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Musician thread

Hey, anyone know any decent guitar repair people in the WC/Concord/PH area? A friend of a friend has an acoustic that needs some work. Not sure what the exact problem is.
that was awesome kornholio! loved the drummer part haha!
I knew I should've stuck with guitar! :cry

The lead guitarist in the band I'm in uses the ME-70. Come to think of it, I think Jeff (Hooli) does too.

Anyway, I've played around with it and it's stupid easy to setup and control. Even easier than the Line 6 unit I was using for a few years.
I have a Boss SE70, which is the rack mount effects processor. It's awesome. I think it's hard to top Boss for effects, much less "digital" sounding than other's I've tried.

Yeah, that seems like a decent deal, though Mark IV prices may have gone a little soft after the Mark V came out.

I've enjoyed mine. The only thing I don't care for is the shared mid and bass controls on the Rythmn 1 and Rythmn 2 channels. You can set it up so they work OK, but i like to dial in a little more bass for my cleans, which tends to make the low end on the crunch channel a bit loose. Having the graphic EQ, you can work around this by setting the clean channel to utilize the EQ whenever you switch to that channel, so you can boost the lows that way. Also, the mid and bass controls have less effect as you turn up the treble on all channels, so by just running the treble at lower settings on the clean channel, you tend to get more out of the mid and bass settings anyway.

All in all, it's a great sounding amp, very versatile and has been bombproof.