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Musician thread

that reminds me of Spinal tap the movie when the guitarist is being interviewed ....

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/d54UU-fPIsY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/d54UU-fPIsY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Only funny part of that...

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I actually like the part, it dosent depicts it correctly where he says, "Dont even look at it" referring to his guitar thats never been played.... BUT this scene was the only part in the movie i liked.
Soo... I need to re-fill my ipod with new music. Post up some new releases pls.

Anberlin - "New Surrender" : :thumbup 5 of 5
Funeral for a Friend - "Memory and Humanity" : :thumbup 5 of 5
Copeland - "You Are My Sunshine" : ehhhh need to listen to it again.
All That Remains - "Overcome" : :thumbup 3 of 5
I recently got rid of this

and am trying to get rid of this

and scored big time on this

Its a mesa boogie 2x12 vertical cab with black shadow 90 W speakers. It's half back (exposed) and records very well , even with my crappy stage 100 head. It was just really dirty. Paid 170.
I like Mesa's :thumbup congrats, but my all-time favorite is Vintage Marshall's.
^^ that's friggin hilarious !:rofl

Thanks Anthony I'm excited about using at a gig tomorrow night!
I just couldn't get my last amp to sound decent when I miked it up. Any clue to what I'm doing wrong? :dunno


Hmm... looks good to me. But what do I know, I'm a bassist :)

^^ that's friggin hilarious !:rofl

Thanks Anthony I'm excited about using at a gig tomorrow night!

Where you playing? Post your gigs up, maybe we'll show :thumbup
Would be cool man but i'm in AZ. Donno even how or why I signed up to barf. :laughing
I'm a Mesa fan, although I use a couple of old school Fender Twin Reverbs with Boogie Tubes (one with dual EVM-12L speakers the other with Stock JBLs). Mesas are very versatile. Marshalls have a very limited range, but are the best at what they do well (turn it up to 11, man!)

I don't play seriously anymore, but I still have my collection of toys for messing around a bit from time to time. Highlights are 6 and 12 string Rick 360 guitars, Jackson Soloist, one of the few nice Aria Pro II axes with Duncans and a Roland Guitar Synth pickup, a Brian Moore bass and a Michael Kelly mandolin that someday I'd like to learn to play (get some Heart and Zep action goin on). Damn things are tuned in 5ths like violins, instead of 4ths like guitars.