

So really looking for a full around the end of 2012, LOL

There used to be a race in December on Angel Island, 15K and 30K (two laps) which is ~15miles. A fun race but challenging hill climbs :teeth - but still might be worth investigating. Look up "the schedule" online - if it's still around it's a great resource for finding running events. GL :thumbup
I ran a 10k sunday. Just a week after the 1/2 marathon. Beat my PR by 6 minutes!

Nice! There's the us half marathon here in sf 11/06/11, it may already be sold out. I did it in 2008 and nothing beats running across the gg bridge and back. Hopefully it rains just a bit. I had been running about 5-6 miles a day until a few weeks ago when I took a spill on the dirtbike. I'm looking to get back into it with a few mile run on the treadmill tonight. check it out: http://www.ushalf.com/
How was the Morgan hill marathon? To broke to go.

Been doing 7 mile runs at coyote hills
anyone doing the 100 miles in 28 days challenge on Strava?

5 more miles to go and 16 days left to complete! Yay!
BUMP running season is back!

Ran a 5K sunday in Oakland. Broke my PR but, still slow as hell. 28.01

Running the Santa Cruz Half this sunday.

Already signed up for Bay to Breakers and the Rock and Roll Marathon.

Its on.....
May 20th will be doing a half-marathon in Portland, Or.

good luck on your runs man. :teeth
i just did the Big Sur Mud Run on the 24th. first time i've ever done any kind of running event, and my team completed it in exactly 1 hour (and 13 seconds). :party

im definitely not a runner, but i have to say its one of the funnest things i've done in a while! and now my teammates are trying to talk me into doing a Tough Mudder thing in September. :laughing

is there any other good run events in the bay area that have mud pits involved or other stuff where its not just running on flat ground? i also heard of something in san francisco where there is paint involved?
from what i hear tough mudder is no joke.

I think I want to do warrior dash. Its way more mellow.
from what i hear tough mudder is no joke.

I think I want to do warrior dash. Its way more mellow.

Yeah that's what I hear too. But I figure it will motivate me to do more physical activity everyday, rather than just what I'm required. :laughing

I just looked up warrior dash and it looks like it would be fun! They have a similiar running event in hollister coming up in may I think that is also a 5k, but I don't think any of the other guys wanna do it. The guys I'm running with want to do a longer run event, and one of them is pretty set on tough mudder. :laughing
Mudder is a blast. Just stabilize anything wobbly. We did the Norcal last September and my boyfriend's knee has never recovered.
The 2012 goal is a marathon. Have done a few 10k trail races and am signed up for the San Francisco Half in July (1st half). The big event is the Twin Cities marathon up in Minneapolis in October with my brother. We've never done anything remotely athletic together and now that we're both over 40 we figured it was time.

For the other distance runners out there: how do you balance other activities/training that might result in conflicting muscle development? I'm hiking Mt Whitney in August and all the training time on the stairmill and hills results in larger legs for me...kind of a speed skater build if I'm not careful. :p
Had a blast at the Portland R&R half marathon on May 20th. good deal. perfect weather (started sprinkling at the beginning and was sideways coming over the last bridge into downtown) :laughing

It was my girls first organized race. :laughing she did great. some knee pain at the end, and sore muscles. but some ice and motrin, and she did fine.

we didn't train. :( :laughing :facepalm well, the most she ran at one time was 4-5 miles at Lake Merced, weeks before.

Her time 2:55 with the good ole, run, stop, run method.

I think she'd be down for some shorter races no problem, and longer ones with more serious training.

Rhonda, good luck on the half in a few weeks.