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In memories of Craig Hightower, 7/20/1961 - 8/14/2007

Same thoughts I had. The media has somehow managed to make it sound like this was the fault of the rider. :( Scalvert, I couldn't get the link to your comments but I doubt they were out of line.

Thoughts and prayers to all family, friends and riders touched by Craig. :rose

Bzwrthy said:
You are not out of line.

Between using the word "brushed" and the comment that Craig was in a lane the SUV "was trying to get into", there seems to be a certain slant to this article.

:rip Craig
"Brushed?" They usually call that "sideswiped."
Oakland PD Traffic Section: (510) 238-3155

Standing by waiting for memorial ride details. Motorcycling is, in the end, a blood sport. Godspeed, Craig.
scalvert said:
Feel free to PM me if you think my comment was out of line.
Good on you Scott for being pro-active in sending in a response! Your comment was excellent in very clearly spotlighting the obvious consciously chosen "softening" verbiage that was used by the writer.

"Brushed" huh? Yea ..... I'm sure it was gentle as a mother's touch to her baby? Kinda like saying "there was a little boom today in Hiroshima", when reporting on the A-Bomb event in WWII.

It would take a pretty solid hit to take a guy as skilled as Craig out. That's for sure! :mad

Despite the expectations of what did happen, based upon Craig's skill/experience level on a bike, I guess resisting the very strong temptation to strike out in looking for a villain is appropriate to wait until the factual events of the incident come forward. Making sure (as a motorcycle community) that every possible bit of effort to get the facts, and take the appropriate action based upon the outcome of the ruling on responsibilities/root cause., is the least we can do for Craig.

I encourage anyone with an interest in keeping a focus by the authoritative bodies, and media, on fully investigating and reporting the final details of this incident, not hesitate to do so!
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As this event has happened so recently, I'm sure any "formal" arrangements have yet to be formalized, but when they are they will certainly appear here.

I do expect a significant turnout of Craig’s friends and acquaintances on this coming Sunday at the Arco station on Highway 1 in Mill Valley 7:00am (the SMR). Many fond remembrances and stories to be shared. See you there.

Ed Milhausen

Atomic Spew said:
I'll be checking this thread daily to see about a memorial ride. I'd like nothing more than to see 1,000 bikes lined-up at his service, giving him our own version of a 21-gun salute... [/B]

Craig Hightower

>>>Don't think any of you knew him as I don't think >>>he was a member of this forum.

I 'm sure many of us here knew Craig, including me.

I am in shock, if there is anyone who gave as much as Craig did to everyone he knew, riders and others, they must be pretty special. The Backroads will be quiet...

Thanks for being a great guy, and all the rest.
Gary J said:
Making sure (as a motorcycle community) that every possible bit of effort to get the facts, and take the appropriate action based upon the outcome of the ruling on responsibilities/root cause is the least we can do for Craig.

I encourage anyone with an interest in keeping a focus by the authoritative bodies, and media, on fully investigating and reporting the final details of this incident, not hesitate to do so!

+1 ~ miillion
scalvert said:


Feel free to PM me if you think my comment was out of line.
Scott -- bravo. Thanks for your comment to the paper and providing the link here.

I strongly urge everyone to post their own comments. It doesn't do Craig justice to let this slide.

There will definitely be at least one if not several memorial rides. I will post up whatever info I can as it becomes available regarding services, his family's wishes, etc. Please do post up anyone who gets the word first.

The support on this forum is amazing. Thanks everyone.

Craig is surely in peace, but Resting-- no friggin way.
Re: Craig


This afternoon, I went by the site where Craig died yesterday.

If anyone is interested in taking candles/flowers there, it is a small patch of grass next to a retaining wall that backs up against the brown apartment building on the corner of Madison and 7th St. The closest address is 167 7th Street (between Madison and Jackson). There is an orange cone next to the silver Honda (car) that was damaged in the accident.

Someone (probably the Asian neighbors) left two plastic white roses and burned some incense. I picked up all the plastic pieces from his helmet and motorcycle as I could not stand leaving them there.

In memory of Craig

"For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top,then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."

Our friend Craig, doing the back road boogie.
I lost my boyfriend in a motorcycle collision 8/4/07 and would love to talk to others

Hi, everyone. A friend forwarded this discussion lnk to me while consoling me about the death of my boyfriend, James Wells, who died in a very similar way on August 4, 2007 at around 2:40 pm.

I noticed that the deceased had a girlfriend listed among the survivors. Please feel free to forward my email address to her or let me know how to contact her, only if she feels like commiserating. I'm finding that talking with other people who are grieving for loved ones is very therapeutic.

Re: I lost my boyfriend in a motorcycle collision 8/4/07 and would love to talk to ot

jackieofletters said:
Hi, everyone. A friend forwarded this discussion lnk to me while consoling me about the death of my boyfriend, James Wells, who died in a very similar way on August 4, 2007 at around 2:40 pm.

I noticed that the deceased had a girlfriend listed among the survivors. Please feel free to forward my email address to her or let me know how to contact her, only if she feels like commiserating. I'm finding that talking with other people who are grieving for loved ones is very therapeutic.


May the 2 of you and others find comfort and help each other remain strong....

best wishes..
Sad news. I used to go to Tuesday dinners with him many many years ago, sometimes at his house. He was a great guy and although I hadn't seen him for a long time I know he will be missed.
I just registered on BARF to post about Craig. My husband and I were shocked to hear the news yesterday. In fact, I'm still not 'convinced' that it's true...we were hoping to see him next month on a wine country trip. I keep feeling like we'll call him to set it up and he'll tell us this was just one big misunderstanding.

I was always amazed at how many people knew him. It seemed like anywhere we went, if his name was mentioned, there was always some random person that would pipe up and say "Hey, I know Craig Hightower!"

On another note, I'm hoping the forum members here can help me. We actually met Craig through our landlord, who was an old friend of his. She is desperately trying to get ahold of his parents, or siblings. Is there someone on this board that could please email me (address is in my profile) or PM me with any contact information for them (or his girlfriend's info or other friends that may be able to connect us...)

Thank you in advance,

killer said:
I wonder if there is anything we can do to keep BackroadsBoogie.com online?

Yes, we can chip in. It'd be a "living" memorial to him.

Still it is up to his family or to whomever he left his property. For those of us who wish to, let us hope that the idea comes to fruition.
masameet said:
Yes, we can chip in. It'd be a "living" memorial to him.

Still it is up to his family or to whomever he left his property. For those of us who wish to, let us hope that the idea comes to fruition.

Well, while it's up I recommend ripping an image of the site with a crawler and archiving it off for safe keeping.

I ran into a similar problem when I lost a friend quite some time ago in regards to his domain/intellectual property, and I was really glad I took the time to create a copy of his website before it was knocked down.

Dammit, I still can't beleive this!!

I remember meeting Craig once. That he made an impression is putting it mildly. He made me smile like a fool for the rest of the day. Someone so enthusiastic about riding, life, and living to the fullest. I did not exchange contact info with him that day and I am kicking myself very hard for not doing so. He was incredibly encouraging to this newbie, and he was someone I wanted to emulate. Living life to the fullest and with SO MUCH JOY!

Today I had the duty to go tell a friend of Craig's who is not on the net much about what happened yesterday. He was in shock. That is when the tears really started to flow for me. I am really getting sick to my heart.

My thoughts and prayers will be with the friends and family of this magnificent man.

Bright Blessings, Fair Winds, and a smooth, tasty road to you Craig. You will be missed and never forgotten.

Denise Lindquist
Savona said:
I was always amazed at how many people knew him. It seemed like anywhere we went, if his name was mentioned, there was always some random person that would pipe up and say "Hey, I know Craig Hightower!"

My sentiments exactly. I barely knew the guy, just went to his house once before the garage fire and once after, but since my teammate had bought Craig's old racebike, I lost track of how many times somebody would stop by our pit and say "hey ain't that Craig Hightower's old bike?"


I've ripped some quotes from this forum and compiled them and will be leaving it at the crash site this evening. Hope none of you mind my swiping your words for this purpose.

I'm Tim, cousin of Steve Mitoma who was a good friend of Craig's. This hits pretty hard. Craig had an annual ride in memory of Steve--I think last November was number 14. Didn't have time to do the ride with Craig and the group that day. I'd conversed with Craig but that was the first time I actually met him, so I didn't know him well but I'm glad now that I took the time to ride up there. I wasn't riding when Performance and Design was around, so I missed a lot of Craig's history, but caught up on his site:


Check it out and you'll see that he lived large and motos were a major part of his life. To say that this sucks is a vast understatement. I know Craig's life touched many others in the Bay Area and beyond. I'm just envisioning Steve giving Craig crap for making him wait so long and knowing they're having a good laugh. RIP, Craig!