If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I second the notion that paying tow drivers $75 for a 5 mile haul absolutely blows. Good on you Connie for doing this. I'm thinking I might be getting a tire changer & balancing stand soon and offering it's use free of charge to Barf members, something akin to what you've got going on here....

Inspiring to say the least.

Riders help riders... I love seeing that in action... good on you for willing to be overrun by a buncha crazy BARFers... :thumbup
And the last time I had a kid get a quote from a tow truck driver, it was $375 to take him from Redwood to Vallejo... but the tow truck driver ended up being a real life saver, since the front wheel was broken and the bike was basically sitting on the end of the fork tubes... we were using tie-downs to hold it up and try to roll up the ramp that way... not enough bodies- til the driver jumped in, and helped us muscle it up into the truck. Good guy! :thumbup
Hey guys- if you see one of these posts and you have my number, please take a moment and shoot me a quick text message. It's the fastest way to get the ball rolling, and would make things easy-peasy for me. I'd rather get 20 text messages than none! :)

Aaron, I hope you're feeling better... I'm perfectly willing to whip up some homemade chicken soup for you. Mind you, I am NOWHERE near the cook YOU are... so there's the potential for life-threatening results... but for you, I'm willing to take the risk! Oh sure, I'm mostly risking you... but hey, I dare because I care!! :teeth
Get well soon, Doll! :)
Hey guys- if you see one of these posts and you have my number, please take a moment and shoot me a quick text message. It's the fastest way to get the ball rolling, and would make things easy-peasy for me. I'd rather get 20 text messages than none! :)

Aaron, I hope you're feeling better... I'm perfectly willing to whip up some homemade chicken soup for you. Mind you, I am NOWHERE near the cook YOU are... so there's the potential for life-threatening results... but for you, I'm willing to take the risk! Oh sure, I'm mostly risking you... but hey, I dare because I care!! :teeth
Get well soon, Doll! :)

Sorry, I thought someone in the other thread was going to text you. Darned cold meds. Thanks for the offer, but I am well-cared-for. Back to bed for me now...Just had to watch the Mythbusters with Moike. BADASS! :thumbup
Crashed Bike In Pope Valley

Hi there.

I crashed yesterday in Pope Valley. The bike is at the towing company. I need to get it out of there today, preferably by noon. Does anyone with a truck can help me, please? I also need a place to storage it for a little while.


You OK? I wish I could help but I'm too busy 'til this evening...

I just texted Connie.
I'm in much better shape than I deserve, Mike.

Thanks for texting Connie for me.


I'm stuck at work until 6pm today. If all else fails you are welcome to borrow my truck. It is located in Pacifica, so just PM me if you need to borrow it and I will send you my address and give the wifey a heads-up.

Glad to hear you're ok, man.

I spoke with Marc, made arrangements with Dani (Horsepower), and all is squared away! Thank you, Dani, for (again) stepping up to help out one of ours, and Marc- I'm so glad that you're OK, with nothing more than being a little ouchy... and next time I see you, Ima smack you for trying to keep up with Charlie!! :shame
:facepalm InNoHurry, right? :laughing

I wasn't going to say it....
It kind of reminds me of my team for the 6 hour endurance race in Aspen many years ago. We called our team "Better Last Than Crashed," and we crashed a total of 5 times. Oops....
:facepalm InNoHurry, right? :laughing

O snap!! :laughing I see what you did there...

I wasn't going to say it....
It kind of reminds me of my team for the 6 hour endurance race in Aspen many years ago. We called our team "Better Last Than Crashed," and we crashed a total of 5 times. Oops....

:rofl :rofl I totally lol'd...
Note to self; do not try to keep up with Charlie, Aaron or Connie.. :laughing

Marc, glad you're ok..

I spoke with Marc, made arrangements with Dani (Horsepower), and all is squared away! Thank you, Dani, for (again) stepping up to help out one of ours, and Marc- I'm so glad that you're OK, with nothing more than being a little ouchy... and next time I see you, Ima smack you for trying to keep up with Charlie!! :shame
Note to self; do not try to keep up with Charlie, Aaron or Connie.. :laughing

Marc, glad you're ok..

Dood- even I know better than to try to keep up with Charlie... when I rode with him, I was sweeping... :rofl Now Aaron's got mad skillz... poor guy, he was falling asleep last time he rode with me... :facepalm And quit sandbaggin', Chad... I've seen how you drive a moving van... if you're half that fast on a bike, no way in hell I'd keep up...

Mostly, though, a big +1 on Marc being OK...
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Folks, a quick update.

First, no one is to blame but myself. I was riding above my skills and should've known better. Thankfully no one got hurt, myself included, no property got damaged, etc. The gods were with us on Sunday.

Dani and Glen lent me their pickup, ramp and tie-downs. I picked up the bike and stored it in their house. I thank everyone for the many offers to help.

Another big thanks for sparing Heather (my wife) of the crash's details. That will go a long way on me getting back on the bike in a not so distance future.

Finally, I am fine. Not a single bruise or scratch to tell the story.

That's all for now.

Dood- even I know better than to try to keep up with Charlie... when I rode with him, I was sweeping... :rofl Now Aaron's got mad skillz... poor guy, he was falling asleep last time he rode with me... :facepalm And quit sandbaggin', Chad... I've seen how you drive a moving van... if you're half that fast on a bike, no way in hell I'd keep up...

Mostly, though, a big +1 on Marc being OK...

+1 for Chad's speed. I rode with him when he was on one of the worst bikes I have ever seen and he was still moving along pretty well. That poor bike was sideways more often than not (partially because I am pretty sure the frame was bent so it was always a little bit sideways).

And Connie, I was in no danger of following asleep during either of the times we have ridden together. I'll ride with you any time, hon.
+1 for Chad's speed. I rode with him when he was on one of the worst bikes I have ever seen and he was still moving along pretty well. That poor bike was sideways more often than not (partially because I am pretty sure the frame was bent so it was always a little bit sideways).

And Connie, I was in no danger of following asleep during either of the times we have ridden together. I'll ride with you any time, hon.

There are about 4 guys here on the forum that, when we're out riding and they're following me, provide quite a feeling of security for me... I know that, if anything happens and I toss the bike down the road, no matter how hurt I end up being, they'll make sure everything's taken care of. You're one of those guys. Makes for some of the most stress-free riding for me, and I'm down to ride with you any time! :)
I have not had the pleasure of watching Chad go, but I can attest to Aaron's ability to get up and move.