ok, i was wrong

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Now he resorts to directly attacking other members.

"SuperStar" NOT!

My guess is that he failed to spell R.I.P.

I hope thats not the case.

Pyschochick. How about staying out of my threads and stick to making you T4M erotic service posts on CL.

:rofl :rofl

I just cant avoid your threads, they provide me with endless entertainment while at work.

As for the CL thing, dude, I told you not to tell anyone, that was supposed to be on the DL. :hand
he LIED about a domestic violence episode where he looks like a hero?!??!

what an absolute canker sore of a human being.
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Now he resorts to directly attacking other members.

"SuperStar" NOT!


Yeah, definitely not the first time he has done this. Anyway, ok I gotta stop this, done with BARF for the day, otherwise "F" in final.
This is the one of those few times that I'm glad humans have a natural predisposition for a mob menatlity. The lynching you're receiving is well deserved.

I know, I know. You "don't give a fuck!" and thus I have every reason to believe you will be using new name on a diff board to fabricate such stories of heroism, in the near future, it not presently!
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OK..this is bad.....HR just stopped by and gave me a little lecture about surfing at work.......and I'm the freakin' web guy......this damn "ass nut" is gonna get me written up with his antics.....

it's like a drug....or, at least a bucket of ice cream i can't stop eating.....please gawd....make it stop........i can't turn away.....

Get yourself an iPhone or some other smartphone and hope your company's wifi reaches the bathroom. Anyone asks why you're in there so long, you say you had some bad beef and cheese. You won't be bothered for the rest of the day.
The original thread has been moved and is currently in the Recycled Bin.

I hate when I find out about good drama only after the post gets tossed. It's like all those "LOL look @ this CL's ad!!!111!" posts with just a link instead of quoted text. That ASCII cow can go fuck itself!
Man now I really wish I had gone past page one of the original post (I do have it set to 20 or 40 posts per page)
This certainly is entertaining....sad, but entertaining.

Much like what happens with the REPOST and M4M threads, I have a feeling that future threads started by sNA01 will be quickly replied to with...



You reap what you sow.
OK..this is bad.....HR just stopped by and gave me a little lecture about surfing at work.......and I'm the freakin' web guy......this damn "ass nut" is gonna get me written up with his antics.....

it's like a drug....or, at least a bucket of ice cream i can't stop eating.....please gawd....make it stop........i can't turn away.....

Then you should be ablt to proxy or tunnel or some ish. :p
I made a thread based on the original thread by the OP and now everyone thinks I'm emo....:(

someone hugz me and read me some poetry....
You got called on your Bullshit.

(IMO) You're less of a man for making up such a story.

Your credibility is SHOT on BARF.

Crawl into a hole and disappear already.


I've been waiting since the first of the year... but it hasn't happened yet :(

Pyschochick. How about staying out of my threads and stick to making you T4M erotic service posts on CL.

Why are you always bringing up some kind of sexual insult? In the other threads/forums you're calling out "faggots' left and right... are you secretly obsessed with them?

what an absolute canker sore of a human being.

+1 when the time comes... i can't give out any more rep... the epic failure thread from yesturday stole all my rep for 24 hours.

And the fact that you say you fabricated stories to see the response people give on the internet... then spouting off about people "not having a life" for checking your BS history. Talk about not having a life.
I made a thread based on the original thread by the OP and now everyone thinks I'm emo....:(

someone hugz me and read me some poetry....

I wish you smiles!
For the world is a wonderful and beautiful place with love in your heart and a smile on your face!
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