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Musician thread

What little skill I once had in that dept has long since atrophied. But honestly? Although I for sure believe a solid grasp of notation can help an individual delve a little deeper, I refuse to believe it’s absolutely necessary. Great music can be created without classical notation imo.

But I think the Sibelius thing has a ton of potential, so I might try to knock off the dust a bit. At least in Cmaj.:laughing
I watched a video yesterday about the history of the guitar and what instruments led up to it. At one point, it was explained that tablature was actually used for centuries before guitar music notation was used. Interesting!
A couple of those sounded awful. And I don’t mean just to my western ears either lol

In other news, Neural DSP plug-ins 50% off until 4/19. If anyone has ever been curious, now’s a good time. Audition em for free and purchase the one or two that suit.

I have zero financial interest in these products, I just think they’re a pretty amazing bang for your buck
Focusing on improv lately because I’m not satisfied with mine. Revisiting the previously mentioned concept of playing over simple progressions I went a step further and have been improvising over simple single note drones. Tracked in the usual keys with a Roli seaboard preset on endless loop droning away.

Feels good. Enlightening too, particularly in a board navigation sense. Not knowing where the fuck I am in a progression is happening a little less often lately. But just a little less.;)
It'd be great to revisit BARF jams. Any other ideas for how we might do something online? Zoom is an option, though not sure how helpful it could be.
The zoom thing was more of a playful joke, really. But a real online collaboration is easy. I collab with a small handful of guys online now. All one needs is:
-the ability to small desk record(laptop, interface,daw)at home
-a free Dropbox acct
-an email addy

Record track(s), download to Dropbox, send em to the next guy. Fun!

I know one instructor. He’s been back to in person for quite some time, but did use Skype for a few months last year. :dunno
Yeah my gf teaches cello, violin, guitar and piano and her school is still on zoom lessons. They have been talking about vaccinated teachers being able to come back to in person by the end of April tho
I love cello. Aside from guitar, it’s the most expressive instrument to my ear. During my long guitar hiatus I purchased a used student cello(still $1300 tho :wtf) and took lessons for 3mo. It was a beautiful thing, but ultimately the ergos of playing cello just hurt too much to pursue it.

I still keep the instrument in good working condition and draw a bow once in awhile. Speaking of bows, when I first started, a friend gifted me her 3rd backup bow as encouragement. During my first lesson my instructors eyes bugged out and she asked me where I got the bow. It’s worth in excess of $3500.

A freakin lil piece of wood with horsehair. Her THIRD backup bow. $3500 :wtf
A freakin lil piece of wood with horsehair. Her THIRD backup bow. $3500 :wtf

Yes, they're crazy. My son's first nice bow broke at the tip, splitting along the grain. He got a replacement, but I made a repair by gluing the split back together and pinning across the break with a thin brass rod and epoxy. You can make out the hairline where the finish was disturbed by the split. The brass rod is the little dot on top of the tip of the bow:

Have you ever considered getting an electric cello? My gf has an NS design electric cello (made by the same guy who made those headless steinberger guitars in the 80s/90s) and she loves the thing. We recently went out to a cabin near Yosemite and she brought it and we played led zeppelin covers that echoed through the canyon. It sounds great too
Yes, they're crazy. My son's first nice bow broke at the tip, splitting along the grain. He got a replacement, but I made a repair by gluing the split back together and pinning across the break with a thin brass rod and epoxy. You can make out the hairline where the finish was disturbed by the split. The brass rod is the little dot on top of the tip of the bow:

I had NO idea the thing was so valuable. When the sentimental value is also considered, man, if it ever became damaged due to my negligence I’d be sick to my stomach for weeks.
Have you ever considered getting an electric cello? My gf has an NS design electric cello (made by the same guy who made those headless steinberger guitars in the 80s/90s) and she loves the thing. We recently went out to a cabin near Yosemite and she brought it and we played led zeppelin covers that echoed through the canyon. It sounds great too


Those fret markers would have been pretty dang convenient. My funky micro-tones were annoying AF.

I’m curious though, how would an electric be any different ergo-wise than an acoustic? My left shoulder didn’t like holding my hand up near my left ear for hours. And my right tricep/rear deltoid started showing odd muscle development from all the bowing.

I’ve been a regular gym goer for 35yrs and I look the part. It may just be vanity, or an overdriven sense of aesthetics because it’s my body, but asymmetric tricep development is a hard no.

Edit...she plays standing up? Or she’s 6’8”?
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