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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

As far as my shoulder goes, one doctor told me a while ago that pull-ups and just hanging from a bar is beneficial.. now that we found out I have a torn rotator cuff those things are most certainly not good at all.
Probably varying degrees of degenerative disc disease and herniations. Maybe some surgery to clean up any bits poking nerves and maybe even fuse a couple of the really bad ones. My aunt had a couple fused and it was a game changer. My uncle had the cleanup done and it was a game changer for a while, but then things went back to how they were.
Mornin whores.

Got the results back from the MRI on my lower back. Not exactly fubar'd but it's in much worse shape than I realized. The discomfort definitely wasn't just in my head so that's nice to know at least.
Hopefully they'll give me better directions than just "exercise and stretch" cause that ain't cuttin it any more.
Sorry to hear. I'm in the same boat. They have tried PT to begin with and so far, that's made it worse.
As far as my shoulder goes, one doctor told me a while ago that pull-ups and just hanging from a bar is beneficial.. now that we found out I have a torn rotator cuff those things are most certainly not good at all.
"Vote for doctors" SMH..no , no! I'm being sarcastic!


Do I need an abandoned rusty air compressor off the street? It's the 1 ft cylindrical sausage shaped type ...with a three prong electric cord.

Man, these finds 😱
Yeah I'm sure the bulk of it is simple age-related degeneration. I'm not special, neither is my back.
Sucks Meandad. I'll trade you a bum kidney for a bad shoulder? We can trade back later . Our bodies are traitorous things, the whole time we're young they do what we ask then overnight they turn on us :mad
I had back surgery 2 years ago September. Shooting sciatica like pains down my leg, and it was so bad I had to go for a 10 min walk before I could pee in the morning. All better now.
Dandelion!!! :love I'm up for back and knees. That Sciatica is evil. Kevin, You have always been a fit guy AFAIK, I'd say treat your body like a worn clutch, you may be prescribed exercises that argue with the worn parts.
I know I have a hard time watching other peopledo my work but I'm learning to back off.
spondylolisthesis here , doing Tai chi regularly keeps it in check but if I get lazy I'll be walking with a cane.
I've had some pretty extreme back sets, the one ton chair probably takes the cake but I think I was an inch taller for couple of months after that.
spondylolisthesis here , doing Tai chi regularly keeps it in check but if I get lazy I'll be walking with a cane.
I've had some pretty extreme back sets, the one ton chair probably takes the cake but I think I was an inch taller for couple of months after that.
What is the one ton chair?
Good catching AE for an adult beverage last night, we the smoked out the place cooking chicken in the le crueset cast iron griddle, not enough ventilation in our place for that kinda cooking, but, I'm trying to do chicken salads more often for dinner so now I'm set on chicken bits for a while.

My body is slowly rebelling already, I'm not a fan, I should really keep up on weight training and stretching more than I do. Luckily so far while my back is a dull ache all day while riding, it never gets worse than that and goes back to a happy state each evening. My little pavement surfing experiment managed to piss of the shoulder I tore the rotator cuff in years ago, but as of now it's probably 95% healed up. I probably need to find someone in sports medicine who can help me work out all the kinks in my upper body though.

Picking up my TAP plastics goodies today, then it'll be time to hang some stuff on the walls.
What is the one ton chair?
it was a table that I got put in a corset and that was hooked to the top of the table and my legs were lashed to a movable bottom of the table and once my back was in line the bottom of the table was dropped thus stretching my spine with a the weight of the bottom of the table. I think the bottom of the table was about a half ton.
it was a table that I got put in a corset and that was hooked to the top of the table and my legs were lashed to a movable bottom of the table and once my back was in line the bottom of the table was dropped thus stretching my spine with a the weight of the bottom of the table. I think the bottom of the table was about a half ton.
I believe this was used as a torture device in medieval times.