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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

bump :cool

Recently ran the Mt. Si 50k ultra outside of Seattle (snowqualmie). officially.

Good run, lots of rain, but it afforded cool weather. Luckily only about 1000ft elevation gain too.

hit a new pr: 6:45, total of 31.17 miles.

It was a good run, even though I don't do long runs in my training that are longer than 14 miles. you have to walk at some point in ultras, so I just run about 75% and walk the rest. I shoulda changed socks at mile 21. ended up with about 7 blisters, but recovered pretty well by the following Thursday. :teeth

some photos

Wow, that's some serious miles -good job :hail Hoping to run my first marathon this year.
what kind of shoes do you guys wear for long distance?

depends on the runner I think. you have to choose a shoe that fits you. for me, it's the Asics runners. I was on street runners for this trail. nothing technical. otherwise, I would have just used some Asics trail runners.

oh, yeah, use some wicking socks. :laughing don't be like me. :facepalm

Wow, that's some serious miles -good job :hail Hoping to run my first marathon this year.

thanks man. and good luck on your marathon. :thumbup
How many miles do you normally put on a good pair of runners? Might be that you need to change them out sooner, than later (<300 miles on the shoe)? :dunno

Maybe transition them to daily use runners, rather than your actual trainers?

I like the Asics because they have room in the front. and arch support.

good luck. :thumbup
First 50k next weekend.

It's all good, I got up to 16 miles, what could go wrong?
I don't change anything diet wise the week leading up to a race. So no beet juice for me.

One of my fuel sources has caffeine, I take one 30 minutes before start and a second every 4 or so hours after.

Half Ironman two weeks later. At least it is only a half marathon.
But beet juice is only suppose to be taken a few days before the race. It's not like you're gonna podium. I kid, I kid :p Say first place (within your age group)?!
What is ATP? It fuels life. It is a high-energy molecule that stores the energy needed by our cells. ATP can be produced through different mechanisms but let’s focus on aerobic respiration (think TCA and oxidative phosphorylation).

The equation for aerobic respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (36 ATP*). Beet juice improves the ratio of ATP per O2. Therefore, you’re getting more products (ATP) with a reduced number of O2, a requirement for the combustion of C6H12O2. In other words, say your car gets 10 miles to the gallon with gasoline XYZ. If you switch over to gasoline beet juice, which you should, you’d get more than 10 miles to the gallon.

There is an increase in efficiency (of the mitochondria or something like that ☺).

Of course, there are studies that dispute this claim!
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23020760 (refutes claim)
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21071588 (proves claim)

Clear as mud? Any who, I'd be more than happy to explain it further or any related questions to the best of my knowledge!

*There really isn’t an agreement on the exact numerical value but it’s in that range.
First 50k next weekend.

It's all good, I got up to 16 miles, what could go wrong?

You'll do well. I never get passed 15 miles, leading up to those. it's only 31miles. Kick some ass! and if you are doing a half-marathon in 2 weeks, this will be a good warmup. :thumbup Let us know how you do.
I don't change anything diet wise the week leading up to a race. So no beet juice for me.

One of my fuel sources has caffeine, I take one 30 minutes before start and a second every 4 or so hours after.

Half Ironman two weeks later. At least it is only a half marathon.

Good luck on your 50K and Half Ironman :thumbup

Hopefully, two weeks is enough for your legs to recover for the Half. Pace yourself and fuel-up during the bike portion......should set you up pretty well for the run.

(Oh, when I did Full Vineman in July, my longest run during training was 14 miles, I think you'll be fine on the 50K).
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Only time I went to NOLA (besides thinking it was a dump), I thought the weather was miserable for running. But I live in the dry desert, even on hot days running isn't so bad.

I actually run a lot now days for fun and stress relief. I probably don't do enough training miles and put in too many fun miles. 5-10 is an enjoyable run, especially with the trails out here.

As for swimming, I do have to pump myself up for it. I really hate salt water, which is why I pick out races that are in fresh water lakes. The taste really gets to me and I can't go more then a few hundred feet at best without gagging.

I'm also hesitant about the beet juice. I did a little looking around and I couldn't find any conclusive evidence of its benefits. I'll have to look more into it and see what athletes use it, if any. All the studies I saw had flaws that were easily overcome if they didn't want to give beet juice a positive bias. I don't worry too much about those things too much in general as I don't have a great fitness base to work off of yet. Once I get that base laid out, then I'll worry about special nutrition.
Hit the wall at 46k trying to beat 5 hours. Oh well, I walked the last 4k to the finish in 5:45.

Several hours later my wife crossed the finish line and asked when we are going to do a 50 miler. She already has one on the calendar for March.

*Le sigh*

Trail distance beats road distance that's for sure. I don't know if I ever want to run a road race again.
Guess it depends on what you are comparing to. A friend of mine is a former AMA pro racer, he runs about a 4 hour 50k. The winner of this race finished at about 3:30. Being my first ultra, my goals were:
Primary: Finish
Secondary: sub 10 minute mile
Tertiary: sub 5 hour

But being my first, I learned a lot from it. I learned more about my hydration and fueling needs. I've got a better idea of my pacing and where to focus my training for next time. And I learned that these small events are just so much better then those big road races. I think my smallest marathon was 5000 people (with I think 15-20,000 half marathon entries). This race had 142 finishers. For the last few miles before I crashed, I couldn't see anyone in front of me, just empty trail.

How is your running technique? I'm very much a forefoot/midfoot striker after switching to Vibram's then back to shoes. I kept the same form. My last set of shoes were destroying my feet, and I didn't realize how bad the shoes were until I replaced them. Of course, now I feel like a woman since I have my road race boots, beater boots, track shoes, aggressive trail shoes, lighter trail shoes, beater shoes, chore shoes. Damn
Guess it depends on what you are comparing to. A friend of mine is a former AMA pro racer, he runs about a 4 hour 50k. The winner of this race finished at about 3:30. Being my first ultra, my goals were:
Primary: Finish
Secondary: sub 10 minute mile
Tertiary: sub 5 hour

But being my first, I learned a lot from it. I learned more about my hydration and fueling needs. I've got a better idea of my pacing and where to focus my training for next time. And I learned that these small events are just so much better then those big road races. I think my smallest marathon was 5000 people (with I think 15-20,000 half marathon entries). This race had 142 finishers. For the last few miles before I crashed, I couldn't see anyone in front of me, just empty trail.

How is your running technique? I'm very much a forefoot/midfoot striker after switching to Vibram's then back to shoes. I kept the same form. My last set of shoes were destroying my feet, and I didn't realize how bad the shoes were until I replaced them. Of course, now I feel like a woman since I have my road race boots, beater boots, track shoes, aggressive trail shoes, lighter trail shoes, beater shoes, chore shoes. Damn

I'll take a trail run over a road run, any day! What was the elevation gain on the ultra? that's a fine time man, congrats!! Beat my pr by an hour. :D

The ultra community is not very large, small actually, so a lot of the people know each other, or at least can understand each others craziness.

The bolded part, that was one of the biggest things for me. Once you secure that, along with your shoes, you are good to go.

again, congrats....and good luck on the 50 miler. I still haven't convinced myself I want to go into that. :laughing

The last person I talked into doing a 50k (ultra), is now running 100milers. :laughing and she's rockin' it!
I'll take a trail run over a road run, any day! What was the elevation gain on the ultra? that's a fine time man, congrats!! Beat my pr by an hour. :D
Relatively flat, only 2000 ft total.


The ultra community is not very large, small actually, so a lot of the people know each other, or at least can understand each others craziness.
Yeah, one of the guys in this race was talking to my wife on course letting her know about his upcoming race. And the race director just did his first 100 a month ago.

The bolded part, that was one of the biggest things for me. Once you secure that, along with your shoes, you are good to go.
Hydration has always been a weakness of mine. On the road courses there is so much. On my last marathon, between the low temps and taking a small cup at every aid station (1-1.5 miles) I ended up over hydrating and pissed myself to make my goal time. Normally I don't carry any fluids on my runs, I think 16 is my longest without having any fluids.

again, congrats....and good luck on the 50 miler. I still haven't convinced myself I want to go into that. :laughing
I figured out that which ever distance feels intimidating is the next step. The idea of another 19 miles feels scary, so that means that is next. I'm actually glad I didn't use that logic when I registered for my HIM. After I registered I felt that it was just a stepping stone for the full distance. But at the time my training was going well. Now that my training has gone to shit, the 56 mile bike ride and then half marathon is starting to sound intimidating :(

My wife was dead last, and she is the one that brought up the idea of the 50 miler :|