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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Sounds like my kid is buying that ninja250 in classifieds.

Be on the lookout for helmet/jacket/glove deals please.
This guy.

Wheelies keep you free. Barbie Beta and the little zapper pretty much live on the rear wheel.
We've been having to do some repairs to the front and back decks and coat them and it's fiiiiiinally on the home stretch. The back deck is the sucky one because it has wood and metal railing, so I had to tape off the top and bottom of a bunch of bars. The kid's been a huge help with the tedious brush word. It's actually been kind of a fun project, just not to much having to rush. I like doing these types of things at my own slacker pace.
Walked to 24th and Alabama last night for a burrito, then took a Waymo home, it was worth it. Collateral damage is that there is a donut shop over there that the S/O likes so now I have an apple fritter sitting next to my coffee. Apples make it healthy, right?
Ooo apple fritter. Byke, good on you doing dem projects.
They pumped me full of painkillers yesterday and I’m still loopy.