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In memories of Craig Hightower, 7/20/1961 - 8/14/2007

Memorial meeting tonight at accident scene

I am forwarding this message from Craig's friend Greg:

There will be a few of Craig's friends riding down from the
Benicia/Vallejo area tonight to leave a memorial for Craig at the
accident scene. All are welcomed to join us. We should be there around
7:30pm. Location is 100 block of 7th St (between Jackson and
Madison). Bring whatever memorial you want to leave there.

Greg Leopold
I sent an e-mail to the AMA asking them to monitor the case and apply any pressure they can to make sure that another motorist is not given a get of jail free card for killing a motorcyclist. I sent them links to the news story and Craig's site and pointed out that a "brush" with another vehicle would not have caused a motorcyclist with as much seat time as Craig to lose control of his bike.

They tend to follow cases like this and post updates in the American Motorcyclists magazine.
Didn't know Craig, but seems like a great person and a good motorcyclist has passed away.

Condolences to his friends and family. :rose
Re: Gathering Sunday 3:30p at Lane Splitter

2033 San Pablo Ave. in Berkeley
Pizza & Pub
(510) 845-1652

Let's ride up to the Wall from Lane Splitter.

**Message from Irene Hightower (Craig's mom)**

From: ba-eastbay@yahoogroups.com on behalf of irenehightower [ireneh2@comcast.net]
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 10:05 PM
To: ba-eastbay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ba-eastbay] I'm Craig Hightower's Mom

Dear Friends,
Your kind and wonderful words about our very special son are much
appreciated. He was our only child, so that makes it even harder to
lose him. While we cry and reminisce, Max and I feel fortunate that we
had such a wonderful son and very special human being with us for 46
years, short as that time has been. He told us many times, that life
wasn't worth living if it wasn't on the edge. It is ironic, that he
did so many things that were on the edge, and that his life ended in
this way…going to work, doing what he always did on a Tuesday morning.
There will be no funeral, but we want to celebrate his life in some
way. Perhaps in October we can have a gathering for friends and
relatives. We will ask his friends to help us organize it and to
announce the gathering when it occurs.
Irene and Max Hightower
Hello everyone:

The small gathering at the spot where Craig passed was really nice and comforting last evening. I was able to capture some of the moments in pictures for those of you who could not be with us.

There should be a nice turn out this Sunday at 3:30pm at Lane Splitter in Berkeley on San Pablo. It seems that the Hightower family will wait to celebrate Craig's life until fall. S please come join us to remember craig in a positive and proactive fashion, just how Craig would have liked it to be.

As suggested those who wish to ride on and watch a Sunset from the hills together to soak in the rays of everything that Craig was...we will do so.

If you have a special picture or two you want to share please email them to me with caption comments and I will upload them. Also, there is a comment box on the Slide show to share your thoughts & memories. I know this album will be important to Craigs friends and family--because it is a collection of thse "off" moments...when Craig wasn't the photographer behind the camera.

We'll see you there!

Here is the slide show:
Wow, what a tragedy. :( Sadly I can't be there Sunday but I will be in spirit and prayers for his family and all the lives he touched.
A group of Craig's friends gathered last night at the location of the accident to share exchange condolances and support for eachother, and share some fond memories. It was a mix of tears, smiles, and reasurance that this was a tremendous loss. We'll miss you Craig, and we celebrate the way you touched each of our lives. Yours was truly a life well lived.

Please get the slide show out there and thanks. I am not a newbie per say...just joined BARF as I am rather prone not to sitting in a chair reading about motoing...on a 'puter...just wanted to get the word about Craig out and capture people's thoughts and images... thanks, em


budman said:
Very nice slide show... an early Sat. morning tear was shed.

Craig's Mother has joined us to share her love of her son and thanks to you for your words.

Many will not find it since they don't check the newbie section.

Here is the link:

So Sad, but an inspiration to all

Craig was a shining example of the rider's code, and anyone would have appreciated riding with, and knowing him. He was the type of guy to open up his garage for clinics, and planned long group rides for varying skill levels etc. His midnight rides over Mt. Hamilton tempted me, just the idea that he would do that ride at night was amazing, let alone offering the ride up to whoever wanted to go with him, knowing that trouble could follow. Just like many of you said, he was a true leader in our community, and a friend to many. This is extremely difficult to deal with, knowing that drivers that kill motorcyclists rarely get punished.

I send my deepest condolences to the family, and friends, he will be missed.

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A quick note, backroadsboogie is hosted on Globat. All that really needs to be done to keep it going is to pay the Globat bill. I believe it is very likely that his family and/or close friends will pay that bill for many years to come. That way it will remain pristine and without others well intentioned adjustments during a site move.

I say this as backroadsboogie _is_ Craig. He lives on through _his_ work. _His_ site organization. When you read Backroadsboogie and follow its links it _is_ Craig. It would not be the same if someone touched it. It needs no touching, just funding.

For those wishing to add content, I would strongly suggest the creation of a memorial site that links to his original site.

A final note. Craig was very concerned about the use of his pictures and content by others. On his front page, he made it very clear that permission had to be granted for use of his pictures and content. As his family now are the holders of those rights, I believe we should all respect them. Pictures should not be pulled from his site but rather linked to and with appropriate recognition.

Borg Girl
Emails to the Coast Guard...

Hi Folks-
Maybe this is an over-reaction but I had a thought about how to make more people aware of the dangers to riders out there.

First off, I sent an email to the Coast Guard saying that this man has caused a senseless death, and a huge wave of destruction and sorrow in a community, ...

I know that it would be more effective to send the email to someone way high up but I don't know what that email address would be.

I was thinking that people might want to follow suit and, with the sheer number of emails, it might make a difference in this case.

The bigger picture: perhaps someone at a newspaper can do a story of the big outcry of people upset with this crap. And, perhaps, some law changes or signage or something to make people more aware that a "brush" kills.

Lastly, I had a bunch of stickers printed up a while ago that I have always given out to motorcyclists for free. They say,

"Watch for Motorcycles
There are no Fender Benders"

If anyone wants one and is riding around Rt 1 in Marin (I'm up on Panoramic by the Mountain Home Inn), please let me know. Furthermore, if there is anyone who can drop some off at Lanesplitters or the like and can come and get them, I have about 50 left to donate. Please put them on cars, however. I'd hate for them to end up in a drawer when they could save someone next time.

Email to Coast Guard's Commanding Officer

Hi Folks-

I called the Coast Guard and the person at the Command Chief's office didn't know about the incident.

But here are 2 email addresses that should get the message there:


Craig E. Bone is the CO of District 11 (our area of California). From what I know about the Coast Guard, the CO/commanding officer is about as high as you get around here.
Pamela Russell is some sort of commander at Coast Guard Island/Government Island.

If anyone wants to write an email and request that they make sure this person at the Coast Guard is fully aware of what his driving habits (driving a weapon in his case) have resulted in, then here's the info.

Good Luck
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I rode with Craig and the MotoGirlies back in 2004 on our Death Valley ride. Those pictures are going to be a little sad from now on.

I miss him and wish everyone well that has been deeply affected by his early departure from our lives.

Renee Gardner
AFM732 said:
Does anybody have contact info for Craig's friend Peter? I can't remember Peter's last name, but he went to work as a mechanic for one of the AMA roadrace teams. I tried a Google search to no avail. If his team is on the road right now, he may not have gotten the word, and would probably like to know in case he's able to come back for Craig's memorial service (whenever it is).

Hi Denise,

Thanks for thinking of me, I got the news Wed AM via email. What a shock. I'm back east and won't be home until Laguna Seca. Lotsa good times camping and hanging out with Craig at Laguna over the years, maybe we can all get together and have a toast to our friend Saturday night at the track.

Take care all, ride safe,

This incident makes me so sad. It seems our community lost a great one.

And, as others have pointed out, the use of the word "brushed" in the news coverage is HIDEOUSLY inappropriate.
AFM732 said:
This photo was taken summer 2000 during the overnight ride over the Sierras to Buckeye Hot Spring, that Craig organized. We had stopped for lunch at Dardanelles. I don't remember everyone's names anymore, but Kari Holmgren took the photo, that's me (Denise Howard) on the left, Larry Wallerstein, ?, ?, Craig, ?, and Lisa Brazeal.

What a fun weekend that was. Thanks for the memory, Craig!



Didn't Craig come out for at least one of the ba.moto/rec.moto lunches at Alices?

I've long since lost any of the photos that were taken at those, but figure someone might still have them laying about.