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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Hello!! Shopping for motorcycle...damn barf ant the ADV ride forum :rant
Have a wedding to go to today in San Diego. I've said it before, this fairly big group of friends who I've been catching up with yesterday and this morning and afternoon, we aren't really friends of convenience.

Over the past 15ish years, we've had big get-togethers that wasn't just because someone got married or someone's birthday.

I'm sure when we all get back to the hotel from the reception is going to be an absolute clown show. 🥳
That’s pretty cool. It’s good that you have a good city like San Diego within a driving distance
I hope you are having fun.

Just heard-Violence solves everything. UFC announcer.
Kinda niche, no? How about a WR250R? Pretty great yep/stony bike. Ultra reliable, wring it out on twisties and trails all day long.
Kinda niche, no? How about a WR250R? Pretty great yep/stony bike. Ultra reliable, wring it out on twisties and trails all day long.
Skyscraper :( not comfortable on street already have Beta 430.
Good morning! I have a dog in my lap.
Buddy has the Svart, fun bike, but it has KTM "quirks" and he doesn't find it pleasant for longer rides, good for overnight trips at best, but it is good for hooning.
Lying on the couch and trying to drink coffee without sitting up, it's gonna be that kinda Sunday I think. Back to back 400 mile days on the DRZ was tough on the ol' body.
:wow 400😱


Rise and shine! Sending you positive energy for the day!

^ content of a spam text message: 😲
I'm getting "recruiter" spam now, so that's gonna be complicated when I start applying for jerbs.
Gotta go retrieve my car (which I hope is still there) over in Glen Park, so I guess I'll be getting a short walk in today.
Oh it was Forest Hill, not Glen Park, car was still there, so maybe that is my new stash spot, very convenient, takes longer to drive there than it does to take Muni and everyone has garages there slow very few cars on the street. Now it's time for brunch.