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Musician thread

I just went on this thread to find some opinions about the Line 6 and saw this post :teeth Do you have the pod floor? I'm considering getting the floor xt or the pod floor...or the Boss gt10 ??

See my last post :)

Although, if I were to recommend one over the other.. BOSS FTW :thumbup
BOSS > Roland > VOX > Line6 :thumbup

I had a Digitech BP-8 pedal for a while, and decided that I didn't need 300 different programmable effects presets lol, so I upgraded to a SansAmp Preamp Driver and used single Boss floor pedals. IMHO, multi-effect floor pedals never meet expectations.

Boss should just stick to stomp boxes. That's all they've done well IMO. Roland I've never been in to very much either simply because when I started playing guitar their products were geared more towards keys than strings and have always been way out of my price range then and now. Vox had a really nice setup that I was considering against the Line 6 but I found that it was just too small and lacked any sort of effects to go with the amp modeling which ultimately is what I really wanted...a total package.

That brings me to the Line 6. While I could've spent more money for a top-of-the-line model, I didn't deem it necessary. This unit does more than enough for me and kept the price in check. It doesn't sound tinny or electronic like all the Boss floor units I tried and doesn't have an outrageous price tag with limited usability like similar Roland units.

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think i'm gonna spring for the floor pod..price is reasonable and i can play around with that for now...just need some new sounds and went on Youtube and was pretty impressed with even the small Line6 pod's
BOSS now has the ME-70. :wtf

I tried this one. It has the characteristic "too electronic"/tinny sound that I feel all BOSS multiple effects floor processors have. Meh.
Hooli, don't listen to him. He likes Line6 :wtf... which is the Icon of our world.
I've played through soo many multi-effects processors and none of them compared to a simple single-pedal floor design by BOSS. I've used Digitech, VOX, and BOSS for Bass ; and several guitarists I've toured with, used the same. I used a Line6 POD, and had a Line6 guitar amp back in 02' and both were horrible. I could never reccomend anyone getting one of their products. Nothing made by them, has ever thrown me in "awe" its always, "ok" at best.
I've played through soo many multi-effects processors and none of them compared to a simple single-pedal floor design by BOSS. I've used Digitech, VOX, and BOSS for Bass ; and several guitarists I've toured with, used the same. I used a Line6 POD, and had a Line6 guitar amp back in 02' and both were horrible. I could never reccomend anyone getting one of their products. Nothing made by them, has ever thrown me in "awe" its always, "ok" at best.

Jason can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he like BOSS pedals; he didn't like their multi-effects. As multis go, the Line6 is good bang for the buck.

My own approach to getting the sound I want isn't really economical, particularly at the level I play at. You put it into a live band context and any difference with less expensive gear is minimal to the listener.
I love what BOSS does with stomp boxes. Their multi-effect units are crap IMO. Overpriced and not packaged very well.

Digitech is terrible no matter what they produce. :|

I also agree with Andy that in most cases, sound quality is negligible to most listeners between units around the same price range. So what it comes down to is what the player finds fits their style and pocketbook the best.
Digitech was my first multi-effect floor processor back in 2002 and it sucked ; but it still out performed Line6 :teeth
Ok I'm not going to get in a pissing match. I just recommend everyone else to look elsewhere when it comes to pedals, and keep away from Multi-Effect pedals if at all possible. You'll always end up ditching it for far better sounding equipment, thus costing you more money than if you had originally bought the single pedals in the first place.

Edge - Uses Line6 pod, but look at his pedal setup. BOSS!


Take notes from the pros, stick with single pedals :thumbup