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Musician thread


  • 2012-07-23_20-58-24_462.jpg
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I've got a Ampeg V4 I'm about to take into the shop for an look-over and four new 6L6's. Assuming it doesn't need any major work, what would you suppose it's going to set me back? :dunno
I've got a Ampeg V4 I'm about to take into the shop for an look-over and four new 6L6's. Assuming it doesn't need any major work, what would you suppose it's going to set me back? :dunno

Should be ~$80 to $90 for the tubes, plus maybe an hour of bench time at whatever their labor rate is. Your tube choice and source will be the variable.
Should be ~$80 to $90 for the tubes, plus maybe an hour of bench time at whatever their labor rate is. Your tube choice and source will be the variable.

I'm going off what it's biased for. The spec from Ampeg was 7027a's but the previous owner rebiased it for the 6L6's. Or were you referring to my choice of tube manufacturer?
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I'm going off what it's biased for. The spec from Ampeg was 7027a's but the previous owner rebiased it for the 6L6's. Or were you referring to my choice of tube manufacturer?

Yes, I was referring to the manufacturer. Svetlana, JJ and the like can be had online for $20 to $25 a tube. They are usually sold in duets and quartets. I assume you'll have the shop supply the tubes, but if you don't, buy a matched quartet.
Yes, I was referring to the manufacturer. Svetlana, JJ and the like can be had online for $20 to $25 a tube. They are usually sold in duets and quartets. I assume you'll have the shop supply the tubes, but if you don't, buy a matched quartet.

Yeah, I'm looking to just get the thing up and running so I can sell it. The market is hot for early 70's Ampeg V-series amps right now. :teeth
Yeah, I'm looking to just get the thing up and running so I can sell it. The market is hot for early 70's Ampeg V-series amps right now. :teeth

If the shop has an assortment of matched sets on hand, they may be able to choose a set that is in the same range as what's in there now and save a bit of labor rebiasing.
If the shop has an assortment of matched sets on hand, they may be able to choose a set that is in the same range as what's in there now and save a bit of labor rebiasing.

There's nothing in there now. :teeth

It's missing all four power tubes. All the other tubes are present, though.
Even if it's already biased for 6L6's and that's what I'm putting in? :dunno

Yes. Even within a tube type, there is variation in the voltages they produce. They are sold in matched sets within a particular voltage range and most manufacturers have different ranges that they identify by color and words like "hard," "medium" and "soft." Since you don't know what range was in there, odds are the amp will need a bias adjustment once the new tubes are installed. It's something the shop would check anyway and they will probably factor it into a quote.

Mesa and a few others make "fixed bias" amps, which have no provision for adjusting bias. Tubes sold for those amps are in a narrower specification and you just clean the sockets, plug 'em in and play.