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Musician thread

Imagine how bass players feel tho!

Heaviest bass I've played was my Warwick Thumb 6-String. That thing felt massive :( I couldn't play it at shows cause my stage presence sucked with it lol. So I kept my SR406 and it does the job. But I miss my fretless *sigh :cry
Warwicks are super nice. My bass player has a 12 string bass and it weighs over 12 pounds!

If you want fretless I have a yamaha 4 string i'll sell you cheap.
who would be interested on a boss metal zone pedal?..and a digitech grunge pedal?..
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I don't have anything that records but I'll gladly show up with equipment. :thumbup

ill try to dig my shit out of storage if something is assembled, im rusty but i know i can pick myself back up in a week. i do play but its with head phone setup, sence i have no place to go...:thumbup
I'm thinking changing the stock pickups on my explorer copy.

I'm thinking of going with seymour duncan pickups. A JB in the the bridge and a jazz on the neck.

Any other suggestions?

I play early metal rhythm. The tone I like is with the bass cut slightly, mids boosted, and treble on 12 o'clock, with mild gain setting, usually at 12 o'clock.
I also play a good amount of clean with chorus and reverb on the neck pickup.

My current neck pickup sounds muddy, it lacks clarity for cleans.

EMG 81 Bridge/85 Neck FTW!
Now that some trading/selling is going on this thread I'll throw mine in.

I have a 5 month old Toshiba 42 inch HDTV 1080P lcd that I'm willing to trade for a tube marshall stack I'm looking for a JCM or JVM series except the jcm 900.

I had EMG 85s on a les paul and it lacked clarity, it was too harsh and dark, it lacked clarity.

EMG active pup's sound a little sterile and can push a good signal though longer cables without degradation. Some like 'em, some don't, it's up to you and your ear. :thumbup
Heh. I recently returned to riding a motorbike and found BARF and this sorry thread :rolleyes. I'm a longtime hobby musician. I've been tinkling the ivories for nigh on 38 years. Influenced mainly by jazz-rock/jazz-funk and ye olde tyme blues/ragtime/boogie/stride, some jazz, and a lot of prog rock. I gave up trying to play with other musos freekin years ago. 'kin guitarists :twofinger never do what you want and can't stay off the bloody volume control. Drummers aren't much better....

I have an awsome set of keys, including a restored 1947 Hammond BV with Leslie (not in my studio, which is upstairs - you ever tried hauling a BV upstairs?). Also, got several gits and a bass, but I'm not good on any of those....still trying to learn. Oh, and just to piss y'all off even more, I have me a set of Roland V-Drums (top-of-the-line) that I'm trying to learn to play.....

These days, I play with myself (who doesn't?) and record smooth/funk-jazz chit in my awesome home studio which is in one of my spare bedrooms:

The pictures/studio description etc. on my music website is all way out of date now. I should update it. I have more stuff, including some Yamaha monitors that blow the Mackies away. I recently changed from using Cubase to Logic.

Also, I've done woodworking as a hobby for eons. In the past year or so, I have taught myself how to make steel string acoustic guitars. I'm going to do this more seriously (full time?) when I "retire" in a few years....check out Cambrian Guitars. :teeth

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I'm sorry you find this a sorry thread. I'm also sorry I can't read alot of the text on your website. I'm sorry but I don't care for smooth jazz. I'm sorry but I don't stream music to my Mac anymore since an Apple download of the CD got jammed during the song "Money."

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was "the sorry thread," but I was absolutely wrong. Sorry.

"Please accept my apologies. . . "

BTW: I' learning to play a Buffet R-13 Bb Clarinet and sing. (Lyric Tenor)
I play some percussion from castenets to chimes for fun.
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I'm hoping his entire post was sarcastic. Didn't think anyone could be that dick-headed. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say:

"Nice Setup :thumbup, but you'd be suprised what us "musos" can do. Never underestimate your fellow man. If you'd like to jam a bit, I'd love to see what you got. Care to share some studio time?"
Lets give him a chance to explain his post Hooli ;) Unfortunately I've only been into music production since I was 8, so he shits on my experience by 23 years. But if he's just being retarded and actually acting big-headed about it. I'd love to compare his "sorry" riding skills, since he's looking to get on his first group ride : :laughing

C'mon guys! You don't flip it over to 103.7 every once and a while? I grew up with parents that listened to smooth jazz. I love the stuff! When I was working graveyards at my old job, I would have that on all night. :)