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Musician thread

Yeah but you have to diversify. Everyone plays guitar these days (or at least tries) so you have to be versed in different instruments for when that golden opportunity shows up. :thumbup
Yeah but you have to diversify. Everyone plays guitar these days (or at least tries) so you have to be versed in different instruments for when that golden opportunity shows up. :thumbup

I also own a MIM (Made In Mexico) Fender P-Bass. The previous owner had broken up a 5-string bass set and strung it up. :wtf
My strings cost me $40 wherever I go :cry

you should try taking the strings off and using WD to clean them.

you can also try to boil them.

I get in the habbit of cleaning before and after I play using some string cleaner stuff call finger ease.
I usually boil and clean them once, and then its time for a change.
jeah mang. "Stir Fry" mmmm...yummy.
I get 8 sets d'addario EXL120 9-42 strings for $20

+1 although I prefer the XL110s myself. .009s are too slinky for me, they buzz on my ham handed power chords. :D

I'm more rhythm than lead anyways, so I don't need the slinkiness.
I find I get better tone & feel out of .010's.


Oddly enough, I find bending and vibrato easier on the .10's (once I got used to them). Something about more resistance against my fingers makes it more...pleasurable. :p

No more .009's for me, esp. since my picking technique is in the medium to heavy range.