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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

If I flaunt it I'd probably end up in jail. Guy wearing a certain kind of costume. "I don't think I'm a mushroom".
If I flaunt it I'd probably end up in jail. Guy wearing a certain kind of costume. "I don't think I'm a mushroom".
that’s what i’m sayin’ lol. i swear i can’t even hear a man’s voice without thinking what he’s got under the hood. yeah, it’s an obsession.
So that tornado that came through around memorial weekend brought some nasty lightning with it. 99.9% sure it struck either my house or the line near my house cuz I wound up with a fried television, router, and subwoofer. All were on the same circuit and surge protector. Had an extra tv laying around from juggling two properties in the past, so not the end of the world, but it was my "nice" tv, so kinda bummed.
Major, Bummer, I’d be pissed if three devices and tv burned, too.

….it’s… perhaps better than an alternative of fire or structures 😮

yeah I guess not the end of the world, another 📺 huh? I barely watch much nowadays
So that tornado that came through around memorial weekend brought some nasty lightning with it. 99.9% sure it struck either my house or the line near my house cuz I wound up with a fried television, router, and subwoofer. All were on the same circuit and surge protector. Had an extra tv laying around from juggling two properties in the past, so not the end of the world, but it was my "nice" tv, so kinda bummed.
RSL makes great bang for buck subwoofers.
So that tornado that came through around memorial weekend brought some nasty lightning with it. 99.9% sure it struck either my house or the line near my house cuz I wound up with a fried television, router, and subwoofer. All were on the same circuit and surge protector. Had an extra tv laying around from juggling two properties in the past, so not the end of the world, but it was my "nice" tv, so kinda bummed.
Look on the bright side! It just gave you an excuse to get a new (larger) TV anyway, right? 😜

Good thing TVs are so cheap at Costco! :laughing
Good morning! I see I missed an LB appearance.
Digging this new barf format.

Off to the City to help Lucy.
Also, I recently learned that lightening actually goes from the ground to the clouds, so not sure why I still used the "struck my house" phrase. Probably one of those things I'll never properly use in the English language.
Also, I recently learned that lightening actually goes from the ground to the clouds, so not sure why I still used the "struck my house" phrase. Probably one of those things I'll never properly use in the English language.
can't possibly be true.

oh, perhaps it's the same as what you did when you licked the 9V battery. But this electricity discharged by itself! The battery only had to be nearby by accident.
Like lightening isn't the same thing as lightning? :teeth

Yeah, basically J's house tried to kill the sky. Bad house!
Dorks :p
can't possibly be true.

oh, perhaps it's the same as what you did when you licked the 9V battery. But this electricity discharged by itself! The battery only had to be nearby by accident.
Why can't it be? Ground to cloud and cloud to cloud. Google it : twofinger
What sub was it before it fried?
18" PSA, I wanna say v1811 is the part #.