If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Nirav has been taken care of. Connie reached out to me and i spoke with him. I advised him against the shop. He needs a new battery for sure ! Then, we take it from there. [Actually he might have f'ed up his clutch riding today, [The bike v. low on oil and he as-is].

You're awesome for being willing to step up and help him out... sounds like he needs it. Hopefully this won't end up being a really expensive lesson in basic maintenance for him... and again, thank you for being so willing to jump in and help on such short notice- I truly appreciate it! :applause :thumbup
What about posting a pinned and locked "what to do" thread, and let this one go about it's merry way into the archives of BARF? I don't even look in here usually, because the broken down folks are not supposed to be posting here.
What about posting a pinned and locked "what to do" thread, and let this one go about it's merry way into the archives of BARF? I don't even look in here usually, because the broken down folks are not supposed to be posting here.

I'm toying with the idea, actually. I think it's helpful having a specific thread as a secondary place to post (after the PM to me, and after posting in General, of course! :)), but we'll see how things go once Spring gets here... *crosses fingers for first accident-free Spring in history* :teeth
Just found this Sticky....

Connie and the rest are Freakin' AWESOME for their service to unfortunate riders. Keep up the good work and Thanks in Advance in the event I should end up as an unfortunate stranded rider.

Connie - Nice meeting up with you yesterday. I live at Redwood and Skyline and own a pickup truck. If anyone needs help around there with a tow or fuel, etc, please let me know and Ill do what I can!
Mike, it was nice meeting you, too! Gorgeous bike!!
If you'll PM me your contact information (cell phone), I'll go ahead and put you on the list... and thanks for being willing to help out a fellow BARFer! :thumbup
What is this "communist plot" of which you speak, Comra- uhhhh... I mean, Friend?

Seriously, though, it's just about making sure no one is sitting on the side of the road, wondering how they're getting themselves and their broken bike home... :)
What Ramp?

I have a truck, but don't have a ramp. Which folding ramp is good & where can I buy one. Pls., not too expensive as I am jobless right now. I'll join the list as soon as I get a ramp...
Holy cow, been coming here (BARF) about a minute, and this is the first time I noticed this post!

I have a truck, ramp, and tie-downs if needed and am mid-Peninsula. I also work nights so I am usually up late when others are not.
I have a truck, but don't have a ramp. Which folding ramp is good & where can I buy one. Pls., not too expensive as I am jobless right now. I'll join the list as soon as I get a ramp...

Any bike shop is going to sell ramps, or be able to order one for you. Expect to spend around $100 to $120. Don't rush out and buy one- wait til you get a job, then shoot me your contact info, and I'll get you on the list! :thumbup

Holy cow, been coming here (BARF) about a minute, and this is the first time I noticed this post!

I have a truck, ramp, and tie-downs if needed and am mid-Peninsula. I also work nights so I am usually up late when others are not.

If you'll shoot me your contact info, and the actual city you're in, and what hours you're available, I'll happily get you onto the list!

And you guys are terrific examples of why BARF is so completely awesome!! :)
Can You add me to the list of Rescuers? I have a truck, ramp, and trailer. I work weekends so I am around during the week. and I drive a flatbed tow truck on the weekend so I can help then as well if its not to far from Mtn View/Palo Alto area.
Can You add me to the list of Rescuers? I have a truck, ramp, and trailer. I work weekends so I am around during the week. and I drive a flatbed tow truck on the weekend so I can help then as well if its not to far from Mtn View/Palo Alto area.

Cool!! :thumbup

Teh BARF is rad.:ride
Can You add me to the list of Rescuers? I have a truck, ramp, and trailer. I work weekends so I am around during the week. and I drive a flatbed tow truck on the weekend so I can help then as well if its not to far from Mtn View/Palo Alto area.

Tim, thanks for the PM, got you on the list! :thumbup

Honestly, the members of BARF never cease to amaze me... time and again, I see BARFer after BARFer step up when another needs help... you guys inspire me, and make me proud to be a member of this forum and a part of this huge, dysfunctional family we call BARF!!
I love teh BARF... :) :love
Hey guys,

I know I'm a fairly new member but I need a hand getting my Hawk from the CCSF shop on Evans to my House on Dwight Street which isn't more than 4 or 5 miles...

I actually had another thread looking for carb tuning help this past week and got the carbs jetted the way they needed to be, was on what I termed my third test ride after an extensive semester long build and the bike was running absolutely awesome. Decided to do a little wheelie and brought the front end up a little. As I did, apparently, the brand new APE manual Cam Chain Tensioner I put in got blown off the head of the front cylinder bank, effectively destroying at the very least the entire top end of the front cylinder head. More than likely the engine is shot as I can feel the smooth top of a valve when I stick my finger into where the CCT should be.

Unfortunately, I'm stupid broke at the moment. I blew absolutely all my money on the build and gear and can't even offer gas that day if someone can help. I could however offer a $20 in the not so distant future as I'm getting a check later in the week.

I've got until the 26th to get the bike out of the cage at school. I'm hoping someone here can help. Thanks -

Sean - 415.632.7627
Sean, I don't own a truck and ramp, but it's in my neck of the woods and I have time in the evenings and the good Lord knows I need to exercise my heathen fat ass. If somebody can lend a truck and ramp, I'll provide sweat and some petrol money.


Holy shit, you're the man. I'm totally floored about the whole thing, I really appreciate the offer. Hopefully someone will have a truck available. I don't even think we'd need a ramp. There's a dirt mound behind the shop with a sidewalk right there so we could easily wheel it up the dirt and onto a backed up pick up or even a van on a board, but maybe even without a board.....

Anyhow, thanks much....