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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I like my Pitbull stands. Does Onder do textile repairs? Also, I guess I really should get around to fixing up the Golf before that timing belt snaps. I'm just slightly embarrassed to hand it to a mechanic in it's current state :laughing
Maybe if I ask nice. And take it (the golf) to my friend Eric. He won't judge. He's in Santa Rosa, so he's far, but he does great work and he keeps fixing fuckboy. :D
I am in a drug induced cloud weeee! Just woke up and notice 2 big black shepherds are in bed with me :laughing
apologies for political content, but that was too good of a setup
Watch out the those pink elephants...

Got out and did a ride given the nice weather, 23 miles up and over San Bruno mountain and back, guess it's been a while as it was harder than I'm used to, but hey, got it done, at lunch, now I should figure out my afternoon I suppose.
a couple of side cars have come up for sale on this site, all you need is sheep
Watch out the those pink elephants...

Got out and did a ride given the nice weather, 23 miles up and over San Bruno mountain and back, guess it's been a while as it was harder than I'm used to, but hey, got it done, at lunch, now I should figure out my afternoon I suppose.
I post a mountain bike,
One goes for a mountain bike ride..

"Wonder how that happened" :rofl