If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Sorry I missed you, Cycle61 and Snapper. I saw the email regarding the post but was unavailable to aid and was driving so didn't want to try to reply. Glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Sorry to hear the bike needs some work...
I was gonna say, Connie isn't in the area this weekend and apparently has limited cell reception.

Connie had her first actual vacation in about 7 years, and had NO cell reception up in the mountains. Sorry to hear you got stranded April, but really glad that an SBR rider was able to help you out. :thumbup

Edit: sending you a PM
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How dare you?! Who said you could take a vacation?!


I seriously figured with it being February and somewhat rainy weather forecast, that I could actually take 3 days off. Dunno what I was thinking... :(
Nice. Good to hear that lending my girlfriend a bike when hers is in the shop counts as "leaving her stranded". I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

I'm not sure why the PM part was quoted, but all she said in her post is that she was sorry that Snapper was stranded. I didn't read into that anything about personal responsibility...Let's not turn a positive into a negative. :)
So....in the spirit of being able to respond better (my email be up more'n teh barfs), I subscribed to this and get an email every time someone posts.

Could we maybe keep this limited to actual breakdowns? Right now it's like the boy who cried wolf and all.
As an FYI, this thread is an ancillary spot to post up needing help after posting up in General, which provides MUCH more exposure, instead of relying on the much smaller group of people who get e-mail notifications on this specific thread. What makes all this work is exposure- as much as possible. By all means, post up in this thread- but be sure to put up a post in General asking for help first. I rely on text message notifications from all the different BARFers who have my number, because I don't actually spend all my time on BARF... :facepalm Plus it gives other BARFers who may be in a position to help then and there to jump in and take care of things immediately.

And again, I want to say a HUGE "Thank You!!!!" to every single person who's been willing to jump in and help others when they really need it... BARFers are truly amazing people!! :applause
I was walking my dog and found a stranded rider pushing his scooter on Lake Merritt. Offered a lift for him and his broken down ride. He was, to say the least very pleasantly shocked that I "offered" but declined as he was a couple blocks from home. Gixxxergirl the world can be changed, thanks for inspiring.
I'm only gonna do this once, so listen up:


I (& presumably other interested BARFers) get email notifications when someone posts in this thread. This is not a discussion thread. Keep the chit-chat out of it so it doesn't turn into the thread what cries wolf.
Today I got a PM from a young man who broke down in SF and needed help. Props to Storm & Postcholo for arranging to help him this afternoon! :thumbup

However, that brought to light (again) that I need to remind everyone of the actual procedure that's been working so well until now. I've copied the edited original post at the bottom of this post, I hope that keeps things working smoothly... as we start heading in to Spring, more and more riders are going to be on the road... and, as happens every Spring, more bikes will be binned than at any other time during the year, and I want to make sure everyone that needs help can get it...

So....in the spirit of being able to respond better (my email be up more'n teh barfs), I subscribed to this and get an email every time someone posts.

Could we maybe keep this limited to actual breakdowns? Right now it's like the boy who cried wolf and all.

I'm only gonna do this once, so listen up:


I (& presumably other interested BARFers) get email notifications when someone posts in this thread. This is not a discussion thread. Keep the chit-chat out of it so it doesn't turn into the thread what cries wolf.

Hey Guys! That's great that you get the e-mail notifications, that could be really helpful (and now that I have my new cell phone, I'll be set up for the same!). And I'm fine with limiting posting in this thread to requests for help- but please see my post from a couple of days ago (copied below).... The reason the volunteer system has been working in the past was due to massive coverage and people texting me to let me know about the thread posted up in General. I started this thread as a place to give instructions on what to do if you crash or break down, or if you're interested in being on the volunteer list, or to let people know you got home safe. :)

As an FYI, this thread is a secondary spot to post up needing help after PMing me, then posting up in General, which provides MUCH more exposure, instead of relying on the much smaller group of people who get e-mail notifications on this specific thread. What makes all this work is exposure- as much as possible. By all means, post up in this thread- but be sure to put up a post in General asking for help first. I rely on text message notifications from all the different BARFers who have my number, because I don't actually spend all my time on BARF... :facepalm Plus it gives other BARFers who may be in a position to help then and there to jump in and take care of things immediately.

And again, I want to say a HUGE "Thank You!!!!" to every single person who's been willing to jump in and help others when they really need it... BARFers are truly amazing people!! :applause

For those who may note have seen the edits I did months ago in the original post:


1) PM me... my cell phone sends a notification when I get a PM... THEN:
2) Post it up in General, and ask that someone who knows me TEXT ME- Texts get read, even if I'm at work, while a voicemail may get missed. Be sure to include your general location (Hiway 9 near Boulder Creek, Hiway 1 near Tomales, etc).

EDIT #2: If you think you can fix the bike and ride it home, please update your post that you no longer need help!

EDIT #3: PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION- and be sure to go back later and edit out your number. But being able to get in contact with you will help me figure out where you are to get someone as close to you as possible out to help, and let you know someone's on the way (as well as an ETA), and allow you to let me (or the volunteer) know if you no longer need assistance.

After the posts the last couple of days from people needing help, I thought I should put this up. I have a private "emergency contact" list of people willing to help in various locations around the Bay, in the event I can't get there myself. No one should be stranded on the side of the road, hurt, wondering how much damage they took, the bike took, and how they're getting home, let alone the bike.

I'll either arrange for one of my awesome volunteers to help, or come get you myself.
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I've used the BARF recovery service last year and had to sit at the Eagle tavern for 3 hours waiting!! And then when my 'recovery specialist' showed up; we spent another few hours there..

I had a great buzz AND I got home in one piece... :laughing

On a more serious note: Just a reminder I'm in Oakland and I'll come pick anyone up in this area if they need it.
1. PM Connie
2. Posted on General
3. Posted here

I am posting for Nirav. He is on corner of Mathilda/Maude in Sunnyvale. Need help to nearest repair shop. I have his contact info so please call me to get his phone number to contact him directly.
Just sent Connie a text. I'll let you know if I hear back.
Connie took care of it. Rider decided to push bike home since so close to his home.

Thanks Connie and Dave.
Nirav has been taken care of. Connie reached out to me and i spoke with him. I advised him against the shop. He needs a new battery for sure ! Then, we take it from there. [Actually he might have f'ed up his clutch riding today, [The bike was v. low on oil and he rode as-is].

Connie took care of it. Rider decided to push bike home since so close to his home.

Thanks Connie and Dave.
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