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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I love @peterhively . We are riding in the Sierra foothills with a bunch of nerds this weekend. I told him that he and I were going to ride like girls and now we're talking about team flare. He made some little stickers for our bikes. I am dying laughing. :applause
Depending on where you are a whole house fan can be a game changer.
Already have one. The game doesn't change until the sun goes down and that's frequently too late for comfort.
I'm surprised you've made it this long!
Prior to installing solar panels it would have been prohibitively expensive to run...for a tightwad like me anyway. I figure any money lost to inflation on the install is offset by money saved the last 5 years with no a/c. :laughing
At least get a window unit!
I have a room unit that does surprisingly well if I'm on top of cooling the house down at night/morning. I run it in the living room to keep it at an acceptable level and have a second one if the day requires it.
Man I saw one at a house we looked out where it looked more commercial grade, if that's a thing, and the homeowner framed the house for it and it looked pro. About as good as a window unit could possibly look and it was a-ok. Of course there's the whole, "what happens when this one breaks" thing lol.
Mini Splits are unbelievably expensive unless you DIY.
Mini Splits are unbelievably expensive unless you DIY.
Interesting! I never had to deal with HVAC crap in California but out here, we priced out upgrading our HVAC system to include the tiki bar in the basement that we're building and it turns out the mini-split was cheaper to have the contractor install over just extending the existing HVAC to the basement as well. :dunno
House has central heating and the system has been prepped for a/c already. I basically just need to run power and refrigerant lines to where ever I install the exchange unit.
Unless it is ludicrously more expensive I'd rather upgrade existing house unit for a/c than install mini splits.
That's how our house was. The guy that built it was one of those, "oh it's cool here so you don't need A/C" assholes. We had to have someone come out and add the condenser, run power, etc. Think it was ~$5k ten years ago.