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Musician thread

I've been an avid Ampeg fan since 1998, and haven't used any Amps or Cabs other than them. However... I'd really like to purchase the following and I'm wondering if any of ya'll have had experience with them.



I sold all my heads/cabs when I moved to Australia/Europe, so now I need to re-buy. At home I practice through my Ampeg 1x15 combo with my Ampeg SCR-DI and a few effects for compression, envelope in the chain. But I'm starting a new project and need a gigging rig that sounds purrrfect.
Personally, when I was playing bass full time, I couldn't understand the need for a tube amp when it comes to bass. The tonal nuances just aren't there with bass frequencies IMO. In fact, I got to the point where I was just DI'ing into the FoH from a rack-sized pre-amp with no on-stage speaker at all if you don't count the monitors. Hell, one of the best in the business, Geddy Lee, went that route many years ago too.

I'm curious why you're looking to break away from Ampeg which is basically the gold standard for bass amplification, right? Or at least they used to be. :dunno

Hmmm...maybe Ashdown too but even there amps only have tubes in the preamp section too.
He might not want to deal with the weight. It looks like that Orange is combining a tube preamp with a class D power amp.
He might not want to deal with the weight. It looks like that Orange is combining a tube preamp with a class D power amp.

Ampeg offers that in a small package too with the Portaflex series as does Ashdown with the Rootmaster series. That's why I asked. :thumbup
What's the opinion on Bruce Egnater amps?

Beau found one for me and shipped it to Mexico.
It was the Tweaker 30 iirc? Very capable amp. They had some xformer issues but mine had already been addressed.
There seems to be quite a market for Chinese tube amps. I think a few of them are out there now.
Honestly, I just wanted to try something new. I've been playing through SVT4 Pros with 8x10 cabs for a while and it always gave me what I needed. So my next experiments would've been to go SVT Classic as I love the tube growl or give Orange a go. I also think my play styles diff from most hobby bassists as I tend to roll with a Nolly tone but for Jazz/Funk and it works really well.

Nevertheless, right now I'm just gigging and doing some studio work for a musical I'm working on. I've heard from some semi-pro friends who have switched to Orange from Ampeg and haven't looked back - but they never really gave me solid reasons why - hence my question here.
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I've been an avid Ampeg fan since 1998, and haven't used any Amps or Cabs other than them. However... I'd really like to purchase the following and I'm wondering if any of ya'll have had experience with them.



I sold all my heads/cabs when I moved to Australia/Europe, so now I need to re-buy. At home I practice through my Ampeg 1x15 combo with my Ampeg SCR-DI and a few effects for compression, envelope in the chain. But I'm starting a new project and need a gigging rig that sounds purrrfect.
Sorry I don’t have any useful info for you, but I do have a question. When will the EU start allowing gigs?

I picked up the guitar again after a looong hiatus in 2018 and decided I wanted to perform again in 2019. Yeah, that worked out great. It’s been a frustrating bust here. Closest I could come was an old bandmate’s invite to sit in at creepy house parties. Um, no thx.
Sorry I don’t have any useful info for you, but I do have a question. When will the EU start allowing gigs?

Eeek, I can only speak for Germany/Switzerland. "Rumors" state in Summer everything will open up again. I live a short walk from Backstage which is a popular venue for smaller Rock concerts (think Slims in SF) and apart the times where we're on "lockdown" they're allowed to have Gigs in the Open Area (which is their Night Beer Garden, Nachtbiergarten) but this is usually for local bands as the turnouts are fairly low.
Anthony, I'm curious, where are you gigging that you still feel you need an 8X10 cab? Or was I misunderstanding you? Are you stating that you used to use that but aren't necessarily looking for the same thing now? If that's the case, I get it. Lugging around an 8X10 must have been an absolute pain in the ass.

I never played bass in a room larger than about 300-500 people and for that, I was using a 2X10 cab or a 2X12 cab depending on the music style I was playing. The amp was a Bassman 400 combo which had the 2X10s and I just added a 2X12 cab if needed...which wasn't really all that often. That's the amp that I almost always DI'd into front of house anyway but it could definitely push enough air to thump a 500-person room if need be.

500 watts seems like a lot to me, but I've been away from bass for years now.
I have an ampeg 8x10 cab w/a galien Kruger 800rb head. Sometimes you just need to remind the neighbors what Orion sounds like