If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

OK, spoke to Sean, going to make some phone calls... we've got 2 days to get the bike off school property, so if anyone's available to help, and you haven't heard from me yet, PM me! :)
Thanks Connie! Just spoke to Pat, the retarded sales person at APE... He's insisting my instructors and I over torqued and broke the bolts that go through the CCT body and hold the alum block and bolt combination to the block. What's funny is that the properly torqued bolts are intact throwing a wrench (pun intended) into his theory about improper installation. They also claim to have absolutely NO defects after having manuf'd "100'000's of parts, without anything going wrong." Of course, my set of CCT's couldn't be defective then, could they? What a douche bag.
And we have even faster resolution... SF locals Storm & Postcholo can swoop this afternoon and nab the poor li'l :rip bike. Once again, BARFers show their awesome-ness!!!

I loves teh BARF!!!! :love
Are you going to need my middle age fat ass muscles and bad jokes, or are you all set?
Are you going to need my middle age fat ass muscles and bad jokes, or are you all set?

I think, between the two of them, it's going to be OK. Thanks for being willing to do needful! :)

Final update: Nonsequitur is dragging himself from his deathbed to come load up Sean's bike and get it home.
OK, it's not really his deathbed, but more like his stayed-home-sick-with-the-flu-for-a-week-going-crazy-with-cabin-fever-for-god's-sake-get-me-out-of-the-house bed...

Mad, mad props to Nonsequitur, Hooli (Hoolicat was gonna roll out and pick up our boy) and Storm & Postcholo (who were also going to roll out and save our boy so Jeff didn't have to run across the bridge). You guys are just amazing, and all deserve a round of applause! :applause

Thanks to everyone willing to help out! You guys RAWK!!! :thumbup
Connie would have rolled out to help herself if she thought there might be handcuffs at the scene....
Connie would have rolled out to help herself if she thought there might be handcuffs at the scene....

I actually had handcuffs with me... Umm, I should have mentioned it then. :rofl

I am overwhelmed with the amount of support this board shows when someone needs the assistance. I also thank everyone for humoring me and allowing me to get out and see the sun once in a year (since I work Mids), and such a beautiful day I may have to drag the R1 out and take a spin...

Good luck with getting the bike running Sean, we'll get a ride in when she fires up again!
Hey guys, just wanted to thank everyone again, I didn't know so many other people were willing to help! Holy smokes, teh Barf rocks! Way to welcome a newcomer you guys! Absolutely cool. If I wasn't so hot about the part failure I'd be in a better mood.....

Anyhow, I'm sure that will get solved soon enough. Thanks again to everyone, Jack buddy, you're the man! Indeed we'll ride soon man, just don't arrest me for doing a wheelie here and there, mmmkay? :D
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Connie would have rolled out to help herself if she thought there might be handcuffs at the scene....

What can I say... I'm a giver that way... :teeth

I actually had handcuffs with me... Umm, I should have mentioned it then. :rofl

I am overwhelmed with the amount of support this board shows when someone needs the assistance. I also thank everyone for humoring me and allowing me to get out and see the sun once in a year (since I work Mids), and such a beautiful day I may have to drag the R1 out and take a spin...

Good luck with getting the bike running Sean, we'll get a ride in when she fires up again!

:wow And there's me, stuck at work... :facepalm
Indeed she, took time out of her work day to call me personally... A little update guys, spoke to the owner of APE Racing products, Jay. He's going to work on getting me free parts (whatever broke in the motor, valves, complete head, whatever :) once I get the head apart and see what actually broke.

Once I explained to him the threads were sheered off his aircraft quality bolts he seemed a little more apt to helping me out. His sales manager, Pat, is still a complete douche bag, however....

Anyway, thanks once again to everyone that helped out. I should be getting the motor torn apart in the next couple days and we'll see how APE handles the situation but it looks like they'll stand behind their products and help someone out (I'm apparently the first case) who's had a major issue with one of their devices. Pretty cool if you ask me. By the way Pat first handled the situation I thought I was to be railroaded for sure.... Peace - SC01
Oh, also guys if any of you are looking for some really nice gear at less than new prices hit me up, got to sell my gear in order to pull this engine repair off... Held gloves, Patriot HJC lid w/3 visors, A* boots, J. Rocket Jacket.... Sorry, I know, a shameless plug, but for a very good cause. Please don't ban me :D
You are awesome Connie!!!!!!!

You know, I can pretty much only do rescues myself between about 5-10 M-F, and weekends (if I'm not out on the bike! :teeth)... most of the time, I'm leaning very heavily on the people who have so kindly offered to help, guys like Nonsequitur... Supermike... Surfcityrider... Bonerov (who's rolled out I don't know how many times- plus, he threw me a totally awesome party with homemade beer... I love that guy!!)... Ironbutt... and a whole bunch more... if it weren't for the truly amazing people who have volunteered to be Heroic Angels of Truly Epic Proportions, well, there'd be a lot more people paying a lot of money to tow truck drivers. Which would totally suck.

So mad props to all the awesome volunteers... I'm pretty certain they were Knights of the Round Table in previous lives... :love :hail :applause

I'm just happy to be able to help out BARFers when they need it, in whatever capacity I can! :)
I second the notion that paying tow drivers $75 for a 5 mile haul absolutely blows. Good on you Connie for doing this. I'm thinking I might be getting a tire changer & balancing stand soon and offering it's use free of charge to Barf members, something akin to what you've got going on here....

Inspiring to say the least.
I second the notion that paying tow drivers $75 for a 5 mile haul absolutely blows.
That's why I have Triple-A. Get the Plus membership and you get 100 miles of towing. I learned that the hard way when I had the standard membership which only gave you 7 miles, and I was 12 from the nearest town. Driver was telling me I was looking at 100 bucks to cover the difference.
I'm thinking I might be getting a tire changer & balancing stand soon and offering it's use free of charge to Barf members, something akin to what you've got going on here....
That would be incredibly awesome! As someone always looking to save a few bucks, I would definitely use that kind of service. Please keep us posted if you do go through with such a thing. :thumbup