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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Our neighbor's dog barks at critters at night, which makes our dog bark. They've met and are fine, but......teh barks, so much bark. I just really don't want to be the obnoxious ones in the neighborhood.
We trained Jack from a very young age not to be "that dog" in the neighborhood. The people two doors down from us (moved here from Folsom) have two GSDs that bark incessantly every few hours regardless if it's day or night. :mad
Yeah that sucks. My old coworker basically admitted to killing his neighbors barking dog. :/
oooh wtf did I just read. : |


anyway I actually unbungled that compressor a bit. I couldn't believe I could actually disassemble some joints. So I put tape around 3 of them and I think it sealed better. The machine managed to turn itself off for the first time in my posession.

but I still think there's some leak. The hole at the PressureSwith/unloader is actually f-ked up. The thread is visibly mangled. A new switch is $29.95 online...
If you’re reluctant to get the replacement part ( the best fix, arguably) you might be able to seal the threads with plumber’s putty. That will fill irregularities that tape cannot. If you try that, let it cure overnight before pressurizing it.
We don't. Basically our plan is to try to find a house that's okay with our pet baggage and if we get down to a week with nothing solid, then we're heading to CL for an RV and trying to find a hipcamp spot or, heaven forbid, find a NF spot. I do have a buddy in Auburn that would be okay with us staying there, but he has dogs too and I think it would be a long hot miserable barking nightmare of a summer.
i’m way the fuck in oregon but have a fenced yard and a 30x40 RV cover.
You do ehhhhh...?


And thank you kindly. Hopefully it doesn't come down to having to impose on anyone.
Yeah that sucks. My old coworker basically admitted to killing his neighbors barking dog. :/
Wow...I just...I don't know that I could ever reach that level of annoyance. The thing is, the neighbor in between us was telling me that when they moved in, the guy came over to "warn" them about their dogs. Apparently at some point in the past, they broke out of their yard in Folsom and attacked and killed another dog in the neighborhood. The story goes that they had to pay well into the five figures to keep the city and/or county from putting the dogs down. So they come here, build these kennels for them and basically leave them outside in these kennels nearly 24 hours a day. The owner told my neighbor that the dogs could get agitated and jump the fence and he should "keep an eye on his kids" when they're outside when the dogs are. In the most "Welcome to Tennessee" thing my neighbor could say to the owner, he tells me said, "Thanks for the warning. I'm also going to warning you that if your dogs get through or over the fence and get anywhere near my kids, I will shoot them. It's your job to restrain your dogs, not mine to watch all the time if your dogs that you clearly can't control get free of your yard."

I don't know about the shooting part, but I definitely agree with the last part.
What he told that guy was the right thing to say, even if he has no intention of shooting the dogs, because that neighbor is treating that potential way too casually. Build an 8ft high concrete wall, or rehome the dogs to someone willing to put the time in, friggin something. It's extra weird because folsom and rio linda don't sound anything alike.
Soooo, I live up here and have dogs. I have also had a pair of dogs from up the street try and attack my horses. My neighbor (who's husband is a Lt Sheriff's deputy) told me to go get a gun and shoot them. Instead my donkey came at the aggressive dog fast. I ended up corraling the fucking un-neutered, unlicensed dog and saving his life. It would not have been the first dog our donkey has killed. And she would have without hesitation.

Our dogs are idiots and bark at people walking by. It sucks. I try and stop it but hey,m I live out here. I also don't leave my dogs outside all day/ night.

Byke, you only have one dog? Call me if you get desperate. We have room and the wifey won't be happy, but we do have a hookup, etc.
If you’re reluctant to get the replacement part ( the best fix, arguably) you might be able to seal the threads with plumber’s putty. That will fill irregularities that tape cannot. If you try that, let it cure overnight before pressurizing it.
Coolio! I'll try re-doing with more tape and putty or sealant. :love 🪕

so I checked, and I already have both plumbers' putty (gray dou, 1/4 pint) and "PTFE thread compound" - do you really mean the putty, or should I try the more-liquid pipe-thread-compound instead? Apparently that compound also needs curing time. Don't think I knew that.
Animals are the ones holding the leash on their owners
says the guy who just got the cat. 🐈

in other news, at @N4teTheGreat’s suggestion i’m starting a moto commune at my house. thumpers and twins welcome.

sorry, no i4s. :x
Coolio! I'll try re-doing with more tape and putty or sealant. :love 🪕

so I checked, and I already have both plumbers' putty (gray dou, 1/4 pint) and "PTFE thread compound" - do you really mean the putty, or should I try the more-liquid pipe-thread-compound instead? Apparently that compound also needs curing time. Don't think I knew that.
The compound is probably the better choice. For any fitting where you're using the compound, don't use the tape.
i’m so happy you adopted a black kitty. they’re my favorites. my son had an angel of a cat named marvin. he was a big, solid lug of a cat with the softest, silkiest black fur. he passed away and we all miss him. he’d demand i hold him like a baby and pet his tummy.
1. I don't think I've been here since prior to Roxy's passing so I feel like I need to say something. We had been out of touch for years but we reconnected when she got engaged and the person I got to be friends with again was just absolutely jubilant and the most confident I had ever seen her. We harassed each other with extreme sport videos on Insta almost every day and regularly chatted about various misadventures. I only realized she had passed weeks after the messages had stopped because I just figured that she was busy living her life--Facebook sleuthing well after the fact wasn't the way I wanted to find out. I regret that I couldn't make it to a mountain biking trip she invited me out to--I figured I could make the next trip, a trip that will never come. There really isn't a point to bringing this up other than that I wanted to share somewhere with people who knew her that she was so intensely happy until the end.

2. ...*what* happened here??

3. I might buy a Grom. Am I making a mistake? What do I need to know?

4. Should I move to Washington or Nevada so I can stop paying state income tax?
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Speaking of that, septic inspection tomorrow morning. Four hour well test starting right now, home inspection also tomorrow morning, house cleaner tomorrow afternoon, and another walk thru on Thursday. This week is a little sucky, but at least it's condensed.