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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Anyhoo, subi is back in business after a radiator and plug change. Found out where all my oil is going lol. Thing is painful to drive now after test driving those new cars. Point A to B tho!
So that tornado that came through around memorial weekend brought some nasty lightning with it. 99.9% sure it struck either my house or the line near my house cuz I wound up with a fried television, router, and subwoofer. All were on the same circuit and surge protector. Had an extra tv laying around from juggling two properties in the past, so not the end of the world, but it was my "nice" tv, so kinda bummed.
The TV, router and subwoofer protected the surge protector by blowing first.
the wind was right it turned in to a busy day but now I'm home sipping a Summerfest.
oh yeah , now you want to get swatted


maybe it's the channel

Lightening is just lightning that eats fewer calories.

Mmm coffee and another day of riding, the spirit is willing, the ass is wishing I had bought a better seat for the DRZ 😵‍💫😄
I ate two slices of cakes (smallish) last night after dinner on our probono volunteer party. At a bar. Saw a racoon

Good times
Am I the only one that find it hilarious when people are just riding in a straight line hollering like they're doing something crazy? To me it's like going for a walk in a park with your pals yelling "yeahhhh!" "whooooo!". Feels like there's an untapped comedy bit of groups doing mundane things, but yelling like it's nuts.

Do you mean a Hollywood actor going in a straight line with a cruiser and going yeaaaaaaah ?

Well anyway I thought that's what Hamacho does
It's a scene in The Bikeriders. I'm sure there's more going on, but in the trailer it looks ridiculous, like it would be more fitting if he sank a putt at mini golf.