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In memories of Craig Hightower, 7/20/1961 - 8/14/2007

This photo was taken summer 2000 during the overnight ride over the Sierras to Buckeye Hot Spring, that Craig organized. We had stopped for lunch at Dardanelles. I don't remember everyone's names anymore, but Kari Holmgren took the photo, that's me (Denise Howard) on the left, Larry Wallerstein, ?, ?, Craig, ?, and Lisa Brazeal.

What a fun weekend that was. Thanks for the memory, Craig!

AFM732 said:
... that's me (Denise Howard) on the left, Larry Wallerstein, ?, ?, Craig, ?, and Lisa Brazeal.

What a fun weekend that was. Thanks for the memory, Craig!

The left two questionmarks are former housemates of mine, and the other questionmark another friend of mine. Which leads me to think that I've probably met Craig but don't remember.

2strokeYardSale said:
I knew Craig since 1988 or 1989, rode with him on the Sunday Morning Ride, dual sport rides, and teamed with him in two AFM four-hour endurance races. I lost touch with him when I faded away from street riding following the deaths of three riders, two friends, in a single 1994 SMR incident caused by others' negligence.

Now that I'm back on a street bike after 12 years, and back to almost getting taken out by negligent twits, this happens to Craig, who had much more riding experience than I. Damn.

(Why is this thread in the LEO forum?)

RIP Craig and those taken out by Linsmith that other fateful day. :rose
Steve and I shared a house on Lake Merrit as he started P&D with P. Smith.
Craig was always around; Craig was ALWAYS around in our small Motorcycling World. Stop by The Wall...there's Craig.
Buzz Redwood Road, there's Craig. Need a hand, there's Craig.
I wasn't very close with Craig, (although I do suspect I'd met or rode with him once or twice) but from what I'm hearing, I really missed out. From all accounts, he really seems not just one of the good ones, but one of the very best. And he will be missed, badly.

Someone close to me was friends with him, and suggested I make these up. Feel free to use these if you think they are appropriate to honor his memory. (and hit me with a fish if I got his birth year wrong, I had to deduct that - if its wrong, I will correct with immediacy!)

BARF-sized version:

ADVRider and other more restictive forums sized version:

AIM and other instant messenger sized version:
Does anybody have contact info for Craig's friend Peter? I can't remember Peter's last name, but he went to work as a mechanic for one of the AMA roadrace teams. I tried a Google search to no avail. If his team is on the road right now, he may not have gotten the word, and would probably like to know in case he's able to come back for Craig's memorial service (whenever it is).
The world is not going to be the same now that Craig is gone. He was one of those special people, always happy, would greet you with a smile and a friendly handshake. He was never pretentious about how good a rider he was, just happy to be riding. He will be missed.

Godspeed Craig.

The Peter you are looking for might be Peter Hively. He used to crew with Arclight Racing, don't know where he is now.
Re: Quotes

88tbone said:

I've ripped some quotes from this forum and compiled them and will be leaving it at the crash site this evening. Hope none of you mind my swiping your words for this purpose.


I'm really glad to read that you're doing that at his crash site, as I've been doing something similar at the site of Jimmy's accident, at Haight & Octavia, on the northern tip of the southern median. I didn't know the friend you are all grieving for but I'm empathizing with you all.
I met Craig at a work meeting a few years back. Everyone there was in the requisite business casual and in walks Craig in full riding gear. Instead of riding along in the car with his coworkers, he rode his Blackbird up from the Bay Area to Sacramento. After the meeting I walked him out to the parking lot. He got out a map to figure out the most interesting route home, through the Delta, I think. The guy was the real deal. He was highly regarded in the FAA Tech Ops community and I’ve shared with some of my coworkers the nice thoughts expressed here.
Gary J said:
Despite the expectations of what did happen, based upon Craig's skill/experience level on a bike, I guess resisting the very strong temptation to strike out in looking for a villain is appropriate to wait until the factual events of the incident come forward. Making sure (as a motorcycle community) that every possible bit of effort to get the facts, and take the appropriate action based upon the outcome of the ruling on responsibilities/root cause., is the least we can do for Craig.

I encourage anyone with an interest in keeping a focus by the authoritative bodies, and media, on fully investigating and reporting the final details of this incident, not hesitate to do so!

PLEASE do keep us all informed with all details about the accident and final details.

I met Craig when I was 18 up at the Wall, IIRC. He stopped racing AFM when I started, but I would still run into him on the back roads, up at the Wall and at social events.

Almost all my long term friends have passed on motorcycles except one. And all before the age 40 except 3. Craig is the 14th friend I've lost in the past 16 years.
And I lost 2 of them within 6 weeks of each other. :rose :rose
2strokeYardSale said:
I knew Craig since 1988 or 1989, rode with him on the Sunday Morning Ride, dual sport rides, and teamed with him in two AFM four-hour endurance races. I lost touch with him when I faded away from street riding following the deaths of three riders, two friends, in a single 1994 SMR incident caused by others' negligence.

I believe I was there; sounds very much like the accident in which I lost Julian who was on his wife's bike because his gsxr1100 was being worked on by Mike Krynock and Jim Rounds on his million mile ninja. it was amazing the car driver lived, not being at fault and having an fzr1000 slam thru their windshield.

If it's of any peace to anyone, Julian's bike still lives on.

oh, bad memories. and remember Julius Long? Who was killed by a dually on Hwy 35 Christmas Eve on his new Duke. He was the one person who helped me with everything bikes from age 16 until he was murdered over road rage.

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remembering Craig Hightower

Hello All:

I think anyone interested in doing a gathering in remembrance of Craig Hightower... , we should and sooner than
later...maybe a toast, a tear, and a few laughs...and picture sharing...some of the Motorgirlie's
related folks would like to join a memorial... who knows maybe we could take a scoot to a favorite
spot and catch a glimpse of beauty...afterwards ?

I know everyone is in shock, and feeling down--however, remember Craig's personality? ???
He would of never wanted to be the reason for people not getting together...he always
busted his rear to show up to gatherings.. .he once came to my house and I was so
pleasantly suprised, just to plan the trip to Death Valley in '04. Craig also wouldn't want
to entertain the idea that he was the cause of people NOT being willing to get out into
nature and the world on Motorcycle. He was an inspiration to so many alive, and with his
death I think we should honor him--lets get together--and for those who want to ride--
we will with great respect and caution.

This is short notice but how about we meet at the Lane Splitter to honor Craig this
Sunday? I think it would be fitting if those
interested could make time to gather at the Lane Splitter in Berkeley this Sunday
afternoon, say 3:30 pm. Hopefully a weekend afternoon isn't too difficult for folks. What
do you all say?

2033 San Pablo Ave. in Berkeley
Pizza & Pub
(510) 845-1652

I pulled many of my photo's of Craig together...sort of a tribute. So many of you have
captured Craig on film over the years. I think it would be lovely to give his family a
gahering of photo's from those he adventured out into the world with. Craig was a great
photographer and caught so many of us on film over the years--I would like to return the
favor and gather our images of him to share with the community and his family. If you
would like to contribute pictures and captions to this slide show, please email me at
motovelo@ sbcglobal. net and I will upload them and this show will be shared with all of
you and other members of the moto community of course too. Older foto's would be
great if you could scan them into a Jpeg format.

much warmth to all,

masameet said:
I like the idea. But I'm wondering if it's more appropriate if Craig be buried first.

This isn't my call. I only remembered meeting Craig once I saw his photo.

Different cultures have different traditions. An Irish wake - the party celebrating the life of the deceased - happens before they're buried. It happens when everyone is still right in the midst of their pain. When it's all fresh and the wound is still open, and the anger and sorrow are overwhelming, and all the great memories are flooding back, it can be a powerful time to do something like this.

My mom always said that's what she wanted. She thought a keg on top of the casket would be appropriate. We didn't have a keg, but that's when we had the party. I guess there are different expectations of what is most fitting.

Like I said though, it's not my call, though I'll certainly be thinking of him while we're riding 36 this weekend.
its a gathering to comfort

masameet said:
I like the idea. But I'm wondering if it's more appropriate if Craig be buried first.

A couple Motorgirlie members want to get together and share the warmth of rememebering Craig together at Lane Splitter to just hug and be together over Pizza. Its nothing formal. Join if you feel like smiling and remembering a great rider & friend in the community.
This thread is an amazing testimpony to a rider who very obviously walked the walk and touched many people. Unfortunately I never had the pleasure of meeting Craig or riding with him, however I do have very strong feelings about a mature, responsible, and experienced rider being taken out this way, as I suspect many others do. I would take a day off work or do whatever to attend a memorial ride for solidarity, in support of those friends and family who knew him, and of course to honor a respected rider. It should be a ride of many. This type of organized ride should coincide with the wake or shortly thereafter?

Some of us would be coming from the central valley. Any riders from the Sacramento/North Sacramento Valley area please PM me so we can go together. Thanks.

The best person for organizing a ride like this...
Memorial Page for Craig

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Laurel Sutcliffe <l.sutcliffe@comcast.net>
To: ba-eastbay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 7:59:12 AM
Subject: [ba-eastbay] Memorial Page


Some folks from the kayaking community set up this page (link below) so people can post memories of Craig. It's got a great start so please check it out and pass along to others to share their thoughts/feelings/stories. Thanks.


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