Mines and Mt Hamilton Roads: The Official Thread

I think that's Richard Lav. Why, what'd he do?

Does he normally ride wearing pretty minimal gear?

I believe he blew by me and some cyclist. The cyclist weren't too happy about it and give him and I the finger :laughing
Man, my joke is flying over a lot of heads (the on-your-neck kind, not the lavatory kind).
It was pretty clean for what Mines is .... hauled ass up/down Hamilton. Del Puerto is still pretty crappy and broken pavement in corners on the outside line so be careful on that road ....

Does anyone know who is the dickhead on the red BMW R1200RT?



Does he play music loudly from said RT?
Dude. Yeah, I saw the snow at pretty low elevation. Special tyres, eh?
Purdy but I say it ain't so. :x
400cc Scrambler is 368 dry where'd you remove that weight?
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