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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Same here


(AKA went to "*$")
I can get a fro if my hair is long and it happens to be windy when I am walking home from high school swimming practice. This is why my hair is always short-ish now.

TAP plastics was awesome, got a few things getting cut for me and I'll pick them up tomorrow, got some steps in and I'm now either working on my resume and applying for jobs or having a drink at Zeitgeist. Also the wind has arrived and it's annoying.
Well I have in fact been working on the resume, trying use AI to improve my bullet points. I have now demonstrated I will be good at following our new overlords directions when the day comes.
yeah, I just did a 13.5 mi ride and the west-ward wind was quite a lot--annoying. TBH , I feel quite slow (old).

ah.. noted you're either having a drink.. or not. 🤣 I guess I can note I can also be having a drink.. or working :LOL:


nice route above, including the Great Highway.

oh noes? 2nd messagepost? Congratulations on your progress!!!
How on earth do I leave a rating for a buyer on FB??

Fuuuuuuck I hate FB!!!
The smoke detector in the hall doesn't like it when I make smash burgers. But the burgers are damn tasty!
Bad wind blowing.
Dock is coming apart.
Mornin whores.

Got the results back from the MRI on my lower back. Not exactly fubar'd but it's in much worse shape than I realized. The discomfort definitely wasn't just in my head so that's nice to know at least.
Hopefully they'll give me better directions than just "exercise and stretch" cause that ain't cuttin it any more.
I'm sure that'll be part of it. They've been giving me a list of exercises and stretches to do which usually help, but the past few months at most it alleviates it for a day or so and then it comes back with a vengeance.
That's why I went to get the X-ray and mri.
I need to have my doctor decipher all the medical jargon and tell me exactly what's happening, and what can be done.
And if it's nothing but pain medication for the rest of my life I'm somewhat okay with that, I just want to know. Right now I don't know if certain exercises or movements are going to help or if they're contributing to existing issues.