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Musician thread

I've wanted to attend the Bruce Egnater amp building seminar ever since I heard this beastly thing 17 years ago. Yes the video is in 240p lol. :p

It doesn’t have little orange LEDs inside to try to make you think it has tubes though.
The THR-5 and THR-10 were the first of Yamaha’s modeling practice amps. There have been some other variants of the THR-10 since then and they have released the THR-30, with a little more go-loud and more models.

They all have orange LEDs.
Well, I’m not sure they thought they were fooling anyone, but yes, they do have a “tube glow.”
For those who have the Spark amp, is it ok using the app on a phone? My iPad is the OG mini and it doesn’t support modern apps so I’d have to get a new one. The phone seems small and tedious...

I have everything but the guitar so I haven’t even opened the box yet.
The amp works fine without a phone but the phone gives you access to features you can’t use without it. Some of these are the stuff like the automatic backing tracks, being able to play songs from YouTube to jam with, get chord charts to these songs, etc. The functionality you might miss more is being able to store amp settings, download ones other people have created and change some settings that aren’t editable via the knobs, like what kind of overdrive pedal or delay is in the signal chain and their various settings.

I’d recommend having a phone or tablet that supports the app to get the most out of the thing. Without it, you’d miss out on roughly half of the amp’s functionality.
The amp works fine without a phone but the phone gives you access to features you can’t use without it. Some of these are the stuff like the automatic backing tracks, being able to play songs from YouTube to jam with, get chord charts to these songs, etc. The functionality you might miss more is being able to store amp settings, download ones other people have created and change some settings that aren’t editable via the knobs, like what kind of overdrive pedal or delay is in the signal chain and their various settings.

I’d recommend having a phone or tablet that supports the app to get the most out of the thing. Without it, you’d miss out on roughly half of the amp’s functionality.

Oh yeah I’m definitely going to use the app I’m stoked to get all those effects without spending a fortune on gear. Mostly just wondering if a phone screen is too small vs a tablet.
The phone screen should be fine. I’ve used it both ways and usually default to a phone now, since that’s what I probably have on me.
I ordered a Spark yesterday because of the bundle deal. Hope it lives up to the hype.
I already use a Line 6 Firehawk FX so i am hip to the crazy modeling available these day. Jam feature looks cool.
The jam feature has been a bit hokie for me. I just can't seem to get it to something I really like. It works, for sure, but it's not a major selling point for me. I especially enjoy hooking into my MacBook and laying tracks down with GarageBand. Then I just sync everything up and play it back through the Spark while jamming along with it. :thumbup